Chapter 12: Nice Monday

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"This match is boring. End it already!" Noir shouted.

All of us are in Glynda's combat class with Jaune and Cardin having a one on one match. It's only been like three minutes but he's already losing to the nut head. My head is laying on my palm, having the urge to sleep this class off but I need to stay awake because I might get yelled at by the Professor again.

Cardin finishes Jaune off with him towering over him and his face raised up high. He was about to slam his weapon on him but Glynda had stopped him.

"That's enough. Winchester wins the match." She said.

Non of us except for Cardin's team cheered for him, I rolled my eyes at this and yawned. Jaune then stands up and made his way back to his seat. The nut head continues cheering for himself.

"Now that's done, are there any volunteers for another match?" Glynda asked.

I swiftly raised my hand and I hold onto my weapon with my left hand. The Professor saw this and began to tap something on her device.

"All right Mr. Rose, please choose your opponent." She said.

"I'll choose that nut head over there." I said pointing my sword at Cardin.

He then looks at me and gave me a smirk, while I just stare at him with serious eyes.

"Mr. Rose, please proceed to the battle stage this instant." She said.

I stand up from my seat and walk down towards the stage. Once I got there, I stood in the side of the arena while Cardin stands across from me.

"Go and kick his butt bro!!" Ruby cheered.

"Show him what you're capable of Y/N!" Dahlia yelled.

Hearing this made me smile a bit. Both me and Cardin prepared ourselves for our attacks as we wait for Glynda's signal. When she finally said start, I stood up normally, making myself open for his attacks. He just stood there confused at me and so as everyone else. I let out a smile and began to slowly walk towards him, he kept his gaurd up and position his mace in front of him. I was just there, walking normally towards him with my sword on my left hand.

Once I was like three feet away from him, I gave him a heartwarming smile and raise my right hand for a handshake.

"Before we start our match, how about a nice handshake?" I asked.

"What?" He said in a confused manner.

He just constantly looks at me and my hand back and forth while having the same confused expression. A few seconds later I grip on my sword and kicked him back on the stomach so hard that it made him fall.

"Sike!" I said with the same smile.

This made him agitated and immediately stood up, he launches himself at me with his mace and strike. I blocked the weapon with mine and leaped back. He charges at me from time to time and continously tries to hit me with his mace, I noticed how he fight is a bit aggressive and it seems he does not care about his defence. Which was a bad idea when it comes to fights, all he knows are big talks, he purposely targets the ones weaker than him. Heh, you think you're all high and mighty? I'm about to ruin your whole career.

I then swiftly stepped back and roundhouse kicked him, fell down on the floor and I was about to slam my sword on him when he rolled on the side and stand up. I gave him smirk and he gave me a look of annoyance, the two of us charge at each other and exchanged attacks. I was so focus on only attacking him that I didn't realize that he has given me a punch on the side. I grip on my sword tightly and let the handle and blade separate but with the chain connecting the two of it to stop it from completely separating. I spin my blade while walking towards Cardin. He then charged at me with his mace, at first I thought he was about to strike at me but the tables were almost turned when he decides to thrown his weapon at me. I block the mace with my weapon but was unable to fully block it.

I got it on the head with the handle of the mace, good thing I still have a lot of aura in me or else it would've bleed. Though I feel a little dizzy about it, I let out a frown and I chose to do the thing to him. I throw my weapon like a frisbee which it made itself spin fastly at him. He was unable to dodge it and it hit him on the torso, I immediately charged at him then stopped in front of him. I place my hands on the ground and spin myself upside down with my legs kicking Cardin two or three times.

I then landed safely on my feet and finished him off with me throwing a fireball at him. He was now laying on the ground with his aura in the red bar.

"And there we have it. Mr. Rose won the match." Glynda stated.

"This should be a lesson that never mess with me or anyone else. I hope you were able to learn it." I said to him.

My team and my sisters then began to cheer for me outloud, I smiled and waved at them and then gaze at Weiss. She was clapping her hands effortlessly while rolling her eyes, despite this I appreciated it. I grab my sword and went back to my seat to watch another match.

"Woah, that was so cool of you, Y/N! You were all like this! And this, and that, and then, and then it ended like that!" Ruby began to make some weird gestures while simultaneously complementing me.

"Thanks Rubes, but you don't have to make those gestures. We get what you mean." I said to her.

"I know but still! I'm so lucky to have an amazing brother!" She said.

"Yeah, yeah, enough of that already." I then sat back down on my seat.

After the class ended it was finally lunch time. All of us went to the cafeteria to get our food and sat on a table. My team and I along with Team RWBY were chatting normally, I was mostly talking to Weiss but she didn't seem to mind at all.

"I gotta be honest, that was really impressive of you back there" Weiss said.

"Aw, thanks Snowball! I knew I would be able to impress you while giving that nut head a lesson at the same time." I said.

"Hm, I'm sure that they've already learned that." She said.

"Hope so, change of topic, so Snowball, wanna hang out again this weekend?" I asked with a smile.

"Maybe not, we still have to catch up on some homework and things like that." She said.

"Did someone say ketchup?!" Yang suddenly interfered and purposely spilled some ketchup on Weiss's face.

Seeing this made me smile and chuckle as she glared at my sister.

"What in t- what was that for, Yang?!" She stood up.

"What? I heard someone say ketchup so I gave them ketchup." Yang shrugged her arms.

"What I said was catch up not ketchup!! Just quit with the puns already!" Weiss yelled at her causing some unwanted attention to be set upon her.

"But I plant!!" Yang was now holding a plant.

"How did that even appeared in your hands?!" She said.

"I don't know. Must be macgic!" Yang then replaced the plant into a macaroni.

"You know what? I'm just gonna leave and wash my face and forget that all of this had ever happened." Weiss then walks out of the cafeteria.

"Haha! I guess she just couldn't take all of my majestic puns." Yang said.

"No, Yang. Stop!" We all said to her.

"U-uh... fine, you guys are no fun at all." She pouted.

"I should go and see if Weiss feels better now." I said standing up and left the cafeteria to go to Weiss.

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