Fire & Ice (11)

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"I said, you're clearly embarassed of me" my chest rose heavily in my anger, his intoxicating scent of alcohol and some kind of cologne making me dizzy

"Im trying to save your life, don't you understand that, if people know you mean something to me, they will use you to get to me" his hands wrapped around my upper arms "I can't lose you habibti, I just can't" he closed his eyes momentarily before falling to his knees

"Aditya" I screamed as he collapsed, a man smiled at me from behind Aditya, a bat in his hand

"Get in the front room now, and don't try anything silly or i'll kill him" he pulled him across the floor as another man entered behind him

I stood against my leather sofa as Aditya was placed onto a chair and tied up. "Please, why are you doing this, if it's money you want I can get you money"

One man stood up "Shut it bitch, sit down" he pulled out a gun pointing it my way

I sat down, tears filling my eyes, but now wasn't the time to cry, I had to get out of here or we would both end up dead, Aditya's words ringing in my ears, he was right and I should have listened before

"Now we're just going to wait for him to wake up, and then we can start" the man had a sly smile on his face "Or maybe we can speed it up" he filled a cup with water and threw it at Aditya

He coughed, his eyes opening slowly "Naseer" he growled "What do you want now"

Naseer stepped back allowing my eyes to meet his "Aditya" I stood up about to walk to him when I was pulled back by the other man

Aditya shuffled in his chair "Let her go Naseer, this doesn't concern her"

"Oh" he laughed "But it does, news has spread Aditya, and we all know she wants you, and you seem to care for her, she is a weakness, thought you would have learnt something from your father's death, weakness gets you nowhere" he tutted, unbuttoning his shirt, he pulled his tie off "But my boss has orders and Aditya, you will pay" Naseer's eyes fell to me

"She isnt my weakness, just let her go Naseer, your boss and I could sort this if he stopped hiding behind men like you" Aditya's chair scraped across the ground

"Look, once upon a time you were my friend, so im going to give the lady here a choice, we take him with us now, or you come into that bedroom with me and give me what I want and we give you both a headstart to run when we're done" Naseer simpered, his long fingers stroking the edge of the bat

"No, take me, decision made" Aditya moved in his chair again

"We weren't asking you, have some manners, so lady what will the choice be" he turned back to me

My eyes grazed over Aditya as he shook his head, his eyes full of darkness, but I knew he wasn't a bad man and he deserved a chance to get away, if giving this man what he wanted meant that Aditya got closer to escaping this life, it was worth it. A cold shiver ran down my spine, my throat raspy as I spoke "Fine, ill give you what you want"

"Are you crazy, Zoya I said no, Zoya listen to me" he shouted, his eyes teary, his voice a whisper "Please, Zoya you can leave now, you dont have to do this, I dont want you to do this" he turned his body in his ties before hanging his head

"You dont deserve to die, not like this" I shook my head

He raised his head, his eyes burning into mine "Just take me Naseer, she wont say a thing, I know she wont" he glanced up at the two men "For old times sake, I beg you let her go, you can have whatever you want from me"

Naseer closed his eyes as if in pain "We have orders, you were always a good man, I hope you find a way out of this some day" he beckoned for the other man to take me into the room, then followed behind him, the other man walked back towards Aditya and slammed the door shut

"On the bed, I dont want this to be any harder than it has to be" he sighed, lifting his bat "Ill knock you out, that way you might not even remember"

"Do you have a wife, children" I asked, though I knew it was dangerous, I had to bide myself time

He smiled "Once, I had a wife, she left me when she knew of my ways" he shook his head as if reminiscing

"All I will say, is if this was her sat here, not me, and if it was another man, would you like it, would you allow it, just like you are lonely, so is he, all I want is to be his friend, your boss doesnt need to know that you didnt follow his rules, if you still decide you want to do this then fine, but can you live with yourself" I scooted away from him, my fists clenching the duvet

"I choose this life and I knew what I was getting involved in, I have a job to do, im sorry" he raised the bat again

"No you're not" tears rolled down my face "And neither am I" in seconds I was up, my knife in his leg, he fell back against the door with a thud "If I twist that, it may hit an artery, now tell me who sent you" I could feel sweat dripping down my neck, my hands shaking at what I had just done

His face changed quickly "You're going to pay for that bitch" he jumped up, his bat hitting the side of my face, I felt my body hit the bed before it was all black


I sat up slowly, Aditya jumping up from his seat "Habibti, you're awake" he went to touch me then backed away

I looked down at my bloody nightgown then back up again "Did he" I paused, trying to construct my words into a sentence "Did he do it"

"No, I got free first" he stepped back, digging his hands into his pockets "Zoya, what you did for me, no one has"

"Can you help me up" I interrupted

He nodded solemnly, wrapping an arm around my waist, and putting my right arm around his neck, he pulled me up

"Thanks, im going to shower, I want you gone by the time I'm back out" I stumbled forward, shoving him away as he tried to help me

"Cant we speak first, I really dont want to leave you alone here habibti"

I turned back to face him, tears streaking my cheeks "I said I want you gone"

He frowned before nodding "Im so sorry habibti, I never should have came near you" then he was gone

A lot of people have asked me to consider a writing schedule, so I have decided Wednesday and Saturday are days I will update, if I am free I will also update on other days, but those are the days to expect an update of some sort on one of my stories:)
As always, I like to hear what you have to say so please do let me know!

Also, dhyanx has started a new book on Adiya, so if you would like to read a new story, go and check it out:)

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