Chapter 15: Impression

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"Hey Weiss...." I gulped.

"What is it?" She asked, looking at me with her shining blue eyes.

Both me and her are standing alone outside the academy, a while back, I asked her if she doesn't mind if we talk alone here for a bit. Good thing she agreed, I need to get this off of my chest and get the answer from her after all. She was patiently waiting for me to speak, so I took a deep breath and thought of all the words I'm going to speak before letting them out.

"So we've been close friends for like months now, right?" I was feeling nervous already.

She nodded in response and waited for me to talk further, I tried my best to keep my composure and my gaze at her in order to not make this awkward.

"I'm now starting to realize everything between us and it turns out my feelings are starting to show up. Weiss Schnee, I like you... more than as a friend." My heart is beating fast.

I am so lucky that I was able to say those without stuttering, I look at her and saw her having slightly wide eyes.

"You like me?" She asked, as if she didn't believe what I said.

"Yes, I like you Weiss. And I was wondering, if we both have mutual feelings towards each other.. Will you go out with me?" Now this part made me more nervous.

I watched her as she was having a hard time speaking, I can tell that she wasn't sure what to say. She then looked away from me and closed her eyes, I waited patiently and let her take the time she needs to answer me.

Once she finally got her composure back, she opens her eyes and looks back at me, opening her mouth to say her answer.


Me and my team are currently outside of Beacon and walking around the streets in Vale. The four of us decided that we take a walk out since we have nothing to do, and probably might as well buy some things just in case.

"I remember the Vital Festival will be up in four months, do you think we should start training more as a team to win the tournament?" Noir asked.

"Well winning isn't the most important thing about the event but yeah. I think we should, but not right now." I said to him.

"Speaking of which, is the festival going to be held in Vale this year?" Ginger asked.

"Uh huh." I answered.

"Oh no..." She muttered but we heard it anyway.

"What's the matter?" Dahlia asked her.

"I-it's nothing! Let's just forget about that.." She seems really tense.

I wonder what bothered her about that?

"There they are!! Heeeyy!!" We heard a voice coming from the distance.

The four of us turned to where the voice came from and saw a red blue going towards us. About a few seconds later, I was then tackled to the ground which gave me a slightly back ache from the impact of me falling on the ground.

"Ahh... my back." I winced.

After I recovered for a bit, I look above me and saw Ruby sitting on my stomach with an expression of her being desperate for something. My team were standing beside us and were looking down upon me.

"Big bro! I need your help! This is urgent!" She yelled.

"Please don't yell when you're this close to me, also can get off of me? This is just making things unsettling knowing that we're in this position in the street." I said to her.

"Oh!" She realized the situation we were in and finally got off of me then helped me stand up.

"Thank you... Now what is it that you want me to help you with?" I asked her whole dusting myself off.

"Well I need you to come with me first! Mind if I borrow my brother for a moment?" Ruby asked my teammates.

"Sure not at all, be sure to bring him back in one piece though." Dahlia said.

"Was that a metaphor?" I raised a brow at her.

"Hmm probably. Knowing what always happens to you whenever Ruby asks help from you." She said with a smug smile.

"I'll be back." I said, not bothering to continue the conversation.

I was then pulled around the streets by Ruby. With her being this energetic it seems that there are only a few reasons why she acts this way. Either it'll be one, she needs me to assist her on some tasks mom assigned her, with mom not being here with us at the moment that's not going to be in the list. The next reason is she probably needs me to get Yang for her since she's sometimes very busy doing some bothersome stuff again. The third reason is that she wants to talk something important with me. That's probably it, and lastly, she-

"We're here! Now, big bro please lend me some money!!" She begged.

"Called it, reason four it is." I said looking at the bakery in front of us.

"Yes! Thanks bro, you're the best brother a girl like me could have!" She hugged my arm.

"Yeah, yeah. I know, next time, always bring your money with you. But no, you always leave it because you don't want to spend your money." I said to her.

"Hehe, sorry.. I'm just saving some money for Yang's birthday present." She said chuckling nervously.

"But Yang's birthday isn't even near yet." I said to her.

"I know! But my gift for her is a really special one and it caused a lot of my lien." She said.

"Fine. Anything for my sweet lil sis." I smiled at her.

She smiled back and I gave her my money and waited for her outside of the bakery as she buys her cookies. While waiting, I then spotted the rest of Ruby's team walking together. Blake noticed me and it seems that she told Yang that I'm here, both Weiss and Yang looked at me and my sister waved at me. I waved back and the three of them approached me.

Just as about they arrived in front of me, Ruby was already out of the bakery and was currently hugging me from behind carrying a small plastic bag of cookies.

"Thanks again bro! I owe you lots!" She said.

"Sure." I said smiling.

"So she let you lend her some lien again." Yang said.

"What do you think did she do?" I asked her.

"Anyway, where's your team. I don't see them around here." Yang looks around.

"They're currently waiting for me from near here. I should probably head back to them." I said.

"We'll escort you to them. It's rude to leave a man behind." Yang said.

"No Yang." I blankly looked at her.

The five of us then were walking and heading our way to where my team is. Ruby was currently munching down on the cookies that she bought with my money and both Blake and Yang were talking to each other. I then happen to look at Weiss who was focused on our front. Before I knew it, I was staring at her, slowly and slowly, I'm starting to question why do I keep doing this. Because of me being in thought for a split second, I didn't realize that Weiss was calling for me.

"You there? If so, can you please stop staring at me like that?" She said with a slight frown.

"O-oh, uh. Sorry about that, I guess I was just engrossed." I said.

"On what?" She asked.

"On your beauty." I said, out of the blue.

We both realized what I had just said and the two of us were shocked. Me and her stopped walking while she looks at me with wide eyes.

"F-forget about what I said!" I said to her while being flustered.

"We heard that.. it's seems that our brother here is using his flirting skills on our teammate, Ruby." Yang said while smirking.

"It appears he is, Yang. Should we help him then?" Ruby asked.

"No, we must let him fly on his own. But we will help him by leaving them be. Let's go." Yang said before turning around and walking away.

"Shut up Yang! Don't be a bad influence to Ruby!" I shouted.

"I'll take a picture of you two if you want." Blake said to us.

"You're not helping, Blake!" Weiss yelled while blushing.


"My son has a crush on one of Ruby's teammates?! Oh my, my baby boy, has already turned into a man before I knew it. And now, he's stepping on the that stage. I'm so proud of him.. thank you Yang for sending me this letter." Summer stated as she wipes her tears of joy with tissue.

"Do you really have to cry whenever they send a letter to us?" Taiyang asked her while he continuously hands her some tissues.

"Be quiet, Tai! Let me enjoy my moment of being a proud mom on her now grown children!" She said.

"If you say so.." He sighed.

"I smelled something burning... no, not my cookies again!! This is the fifth time that this happened!" Summer throws the tissues away and stood up before rushing to the kitchen.

"Should've let Qrow take care of her for now..." Taiyang sighed before he began to pick up the tissues that were scattered on the floor.

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