Chapter 2: Inspiration

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Me and Ruby were in the kitchen watching mom bake cookies. Seeing her mix the ingredients in the bowl mesmerized me. I guess being in the streets for years makes me new to these stuff. After she finished mixing, it turned into dough. She began to shape the doughs into cookies and then adding the chips. After that, she placed them in trays and put it in the oven. I sit in front of the oven, watching it get baked. Ruby was leaning her elbows on my head as she joins me with watching.

"You sure do made me bake extra cookies, Ruby. Why don't you go play outside while you wait?" Mom said.

"Okay!" The two of us said in unison.

Ruby and I ran out of the kitchen and upstairs to where Yang is, I open the door to her room and saw her drawing something. The two of us approach her and looked at what she's doing.

"What's that you're drawing Yang?" Ruby asked.

"W-what?! How did you guys get here?! Don't look at my drawing!" She was surprised when she noticed us and covers her work with her arms. I guess she was so engrossed to what she's doing she didn't noticed us.

"Uhh, we walked in your room a second ago." I said.

"You guys should've knocked! It's impolite to go inside someone's room!" She said.

"We're sorry, okay?" I said.

"What do you want from me by the way?" Yang asked.

"Oh! Me and big bro are just waiting for the cookies to be baked so while we're waiting, let's play!" Ruby said.

"Sure. Wait for me outside." Yang said.

"Okay." Ruby said.

The two of us got out of Yang's room, walked down the stairs and went outside the house. While me and Ruby are waiting for Yang to arrive, we decided to look at the flowers blooming in the flower beds that dad always water. The sunflowers all looked up as it meet the sun. Some butterflies were flying around the flowers and one got on my nose.

"You look funny like that, big bro." Ruby giggles.

The butterfly soon fly away from my nose and a while later, Yang finally came out. We were just running around outside of our house, laughing and chasing each other. Uncle Qrow appeared and saw us, the three of us ran up to him and he smiled at us.

"Good morning kids." He said.

"Good morning uncle Qrow!" We said.

"So where's your mom?" He asked.

"In the kitchen baking cookies." I said.

"Again? You sure do won't give her a break from that." He sighs.

"So uncle Qrow, can you tell us what happened in your mission?!" Yang said excitedly.

"Sure, how about we get inside first and then I'll tell you." He said.

All of us then got inside the house and sat on the couch. Mom then came out from the kitchen with two plates filled with cookies, she placed them on the coffee table and Ruby began to munch on them.

"Good thing you made it in time Qrow." Mom said to him.

"Yeah, the mission was quicker than expected. So I have time to tell my nieces and nephew about it. So where's Tai?" He said.

"He's out in town buying groceries again. We suddenly ran out of meat, which he forgot to buy." She said.

"Uncle Qrow! Can you tell us about your mission now?! Please?!" Yang said.

"Fine, fine. You sure don't know how to wait. Anyway....." He began.

We were all listening to uncle Qrow's story, mom was by the door listening as well with a smile on her face. Me, Yang and Ruby were amazed by his actions during his mission. My two sisters all thought of being a huntress in the future to help people and get rid of Grimm. Just by hearing it, I want to be a huntsman as well. Not because my siblings are going to be huntresses nor my new parents and uncle are huntsmen.

"I want to become a huntsman!" I said out loud.

"Oh do you? And why's that?" Uncle Qrow ask.

"Because you, mom and dad inspired me to be also be one. I want to help people like mom helped me." I said with determination.

"Hmm, that's a good reason to be one. But remember this kids, being a huntsman isn't as easy as you thought. There are times that you might be the one in danger so you must be careful." He said.

The three of us nodded at what he said. He stands up from the couch and smiled.

"I can train you guys if you want, but not Ruby yet." He said.

"Really?!" Me and Yang said in sync.

"Aww, but why?" Ruby asked.

"Because you're still too young to train. How about we wait for a year or so." He said ruffling Ruby's hair.

"Hmph, fine...." She said while pouting.

"I'll agree with you training the kids but don't go to far, if something happened to them I'll blame you for it." Mom said.

"Got that, Summer." He said.


Seven years had passed, Me, Ruby and Yang are together attending Signal academy where uncle Qrow is teaching. About two years ago me and Yang were attended the academy and now that Ruby is here with us, she won't be lonely in her previous non combat school anymore. Right now, me and Yang are about to make our very own weapons. I was more than excited when I heard of this.

"So what weapon are you going to make, Yang?" I asked my sister.

"Hm, maybe I'll make two gauntlets since I'm more used to hand to hand combat. How about you?" She asked.

"I don't yet, maybe I'll find it out soon." I said playing with my yoyo.

"Do you always have to bring that toy?" She said.

"What's wrong with that?" I look at her with a raised brow.

"No thing's wrong of course. Anyway, we should head to class now, the bell with ring soon." She said.

The two of us walk our way through our class and the bell soon rang. Uncle Qrow came inside and declared that the weapon making will began in a few minutes. I spend those minutes thinking on what kind of weapon should I make, I was so frustrated into thinking that Yang noticed me moving around in my seat.

"You okay there, bro?" She asked.

"Augh.... I can't think of any!" I said.

"Can't think of what?" She said.

"A weapon that I'll make.... Why is this so hard for me?!" I whined.

"Maybe you're just lacking imagination." Yang smirks.

"Shut up, I have wild imaginations okay?" I said.

"You have them but you can't think of any weapon to make? Come on, think harder." She said.

I just lay my arms and head on my table while playing with my yoyo. The weapon making had already began and I was just there, not doing anything. While I watch my yoyo go down and go back up from my hand, I then thought of something. I played with my yoyo again while thinking of something. Then it hits me.

"Yes! I finally know it!" I said rather loudly making my classmates look at me.

"And what is it that you know, Y/N?" Uncle Qrow asked.

"Uhh, nothing. Sorry." I apologized.

After that, I then began to create my weapon using the multiple materials that are placed on the large table in front of me with the help of a machine to create it. When I finished creating it with some assistance from Uncle Qrow, I then began to color it with some paint. Four hours later, all of us are finished with making our weapons.

"All right time's up, let me see what you had made." Uncle Qrow said.

Each of us then showed him our weapon, when he was seeing mine I let the blade hand with a chain attached to the end of the blade and the top of the hilt. He was impressed by my weapon which made me have a proud smile.

"Nice sword, Y/N!" One of my classmates said.

"See I told you to think harder." Yang said with her arms crossed.

"Yeah, yeah. Now I finally have a weapon! Can't wait to show this to mom and dad." I smiled.

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