Chapter 13: Pretty

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A month has passed and things seemed pretty well for me, me and Weiss ended up being good friends who always hang out in the arcade during weekends if we're both free. With this I'm starting to forget why I even wanted to get close to her in the first place. Nonetheless we would still be friends even if I didn't think of that plan.

Right now, me and my team are in Professor Oobleck's class with him lecturing about the histories. I really much don't care about the subject but some topics made me interested in it.

"Hey Y/N do you have anything to do right now?" Noir asked me.

"Not really, why?" I looked at him.

"I just need your help with something, and you might like it." He smirked.

Seeing this made me smiled mischievously, I raised a brow and said;

"Oh? And what is that?" I asked.

"You'll know soon. Hehe, it's gonna be fun. The thing we're going to do involves Dahlia." He whispered the last sentence to my ear.

"Oooh, I like the sound of it." I said.

"Ehem." The professor cleared his throat to grab our attention.

The two of us gazed at him and chuckled nervously.

"Would you two mind explaining what you were discussing about?" He asked us.

"Uh sir, we we're just ahh, talking about how the faunus we're awesome having night vision! Yeah..." Noir then covered for us.

"Uh huh... well Mr. Rose, Mr. Silicon, I would appreciate if the both of you would listen to my lesson rather than listening to your own. Now where's was why..." He then continued his lecture.

"That was close, wouldn't want to get in detention for that." I said.

Half an hour later, it was time for us to have a fifteen minute break. Both me and Noir were walking side by side in the halls.

"So how are you and Weiss?" He then asked.

"We're good, she got a little softer since last month. My plan is going well." I said.

"Wow, never thought you're so ambitious over that. I do hope you and her just get together." He teased.

"Okay, stop with the teasing. You've had enough." I stated.

"Come on. I was just messing with you. You don't have to act like that."

"Says the guys who acts like a spoiled brat when being teased." I smirked.

"Hey! At least I only act like that over big things. Unlike you who cried because you can't get to eat pizza!" He said.

"Woah, woah, woah. Stop right there 'cause you're being a hypocrite! You literally just ruin our dorm last week over some missing textbook. And me? Crying because I didn't get to eat pizza? Lies!" I yelled.

"At least I didn't wrecked the bed because someone was scared of spiders!" He said.

"It's not my fault I have arachnophobia, at least I have a reason to be scared of it! While you're just cowering away from Yang!"

"Hah! Me scared of your sister? I would never!" He said in a boastful manner.

"Hey guys, I heard my name being stated. What's up?" Yang suddenly appeared in front of us.

"Oh my God, please don't hurt me! I'll do anything just please don't do anything!" Noir suddenly hide behind me.

"Hey sis." I waved at her.

"What's wrong with Noir?" She points at him.

"Don't mind him, he's just having Yangnophobia." I said.

"Yangno what?" She looks at me in confusion.

"He's scared of you, like a lot. What did you do to him anyway?" I asked.

"I did nothing! Well, but I do remember something he did that made me really pissed." She said.

"Oh. No wonder, well Noir, it's your fault for making my sister angry. You should know better, you low life creature." I said to him.

"Hey! Just keep her away from me! I'll appreciate it!" He yelled.

"Please don't yell near my ear. I'm starting to hear faint ringing now.." I said covering my left ear.

"I'll get going now, see ya!" She waves and smiles at us before walking passed us.

"I'm starting to debate with myself on who is better being together with you. Yang or Dahlia?" I said.

"Don't you dare pair me up with either of those two." He said.

"Hm, should we asked them about it? It wouldn't hurt to hear their opinions." I smirked.

"No, please no. Anyone but them... you know how scary they are right?!" He grabs my shoulders.

"Yeah they're scary but friendly! Well, some of them.. I hope they didn't hear this. But it wouldn't hurt a fly if we ask!" I said.

"You just signed my death contract... I'm doomed, good bye friends, good bye Remnant. I'll see you in another story." He then walks away.

I looked back at him and sighed.

"Wow how dramatic he is." I stated in sarcasm.

"Hey bro!" I heard a familiar voice.

I turned back and saw my youngest sister running towards me, once she got near me, she suddenly jumped and hugged me.

"Woah there Rubes, you're fully energetic today." I said smiling at her.

She then pulled away a second later and beamed at me. I gave her a pat and her smile turned into a pout.

"Come on, don't do that to me anymore, I'm a big girl now!" She said.

"Yeah, a big girl that acts like a small one." I chuckled.

"How are you today? This morning, I just recieved the letters from mom!" She said.

"Really? Can I read them later?" I asked.

"Of course you can! Hey I wanna ask you something." She said.

"Okay, go on." I said.

"Are you and my bestie Weiss together yet?!" She leans closer.

Hearing this made me almost choke on my own saliva. I took a step back and raised my hands in front of me in defence.

"Where did that question come from?! All right.. No, Ruby. Me and her are only friends, I'm not interested in being a relationship with her. Or anyone." I said.

"Aw come on. Don't be like that! What if you and her suddenly got married and then lived peacefully in your own home?"

Nixium: Oooooh... foreshadowing.

"What? Okay, that would never ever happen. Got that? Never! Not in my life I would date and marry her, plus, she came from a noble family." I said.

"I said what if? Just think about! It'll be super duper great!" She said.

"That's it, I'm out. Talk to you later, sis! Bye!" I turned around and walked away without saying another word.

"Don't worry, bro! I'll be your wingman, uh winggirl, wingwoman? Bah, forget it, I'll be the third wheel!! See you!" She yelled.

Hearing this made my cheeks turn pink a little. This sister of mine is just making me feel embarrassed in the public. I hope she doesn't really mean that.


Nixium: Hmm.. Yang? Or Dahlia? Who is better? Oh! I know who's better, Chibi! Yessh!!

"So what are we exactly going to do?" I asked Noir while the two of us were spying on Dahlia.

"We're gonna scare her and make her feel humiliated. This is what she will get for humiliating me last time. Y/N you make sure no one else enters the classroom." He said before walking away from me and towards Dahlia.

I then observed him as he sneak up behind her. Dahlia was currently holding a few books while try open the door. I'm not exactly sure what is going to happen so I think I might add up some few exiting moments.

I then got out of my hiding place and sneaked up behind Noir. As I was getting near, Yang showed up. She was about to speak but I immediately looked at her and placed my finger on my lips gesturing for her to stay quiet. Then I gestured to her that she would go near and she did. I stood up straight and heard that the door was open.

"Hey Dahlia." I called.

"Huh?" She then turned around.

I pushed Noir towards her causing the both of them to fall with Dahlia leaning on the door which it ended up with her falling on the floor and Noir on top of her. The books that she was holding were scattered on the floor around them.

"Heh, get a room you two! Don't do that in public!" I said.

"Wh-wha?" Dahlia then looks at Noir.

Her face suddenly went red uncontrollably. Noir looks back and was completely shocked. She then pushed him off of her and stand up.

"Why the heck did you do that you disgusting low life being?!" Dahlia yelled at him.

"I didn't do that! Y/N pushed me, I swear!" He reasoned.

"Liar! I'm gonna kill you, you pervert!" She then started to run towards him.

Noir responded with him running away as fast as he can from Dahlia. Before he is out of sight, we heard him yell.

"I'll kill you later, Y/N!! I hate you!!"

"They sure do make a pretty good pair." Yang said who was standing beside me.

"Yep, though I'm still debating if you or Dahlia is better being together with him." I said.

Yang then slightly glared and hit me on the head.


"Yeah you deserve that."

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