Chapter 1: Second Family

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Qrow closed the door behind them and stood on the side, after the two little girls saw the boy beside Summer, they eyed him curiously. When he noticed the way they looked at them, he immediately got nervous and got behind the woman. Summer looks at him with a smile, she then pat his head gently which made him look up at her.

"Mom, who's he?" The blonde girl asked.

"Come on, don't be shy. Introduce yourself to your new siblings." She said to him.

He nods nervously and walked towards them. Silently gulping he then open his mouth to speak.

"H-hi.... My name's Y/N. I'm your new b-brother." He nervously stuttered.

Ruby stepped closer to him and look at him closely. She had her index finger and thumb on her chin and humming like she is thinking. She eyed him very closely.

"Are those....." She paused.

She removed her fingers from her chin and pointed her index finger at the bag of cookies he is holding.

"Mom's cookies?!" She finished.

He got confused and look at the bag he's holding. He looks back and forth at Ruby and the bag and then his hand grabs one of the cookies from inside and extended his arm holding the cookie to her. Ruby's eyes had sparkles and immediately grabbed it and ate it, when she finished eating it, she then tackled him to a hug and smiled widely.

"I love my new big brother!!" She said.

The hug made the boy blush, he looks at the other girl and saw her having a small smile, what he didn't expect was that her smile turned into a smirk. Summer noticed this and glared at her.

"Yang, if you are thinking about that then no." She said in a strict way.

"Aw... Fine." She pouts.

A blonde man then came from the other room, he had a smile plastered on his face as he faced his family.

"Glad you're back safely dear." He said.

He then noticed Ruby hugging a boy taller than her. He looks at him confused and points his finger at him.

"Who's he?" He asked.

"Tai, this is Y/N, he's going to be our new son!!" Summer happily said.

"Summer found him alone in the streets and decided to adopt him." Qrow sighs.

Ruby let go of him and Taiyang knelt down in front of the boy. The two of them had a stare down, Taiyang observes him from head to toe. Then, he wrapped his arm around the small boy and began to lightly noogie his head.

"I've always wanted a son! And I like this one already!" He laughed as he continues to noogie him.

He finally let him go and the boy felt dizzy. Summer giggled at this and then remembered something.

"I forgot you're still soaking wet from the rain. Tai can you go out and buy some few clothes for him?" She asked.

"Sure, I'm about to buy groceries anyway." He said exiting the house.

"Let's go to the bathroom to get yourself cleaned up. Qrow, watch over Yang and Ruby will you?" She said to him.

"Got it." He said.

The two of them head towards the bathroom and Summer began to clean the boy. Meanwhile, Ruby saw Y/N's bag of cookies placed on the dining table. Her eyes are sparkling as she stares at it. She could smell the scent of her mother's baked cookies. Her hand was about to grab it but she hesitated.

"No Ruby, those cookies are for new big brother. Don't take it!" She said to herself.

She turned around and began walking away but stopped. Slowly gazing back at the bag she then approaches it again and was about to take it with her right hand. Her left hand then stopped her other hand from taking it and pulled it back. She growls at her hand and looks at the bag, this time with a drool.

"Maybe he won't be mad at me if I take one...." She said opening the bag and grabbing one.

After ten minutes had passed, Summer and Y/N came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped the boy's body and over the head.

"You should stay like that for a few more minutes until Tai comes back." She said to him.

He nodded in response and the two of them head to the kitchen. The moment they entered, they saw Ruby holding an empty bag with a few crumbs sticking around the parts where her mouth is and her eyes had little waterfalls falling from it.

"I'm sorry new big brother! I ate your cookies!!" She said.

"U-uh..." Y/N just stuttered.

"Ruby, as punishment for eating your brother's cookies, you won't get to eat cookies for the next three days." Summer sighed.

"O-okay." She said and put the empty bag in the trash before walking out of the kitchen.

"Miss Su- I mean mom? Why did Ruby eat my cookies?" He asked looking up at her new mother.

"Well, she is sort of obsessed with cookies so I have to bake her some everyday or else she'll be whining all day long." She said.

He didn't say another word and just sat down with the towel still around him. Summer told him to stay there and walked out of the kitchen to the living room. He waits for his new father to come home with his new clothes. He remembers that time when he was still with his old family. He first had a smile on his face but it soon disappeared once he remembered a memory. He stayed there for a few more minutes then Taiyang finally arrived with bags filled with groceries and clothes for him.

"I'm back!" He heard his voice from the other room.

"Well that was quick." Summer said as the two of them entered the kitchen.

"Here are the clothes for Y/N." He said with a smile as he placed the bag of clothes on the table.

Summer looks inside the bag and began to search for the clothes that he will wear. She then gave him the clothes and told him to wear them. He goes back to the bathroom and wore the clothes that Summer gave to him. A minute later, he came out of the bathroom with new and neat clothes. This made Summer smile in joy.

"It looks perfect on you Y/N!" She said causing the boy to blush.

"Thank you..." He muttered but they heard it anyway.

"You deserved that, after all you're now part of the family." Tai said.

Qrow, Ruby and Yang entered the kitchen to see him wearing the new clothes Taiyang bought.

"Woah! It looks good on you!" Yang complimented.

"Really?" He looks at her.

"Yep!" She said then gave him a thumbs up.

"You three should go play in the living room, I'll be cooking our favorite dish and let Y/N have a taste of it!" Tai said to them.

"Okay!" The two girls said and the three of them entered the living room.

Instead of playing, they just stay on the couch and watch some shows on the TV.

"So Y/N, where did mom found you?" Yang asked him.

"She found me alone in the streets and decided to take me with them. Then she decided to adopt me suddenly." He said.

"In the streets? Why were you there instead of being with your old family?" She asked.

"My old family abandoned me in the streets years ago and since then I was alone." He said in a sad tone.

Yang and Ruby looked at him with sad expressions. The two of them looked at each other then nodded, looking back at him, they suddenly hugged him to his surprise.

"From now on you'll never be alone! We will take care of you and we'll be a happy family!" Ruby said.

This made the child smiled from her statement and blush from the two of them hugging him.

"Thanks Ruby, Yang."

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