Chapter 3

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<~Flare's POV~>

I sighed,"Talonflame, return." I held the Pokeball close,"You were great girl." I whispered to it, before attaching it to my belt, grabbing the second one,"Go Valor!" I called, sending out my next Pokemon.

He landed on the ground, his deep blue wings folded against his sides as his peircing, stormy grey eyes staring at the Pelipper, glaring harshly at it.

Colton seemed confused, staring at my partner with a confused look,"I-Is that a Braviary?" He called, his Pelipper just as confused.

"Yep. This is Valor, my shiny Braviary. Valor, Sky Attack!" I replied, quickly starting this battle off with a bang.

Valor smashed a clawed foot down on the ground, spreading his wings and dashing forward at the Water Bird Pokemon. Pelipper  didn't have enough time to react as the Valor Pokemon gripped him with his talons, quickly  flying straight upright,"P-Pelipper, use Water Pulse!" Colton dazedly called, watching them soar up.

His Pokemon tried to obey, but Valor's talons tightened around Pelipper, cutting it off. I tsked and wagged a finger mockingly,"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Don't you know a Pokemon can't attack when locked into a Sky Attack?" I taunted, smirking.

Colton growled as Valor slowed near the rafters, closing his wings in and free-falling, gripping Pelipper with a death grip. I smirked, watching the technique we'd worked on for a long time, before raising a hand,"Now Valor, throw Pelipper into the ground!" I commanded, my eyes glowing with enjoyment.

"Brave!" He replied quickly, spreading his wings and rearing back, throwing the Water Bird Pokemon into the hard ground of the arena.

I smiled,"And 3....



"Pelipper is unable to battle! The winner is the Gym Leader Flare Valire!" Sandy raised her right hand towards me, Valor landing on my shoulders and dwarfing me.

I smirked, hearing,"Pelipper, return." From Colton, the brunette calmly holding out a Pokeball.

I walked, well, was carried by Valor, over to Colton,"That was a good battle. A tip is that if you had brought out Pelipper first, the battle might've ended up differently." I said, shooing Valor off of my shoulders.

Colton looked up at me, his light blue eyes glancing into my amber ones. His lips curled into a smile,"Yeah. That was kinda stupid on my part, and thanks."

Valor was oddly quiet, making me curious, until I felt a strong wing shoving me forward, straight into Colton. We ended up awkwardly on the ground, my arms pinning so I didn't fall straight onto him, his face a bright red.

I scrambled up, looking at my partner with fierce eyes,"Valor. I swear to Arceus, that was super uncalled for." I said to the Bird Pokemon, my eyes hard.

He shrugged his shoulders,"Brave, brave. Braviary, brave." He replied calmly, as if mocking me.

I rolled my eyes, my hand going to my pocket to pull out a Sitrus Berry then tossing it to him, "Well you were still great, so thanks Bud. Return."

"Brave!" Was the last thing he said as the red line struck out, returning him swiftly.

I sighed,"Bird Pokemon. They aren't the strongest, but good anyway." I said to Colton, watching him sit on the ground.

He nodded,"Yeah. Pelipper wasn't very strong as a Wingull. But he's really strong now, just like your Braviary and Talonflame." He complimented, smiling.

I rolled my eyes, smiling,"Don't butter me up. You still have to work for that badge."

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