Chapter 2

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<~Flare's POV~>

I spun a Pokeball on my index finger with a smirk, a challenger across the field from me as Sandy raised a hand,"This will be a battle between the Gym Leader, Flare Valire, and the Challenger, Colton Cire! Each trainer is allowed two Pokemon each, and only the Challenger can switch out! When both Pokemon on either side of the field are unable to battle, the winner will be announced! Battle, Begin!"

"Let's do this Talonflame!" I called, tossing the Pokeball in the air, before catching it as my Partner came out in a fiery blast, screeching a 'TALON!' As she did so.

The boy, Colton, eyed up Talonflame before tossing a Pokeball,"Now Seviper! Let's go!" He called, catching it swiftly as The Fang Snake Pokemon landed with a swift slither and a hissed out,'Se~ Viper!'

The two eyed each other, Talonflame glaring and flapping her strong, firey wings. I grinned, "I'll make the first move then! Talonflame, use Aerial Ace!"

"Flame!" She called back, swooping down at Seviper and watching with the keen eyes of a predator as Colton called,"Dodge it Seviper!"

Seviper quickly jumped out of the way, twisting midair so he was facing his opponent, but The Scorching Pokemon was one step ahead, crashing into its back with full force, sending him straight into the ground of the field. He hissed and got up, breathing hard but standing for its partner,"Ok Seviper! Thunder Fang!"

"Sevi! Per!" The Fang Snake Pokemon jumped at Talonflame, his fangs cracking with electricity.

"Talonflame dodge!" I yelled, but she was just a second too slow, Seviper getting a firm grip on her wing. She shrieked in pain and threw the Pokemon off her wing, wincing in pain.

I flinched, it was Super-Effective. She glared at Seviper, flying high into the air, making my smirk return,"Alright Talonflame! Show them that Brave Bird!"

"Flame!" She cried, her body glowing with a golden color, her recklessly diving at Seviper with determination written in her eyes.

I smirked as her wings caught a scared Serviper's neck, throwing him back into the wall with a,"VIPER!"

Talonflame landed in the rafters, using Roost to help herself regain Hit Points quickly and safely. A small dust cloud formed around the area Seviper had hit, making us unable to see what happened to him.

My Pokemon glided down swiftly, landing on the ground and spreading her wings with a mighty,"Talon!" As if to declare she won this already.

The dust cleared and I saw exactly what I expected, Seviper still and fainted, a cracked wall around him from the force of impact. Sandy raised a hand quickly, her black hair shifting behind her shoulder,"Seviper is unable to battle! Please send out your next Pokemon!"

Colton seemed upset as he pulled out a Pokeball,"Seviper, return." He held the Pokeball close and whispered something to it, before grabbing another,"Ok! Now, go Pelipper!" He said, catching the Pokeball once it released the Pokemon.

"A Pelipper, eh? Talonflame, you ready?" She shrieked in agreement, eyeing up The Water Bird Pokemon. I smirked,"Talonflame, Steel Wing!" I commanded, my eyes a blaze as The Scorching Pokemon's wings glowed a metallic color, her swooping towards Pelipper with determination.

"Pelipper! Counter with Surf!" Colton swiftly commanded, swiping a hand through the air.

"Peli!" He replied, quickly summoning a wave of water, riding it quickly towards Talonflame.

I wasn't even able to get the command out to dodge before Talonflame was hit, the Super-Effective move striking her hard. She panted and flapped her wings slowly,"Talonflame, use Roost in the rafters!"

She panted but nodded her head, getting up into the rafters and landing, small, pure white feathers dancing around her for only a moment before Colton struck back,"Pelipper! Finish this with Water Pulse!"

"Per! Pelip!" He replied to his trainer, forming the ball of concentrated water, Talonflame didn't have enough time to react before it hit her.

She let out a cry of pain and rocketed to the ground, hitting it hard and dust forming a cloud around her. I winced and put a hand on my second Pokeball, watching as the dust cleared,"Talonflame is unable to battle! Flare, Send out your next Pokemon!" Sandy called, raising a hand towards Pelipper and Colton, who shared a smirk.

I sighed,"Talonflame, return." I held the Pokeball close,"You were great girl." I whispered to it, before attaching it to my belt, grabbing the second one,"Go Valor!" I called, sending out my next Pokemon.



You're welcome world

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