Keaton X Shy Reader

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"I got it where I want it..." Keaton said as he got into a crouch position, his tail wagging back and forth ever so cutely.

You stared at him as you were coming back from the weapons store to get some arrows for you new class. His tail wagging was what really got you attention as a faint blush appeared on your cheeks. It was too cute and you giggled as you shyly got closer to him, but just enough distance between you both.

Keaton suddenly lunged and caught a beetle with a nice color of gold on it's back while it's whole body was black. Keaton smiled as he played with the beetle in his hand. "This baby's my new treasure! I've never seen anything like it!"

You gasped in quiet awe at the small bug in his hand as it was cool and nothing you've ever seen before. Keaton's wolf like ears picked up your gasped as turned around and saw you looking over his back. You squeaked and blush, trying to hide your face behind your cape, but then remembered you changed classes.

"Oh (y/n)! You're just in time to see my newest treasure!" He came up to you as you felt your heart hammering against your chest, this couldn't be happening... it just couldn't...

"R-Really...?" You replied meekly.

"Yep! See this? This is a rare beetle and ones like these can only be caught once in every thousandths years! They say it bring you good luck if you found this beetle."

"O-Oh wow..." You stared at the bug as it's black hollowed eyes stared right back at you.

Keaton smiled as he grabbed your wrist gently, earning a tiny squeak from you which he found way to cute, and put the beetle in your hand. "Why don't you keep the beetle? I mean, you're running an army and we need the good luck we can get in this place."

"R-Really...? T-Thanks... Keaton..." You said as you shyly took a look at his dark ruby eyes.

A tint of pink appeared on his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his head shyly, his tail wagging a tiny bit behind him. "J-Just be glad I gave you one of my treasures..."

He quickly walked away and hopped the wagging would stop, but you couldn't help but laugh as his tail didn't seem to stop for days on end.

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