Chapter 1

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<~Flare's POV~>

I sat in the rafters of my Mom's gym, my two Pokemon in their circular Pokeballs on my waist, attatched to my hip. I let out a sigh as I heard commands being given,"Lunatone, use Ancient Power!" A young boy's voice called.

"Luna! To~ne." The Meteorite Pokemon called, it's eyes glowing as chunks of rocks lifted off the battlefield, heading straight for my Mom's Pokemon.

"Unfezant, Dodge it!" She said swiftly, the Pokemon quickly replying with a 'Fez!' Before shooting up at an incredible speed,"Now Unfezant! Get close and use Night Slash!"

I know what you're probably thinking,'Night Slash? On an Unfezant?' Yes. My Mom's Unfezant knows Night Slash, and damn did they work for it.

The Boy didn't know how to react as Unfezant charged at his Lunatone, his wings stopping him close as he closed them close to him, forcing out an 'X' shaped ray of Dark. It hit the Lunatone,"Lunatone! Are you alright?!" The Boy cried out.

Unfezant flapped his wings slowly, the only noise heard was that single movement,


Until the dust cleared, revealing Lunatone, fainted. I smirked and watched the ref raise her hand,"Lunatone is unable to battle! The Challenger, Issac Larus, has run out of usable Pokemon, which means the winner of this match is Sienna Valire, the Gym Leader!" She boomed, her voice echoing as My Mom walked across the field to Unfezant, whispering some encouraging words to The Proud Pokemon before returning him to his Pokeball.

She turned towards the Boy, Issac, a smile on her face,"You were great, as were your Lunatone and Krabby. Train up just a little more, and come challenge me again. Ok?" She said, her hands on her knees so she could look the small boy in the eyes.

Issac grinned at her,"Of course ma'am!" His gaze went towards me,"Or maybe I can fight you Miss Flare!" He called, giggling and running out of the gym.

I rolled my eyes at him as he left, hanging down from the rafters and dropping. I landed on the ground, my knees bending deeply so I didn't get hurt, as I straightened up, brushing myself off. I crossed my arms and looked at my Mom, glancing at the Ref, Sandy or something, before looking back at her.

She looked almost nothing like me, her hair long and dirty blonde, her eyes a pale green, her skin pale and frail, like a delicate flower, just recently bloomed. She always wore long dresses, all of them having some sort of feather design, her current one having feathers falling down the left side of it. Her eyes had crow's feet in the corners of them, her smile permanent on her face.

I on the other hand had short, chopped brown hair, my eyes a flaming red and my skin fair, not too tan, not too pale. I always work a tank top that says "Rock of Mind" on it, a black sweater occasionally over it, with torn jeans and black converse. I had a Ruby necklace, one given to me at birth, one I will never separate from. I had crow's feet as well, being happy and snarky at the same time.

My Mom says I'm a lot like my Dad, but I've never met him.
Not once.

So I can't speak for it myself, but I go with it anyway. I don't make friends all that easily, but I know everyone in our quaint town of Petalburg, the Hoenn region the one I've called my home for so long, yet I've never ventured far, since I was never allowed.

I smiled at my Mom,"That was a great battle Mom, maybe I can take on the challenger next time, eh?" I prodded her with an elbow lightly, a smirk on my face.

She laughed calmly, smiling back,"You really are you're Father's daughter." She sighed, "Always fighting in a Gym, always getting in trouble." She smiled again, her eyes lighter now then when she was fighting that Issac boy, "But he's not around right now, I wonder when he'll be home again." She said, almost to herself.

I shrugged,"Guess it depends on where he is."


Hey guys!
I now have another Pokemon fanfic up.
This on I might enter in the Pokemon Watty Awards.
I don't know yet.
Anyway, Enjoy it guys!

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