Chapter 4

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<~Flare's POV~>

I rolled my eyes, smiling,"Don't butter me up. You still have to work for that badge."

He chuckled, smiling,"I know, I know." Colton said, a shrill voice cutting him off.

I looked towards the doors, seeing a blonde girl running towards us, a Shinx at her feet,"Shin, Shinx!"

"Colton!" She called, giggling as she ended up beside him. She didn't seem to notice me,"Colton! Did you win? Where's the gym leader? Was the battle hard? Di-"

"Alyssa." Colton said firmly,"I didn't win, this is Flare Valire, and she's the gym leader, after her mom."

The girl, Alyssa, looked at me, her big, brown eyes sparkling, "It's super cool to meet you Ms. Flare!"

"Just call me Flare, and it's no issue." I said, rubbing the back of my neck. I strong pair of claws gripped my shoulders and pulled me into the air, large wings flapping beside me.

"ARCEUS!!" Alyssa screamed as she fell over from fright, Colton laughing.

"This is Valor! He's mine!" I yelled, smiling and laughing a bit. Valor landed in the rafters, and I walked over to the hidden room up here, a healing station and a PC In here, cause, why not.

I returned Valor and put his and Talonflame's Pokeball on the healer, pressing a button on the computer screen and watching them heal up.

I soon grabbed their Pokeballs, and heard a cry,"Pelipper! Pelip!"

"Pelipper be quiet!"


"That's how you do it bud." Colton said to his bird Pokemon, putting a hand on it's head.

I watched with a smile,"You've known Pelipper a while, huh?"

"Yeah, since I hatched his egg. Originally, I was a little disappointed, wanting something stronger, but then I trained and trained with my little Wingull, then he evolved into the beautiful Pelipper you see today."

"Sounds like me and Valor, except the only difference is; We come from Kalos, where anything and everything is possible, but I moved here when I was little. I don't regret it, not at all." I said, smiling.

Colton nodded, returning Pelipper and saying some words to the Pokeball. He turned to me and smiled,"I'm glad you're the gym leader."

"Thanks, Colton." I said, smiling back.

Valor and Talonflame appeared, Valor on the ground, and Talonflame landing on Colton's shoulder, her eyes boring holes in him as if saying,'You hurt her, you're dead.'

Colton gulped as Talonflame adjusted, her talons on either one of his shoulders, and she started to flap, her strong wings lifting the boy off the rafter, and starting the descent to the ground. I rolled my eyes and jumped, my eyes open.

I was only caught when Valor decided, and today, that was an instant before I hit the ground. I heard him open his wings and catch me, almost instantly, making me smile and gently land on my feet, him putting a weight on my shoulders.

That's when the door shot open, and the one noise I hadn't heard, ever, shouted through the building, echoing,"Flare! It's Dad!"

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