Fire & Ice (12)

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Hours had passed yet I couldn't make myself move, I wanted to scream, shout, cry but I couldn't do anything but sit in silence. The events of the night so clear in my head that my body shook with the memories, but I had to know. I had to understand why he was so willing to save me. Grabbing onto the sink I pulled myself up, not caring to put shoes on as I wandered out of my house and upto his.

The door was pulled open before I could knock, Aditya's gaze full of concern as he looked me up and down. "Habibti, come in"

I stepped inside, allowing my senses to seek comfort in the fact he was near to me. His scent was strong and overpowering and I wanted nothing more than to wrap myself up in it. "I need to know, those men, what did you do with them"

He reached out tucking a strand of my hair behind my ears "You dont need to worry about them habibti, they're gone"

Now wasn't the time to let his touch distract me "You killed them, didnt you" I gulped

"Yes, but that was only because if I didnt they would come back for you, the bodies are gone, your house is clean, I know this is scary habibti but"

"Why were you willing for them to take you instead" I interrupted, my heart beating so fast it made my ears pop

"I clearly didnt want a woman being used that way, you're looking into this a little to much" he nodded

"No, I want the truth, Aditya please, my clothes are full of blood, my head hurts and I feel sick, no more games, please just tell me" I felt the familiar feeling of bile rising in my throat again

"You're my friend Zoya, that's all, I haven't had a friend in a long while, nobody to come home to, nothing to call mine" his words made my eyes widen, to call his? Usually I was all against the possesive terms yet I couldn't help but find it endearing.

I hated feeling this way, I didnt want to like him, but I did. He was a murderer, doing illegal things that I could never look past yet the way he looked at me seemed to make all of that go away, I also knew he would leave me soon and I would still remain so irrevocably his while he was elsewhere doing god knows what. "What happens to our friendship when you leave, what if people still come after me then, I dont want to live a life where I dont even feel safe in my own home, life was just so"

"So much easier before I came along" he chuckled, "I know, that's why ill be leaving soon, then you won't have to worry, their concentration will be on me, now come let me get you a drink" he turned to walk into the kitchen leaving me feeling sick at the sight on his back

Thick, ridged lacerations ripped into his skin, as if he had been whipped multiple times. It was then I noticed I had never seen his back before, it had always been faced away from me. Tears filled my eyes at the thought of someone hurting him that way and without really thinking I ran my hand across the largest scar

He inhaled sharply, his back stiff, but I couldn't stop my investigation. The scars were soft to touch, yet I couldn't even begin to imagine how they first felt when they were fresh.

"Stop Zoya" he growled out, turning to face me, grabbing my wrists in his hands

"Who did that"

He shook his head "It doesn't matter, don't touch them again, I'm not some masterpiece in a museum that you can gawk at, and try to touch"

I frowned "If you were, I wouldn't be able to touch you, I didnt mean to hurt you, I wasn't staring to be rude, I just, I was shocked and I did it without thinking, I'm sorry" I felt him drop my hands as he sighed

"It doesnt matter, I'm just in a foul mood, I was kidnapped once, it happened then" he waved his hand around as if it didn't matter, but it did.

He seemed to be such a broken man that hid so much, and other than me he seemed truly alone in this world, once upon a time I had felt that way and never would I wish that feeling upon anyone. I decided then and there that I was going to save him, come what may. "Why do you act like it doesn't matter"

Aditya pursed his lips "I guess, because it doesnt, it doesnt matter to anyone but me, im a lone wolf as they say, I dont have anyone to share my problems with or to sympathise with me" he shrugged it off, his broad shoulders looking like they carried the weight of the world and they truly did

"It matters to me, it matters that somebody hurt you and that they want to kill you, so if you ever want to talk, im here to listen" I stepped forward "Do you have something I could change into, I dont want to be home right now"

He froze for a second before pointing to his room "Shower and clothes are in there"


I peered over my cup at Aditya, my hair still wet as it hung around my shoulders, his scent all over me making me feel very sleepy.

"I could get used to seeing you in my clothes" he winked, his voice slightly gruff

"Please don't hit on me after you just killed two men" I shook my head making him laugh loudly

"Sorry, I cant help it habibti, all part of the charm"

"Oh yes, such charm yet no one has snapped you up yet" I rolled my eyes, pulling the sleeves of his top down my arms as I wrapped my hands around the cup

His eyes met mine and he smiled "Maybe I was just waiting to meet someone like you, you know someone cute" he looked down at me flapping the sleeves then back up at me with a jovial look on his face

My cheeks warmed up under his gaze "I thought we were just friends" though my tone was full of humour, I really did want to know how he would answer

"Habibti I already explained that"

"Don't worry, I know, its okay, honestly just dont be heartbroken when someone snaps me up" I knew I was goading for some kind of reaction, and maybe it was wrong but I didnt just want to be his friend anymore

"Then he would be a very lucky man, and if he didnt treat you right, then he would have me to deal with" he moved his chair slightly and patted his lap "Come here"

I shook my head, then squealed as he pulled my chair closer to him

"Why must you always fight me habibti" he breathed out, resting his forehead against mine, then suddenly I felt myself being lifted onto his lap, my legs wound round his hips

"Aditya, I dont think this is a good idea, remember what you said, we're just friends" I tried to reason with him and my own heart

"I know habibti, but I can't help myself, im a very selfish man and you're just so beautiful, and when you sit in front of me dressed in my clothes, it's hard to not imagine us being more" his lips were soft against mine, then he pulled away

I moved my hands to his back, the scars soft underneath my fingers, then I was kissing him back, no longer caring about the repercussions as he groaned into my mouth, I threw my head back as he peppered kisses down the length of my neck, then his hands slid under the top I was wearing setting my skin alight. I was caught between my need for him and knowing I should stop

He lifted me into his arms, bringing his lips to mine again, and I couldn't help but kiss him back, I was led down, his body on top of mine as he deepened the kiss, all I could see was him, all I could feel was him and the mix of his natural scent, the bathing products and arousal was making me heady

"If you want to stop now, you have to say or I won't be able to"

"I don't want to" I pulled him back down and allowed him to give me the night I would cherish most, because that was the night our bodies and souls entwined. But that was also the night he left me.

It shouldn't have stung, I knew it would happen one day, just not this soon.

Now Zoya's flashback is over, so we are back to the present in the next chapter!

Also dancingStellars has put the nominees up, and all you have to do is do an inline comment of +1 for the person you wish to vote for out of the nominees, you can vote as many times as you like. Again, thank you to all who voted for me in the first round, I am nominated in the Best Romantic Book section for Adiya for my story BaseLine Attraction, Favourite Author for Adiya and for Faviourate Book Of The Year for Adiya, all my stories have been nominated (how cool is that)? Voting closes the 3rd of August!

Anyway, I think im all cried out by all of your love, and I just want to say, you guys are the absolute best! I love you all!

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