Fire & Ice (13)

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Three whole months had passed since I had last led in Aditya's arms. The crazy thing is, I hadn't even known him for long, he was a murderer and a player yet he had left me aching for his touch, there was a feeling only he could give me.

For weeks I had cried and cried until I just couldn't cry anymore. Now I had thrown myself into my work and was winning cases I had never dreamed of winning, yet every night I would return home feeling incomplete, looking at his balcony in hopes he would just appear, but he never did

It angered me that he didn't even leave a note to say goodbye and I couldn't help but feel used, he got what he wanted from me and then he left, like I had meant nothing. At the very least I thought we were friends, and friends deserved a chance to say goodbye.

Pooja and Noor had of course set me up on dates in order to help me forget, I got along with a lot of them, but there was no spark everytime they leaned in to kiss me, my every waking thought was filled with him. I wanted to contact him, but I had no way to, I had left him my number, he never gave me his.

I looked down at yet another file and began to make notes, maybe the case would fill my mind more than he ever had. I looked down at my phone as it buzzed beside me with an unknown number. Sliding it across the screen I picked up "Hello"

"Hello is this Zoya"

"Yes, who is this" I put my pen down, rolling my chair back

"My name is Arjun Hooda, you knew my brother Adi"

My eyes widened, "Aditya, you know where he is"

Arjun cleared his throat "No, im sorry, we rarerly ever do" he chuckled "I have something to give you, he has a little thing set up, like a will"

"A will, but doesnt that come into place when he's dead"

"In our business, when someone dissapears for three months, they may as well be dead, but no he's not dead we would have found out about it by now, don't worry, I just need to give you what he asked me to"

"Can I ask, when did he inform you about me and giving me this thing"

"A week after he met you, seems he liked you straight away, that's rare for him" Arjun's words made my eyes sting and my chest hurt "I would really like to meet you and give it to you"

"When, where" I stood up

"Thirty minutes at the Old Crown" then it cut off


I sat down at one of the booths, a man with glasses slid into the seat infront of me "Hi, im Arjun"

I held my hand out for him to shake "Is there anyway I could contact him"

Arjun shook his head "If he wants to contact you, he will"

"What if he doesn't"

"Then go on living your life, he's not the kind of man you sit and wait for because there is no assurance he will ever come back, the only solace I can offer you is you meant a lot to him, but in this business he can't stay in one place for long" his eyes held a softness that made my heart ache

I looked down at the envelope slid infront of me, and without delay I opened it to see a necklace

"It was our mother's, it has a key inside it"

"What's the key for" I looked up to see him standing up

"His heart, if ever you're in trouble, show them" he tapped my hand before walking out and leaving me alone once again with my thoughts.


"Hey, Carter is that you, I need a massive favour, do you have any information on the Arab mafia"

"The Arab mafia, Zo, you have got to be kidding me, what kind of case are you working on"

I sighed into the phone "A personal one, please Carter, you know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important, please" I begged

"Urgh fine, ill send it over on email but you owe me big time"

"I do, thank you Carter" I hung up and awaited the email, deciding to move to the balcony, I was shocked to see a figure sat on the balcony facing away from me. "Aditya"

The man turned around "You know him, you know where he is"

I shook my head "Who are you"

"Just an old friend of his, never mind, if you ever see him, tell him to call his Uncle"

"Wait" I called, holding up the necklace, I needed to see what reaction he would have

The man turned back around, walking toward the balcony his jaw dropped "Emira, forgive me for my disrespect" he lowered himself to his knees "I did not know, I hope you will be kind to me and forgive me" he looked petrified

"Emira, remind me what that means"

He glanced up slowly "Emir is leader, Emira is the female version of that"

"Woah, I am not your leader, Aditya is"

The man shook his head "You lead us all, because you lead him, permission to leave Emira"

"Sure" I sat back down, so many things going through my head, but this day had already been way to stressful, sitting down I opened the email, but seemingly there was no information on Aditya or any of the Hooda's. I frowned at the screen as I read the last paragraph

'Harshvardhan Hooda was shot down in broad daylight, his eldest son is meant to take over his role, snipers took him out within the first shot, though it has still not been found who murdered him, due to being the head of the mafia it is believed he made a lot of enemies, using this, anyone could have killed him'

I slammed the laptop closed, this was pointless and I was getting nowhere, sleep was all I needed right now


3rd Person-

"Wakey, wakey" a gruff voice called, a bucket of ice cold water was thrown at the man tied up, he spluttered before raising his head, "Adi, Adi, Adi, you stupid man, just hand it over and we can kill you"

Aditya threw his head back, letting out a loud laugh "Let me see her and I will"

"Who, who do you want to see so damn badly that it will make you open your mouth"

"My one and only friend" Aditya looked into the man's eyes, "Zoya" then he threw his head back again, laughing darkly

This was not meant to come out today but I am in a great mood because its my best friends birthday so, I hope this update makes your mood as good as mine <3 Please check out my new Jenshad fic Succumbing To You

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