Chapter 16: Failed

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I was currently in sitting on my bed inside my dorm, my team surrounded me with serious looks which gives me a vibe. There's no way for me to escape them, what do I do?! What are they gonna do to me?

"U-uh.. guys? Can I ask, why are you all surrounding me?" I asked nervously.

None of them responded which made me feel more nervous. I do hope that they're intentions doesn't involve something that will go wrong. Or else I would be dead if that happens. I just let them look at me with those faces while I began to cloud my mind with something else, until Dahlia grabbed my shoulders.

"Just go and confess to Weiss already!" She yelled.

"W-what?" I was utterly shocked.

"Don't what us! As your teammates, it is also our job to help you get to be in a relationship!" Noir said.

"But I didn't asked for you guys to help me with anything!" I spoke back.

"No! We're getting you and Weiss to be together and that's final!" Dahlia said.

"I don't want to confess!" I shouted.

"But you like Weiss, don't you?" Ginger asked.

"No I don't, we're only friends and that's it." I turned away from them and crossed my arms.

"Lies!" Dahlia yelled.

"Truth!" I yelled back.

"Let's go already. " Noir grabbed me and started to pull me out of the dorm.

"No! I didn't signed for this! Someone help!" I began to yell.

"Quit whining, you're making yourself look like a baby." Ginger said.

"Why must you guys do this to me..."

"Come on, we all know that you like her and have the to urge to confess to her." Dahlia replied.

"At least be considerate on what you're about to make me do."


So that happened, I remember humiliating myself in front of Weiss two days ago thanks to my while team. And now here I am, standing in front of her, the girl that I like.

"So what is it that you want to talk with me?" She asked.

"Okay... here it goes." I mumbled taking a deep breath.

"So we've been close friends for like months now, right?" I was feeling nervous already.

She nodded in response and waited for me to talk further, I tried my best to keep my composure and my gaze at her in order to not make this awkward.

"I'm now starting to realize everything between us and it turns out my feelings are starting to show up. Weiss Schnee, I like you... more than as a friend." My heart started to beat fast.

I am so lucky that I was able to say those without stuttering, I look at her and saw her having slightly wide eyes.

"You like me?" She asked, as if she didn't believe what I said.

"Yes, I like you Weiss. And I was wondering, if we both have mutual feelings towards each other.. Will you go out with me?" Now this part made me more nervous.

I watched her as she was having a hard time speaking, I can tell that she wasn't sure what to say due to being surprised. She then looked away from me and closed her eyes, I waited patiently and let her take the time she needs to answer me.

Once she finally got her composure back, she opens her eyes and looks back at me, opening her mouth to say her answer.

"Y/N.... I'm sorry, but. I don't like you." She answered.

My eyes slightly widen and my heart suddenly stopped, but not literally. I suddenly felt sad, I knew confessing to her was a bad idea.

"Oh, I see. Well, I guess that's all i need to hear, I'm glad I was able to let you know how I feel. See ya." I gave her one last smile before walking back inside the academy.


I stood in front of my dorm, after rejecting Y/N's feelings, I couldn't help but feel sad. Should I be sad? I sighed afterwards and slowly open the door.

"So how did it go?!" Ruby's face was the first thing I see when I entered.

"What?" I asked.

"The confession. Are you guys together now?" Yang asked.

"Oh yeah.. about that.. I rejected him." I said in a quite saddened tone.

It took them some time before finally realizing what I said, and their expressions changed drastically.

"What?! But, but why?! I thought you like him?" Ruby asked.

"I don't, it was you guys who kept saying that, not me." I responded.

"I wonder how Y/N will handle this rejection." Yang said looking at gauntlet.

"He even gathered up all his courage to confess his feelings to you. But that's love, sometimes you get hurt." Blake said while not looking away from her book.

"Sorry for hurting your brother, Ruby, Yang." I said.

"Woah, woah, woah. Are you the real Weiss or an impostor? 'Cause I've never heard the real Weiss say that in my life!" Yang said.

"Yang!" I shot a glare at her.

"I'm kidding, but you don't have to apologize. We understand how you feel." She said.

"Yeah, don't worry about that! You and Y/N are still buddies right?" Ruby asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"Good to know, now let us start our team bonding!" Yang said.

"Yeah!" Ruby shouted.


It's been a week since Weiss rejected Y/N's confession. For a week straight, neither of them tried to talked to each other. Just simple greetings and smiles and that's it. No conversations at all, their friends and teams began to get worried for them.

It was obvious for them that the reason is the confession from last week. They had their attempts on questioning them if everything is all right and it's already obvious what their answers are. Y/N is currently in Professor Goodwitch's combat classroom. Training his strength and skills for any upcoming events. His sisters were with him, interested in seeing how far he has become. While on the other hand, Weiss was staying in their dorm, studying as usual.

Blake was there reading her book but also to keep an eye on her. The whole is like any other normal week, but with no fun. It was boring for them, yet at the same time saddened them because of how Y/N was acting. Nothing they do for now but wait and observe.

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