Chapter 5

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<~Flare's POV~>

Valor screeched, his head aimed towards the doors. He seemed angry, why, I wasn't sure. He pushed off of my shoulders and rocketed towards the noise.

He never got this angry at anything. I started running,"Valor! Come back! Calm down!"

"Raichu, Thunder Wave!"



"Valor!" I cried, sliding to a stop next to my Pokemon Partner.

I quickly dug  my hand into my pocket, grabbing a Cheri Berry from it, and holding it out gently to my Braviary. He ate it begrudgingly, not liking being treated like he was still a young Rufflet.

Letting out a small breath that he was ok, I glared up at the man above me,"Who do you think you are?! Doing this to my Pokemon!" I yelled, gritting my teeth.

He looked hurt,"Flare, I'm your Dad, and he was attacking me."

"He wasn't attacking anyone! He does that when the doors open! Sure, this time he seemed a bit distressed, but my Pokemon wouldn't hurt a Skiploom!" I defended, glaring.

Standing, I returned Valor to his Pokeball, whispering a few words to it. I knew he could hear me, always could. I started walking back to the inside of the gym. The man who claimed to be my Father, called after me,"F-Flare! C-Come back!"

"Just leave...." I whispered, clenching my fists,"If you are my Dad, I was better off with only Mom!" I yelled, whirling around.

Ready to attack, I ran at him, only to feel a slender pair of talons pick me up,"Flame, Flame, Talonflame." Talonflame scolded me.

The Raichu had been returned, and the man stared up at me and my Pokemon, "Talonflame, take me home. You know the way. Were Colton and Alyssa taken home as well?"

She nodded her head, and I didn't hesitate to believe her,"Sorry, weird man, but if you want to challenge the gym leader, she's going home." I spit, Talonflame flying straight up and towards the hole in the roof.

"Shade, Psychic, followed by Hypnosis."

There was no noise after that, except Talonflame's cry of pain. I knew I would be held up by that Pyschic, and returned her, not wanting her to be hurt any further, and felt myself be forced to sleep.

<~???'s POV~>

I had tried, but tried all I could, I couldn't trick her. Her mother had been taken care of, Shade assured that ten-fold, and now I finally had her in my grasp.

"Hey! What are you doing to Flare?!" A boy's voice yelled.

Turning around, I was met with a boy roughly Flare's age, who had grabbed a Pokeball,"Seviper! Let's go!" The Pokemom landed in front of him,"Get Flare back Pelipper! Seviper, distract them, go!"

The two Pokemom charged at me, as well as the boy behind them. I smirked,"Shade, Teleport." And instantly, I vanished, still feeling the beating of the Pelipper's wings, still hearing the Seviper at my feet.

If only feeling and hearing affected me.

What a waste of time.

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