Chapter 6: Day One

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The next day, after our initiation had finished, me and my team had woke up and prepare for our first class. When we got in our school uniforms, we noticed that we still have fifteen more minutes before class starts. We exited our dorm and head our way towards Professor Port's classroom. I then noticed that Ruby and her team aren't out yet, they're probably still preparing. When we got to the classroom, we noticed that there were only a few students in here.

"Ah, Team RNGD. Glad that you attended class early today, please sit anywhere you want. Let us wait for the rest to arrive." Professor Port stated as he gestured towards the seats in front of us.

The four of us sat down on the second row of the seats and waited for the other students to arrive.

"Hey guys which is better, pizza or burger?" Noir asked us.

"Burger." Ginger said.

"I choose pizza." Dahlia said.

"Hmm.. Don't know, I both like them." I said.

"Then what about soda or juice?" He asked.

"Juice." Both Dahlia and Ginger said in sync.

"I'll go with juice as well." I said.

"Okay then." He said.

Minute by minute, more students began to enter the classroom but Ruby and her team aren't here yet. I then began to think on why they are late on the first day of class. Soon, Professor Port began to start his lesson when suddenly eight people barged in the classroom. All of us gaze at the door to see Ruby, her team and four more people had entered inside.

"Sorry we're late professor." Ruby apologized

"Can the eight of you explain on why are you late on the first day of class?" Port asked them.

"Well... We still fixed our dorm, thus it took us long." Yang said.

"And how about you, Team JNPR? What is the reason that you four are late?" He asked.

"Uh.... We did the same thing as well." Jaune stated.

"Hmm.... I'll let this slide, you may take a seat. But next time this happens again I'll have you explain it to the headmaster." He said.

"Yes sir." They said.

The eight of them then took a seat with Team RWBY sitting in front of us. I look at Weiss and she looks back at me, so I waved at her and smiled. She responded with a glare and averted my gaze. The professor finally began to talk, when I thought it was some kind of a fun lesson it turns out to be him just telling about how great he is in the past. Lame.

"Seriously, who even needs to know about that?" Noir said in an irritated way.

"Obviously no one. But let's just pretend that we are listening so we don't get into trouble." Dahlia stated.

And so we did, while I pretend to listen to the professor's boring story, I happen to gaze at Weiss quite often. Something about her just won't make me stop thinking about her. Later I noticed Ruby was unintentionally annoying her with her antics which is quite entertaining to watch. After about an hour of Professor Port telling his story, the bell finally rang and we got out of the classroom to go to the next one.

"That was boring. I do hope we don't have to hear any of his stories time." Ginger said.

"I hope so too." Dahlia said.

"Hey turd, I noticed you looking at Weiss every now and then. Does our team leader had a crush on someone?" Noir began to elbow me.

"Dude no, I don't have a crush on her. And it's you who is the turd here, not me." I said slightly glaring.

"Hm, we'll see. How about we do a bet, if you do end up with her, I'll treat you with anything for a month." He said.

"And what if I didn't?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Then I'll let everyone in the school know that I accidentally dropped my toothbrush into the toilet." He said.

"Wait what? When did that happened?" Dahlia asked.

"Uh... last night." He said sweating.

"Disgusting." Ginger said going behind Dahlia.

"Come on! It's not like I used it after it dropped! I'll buy a new one." He said.

"So how are you able to brush your teeth last night and this morning?" I asked.

"Uh.... I just mouth washed." He said.

"Anyway.... let's head to our next class now." I said.

I turn around about to walk towards the next classroom when suddenly I accidentally bumped into someone who was just standing behind me. I managed to catch them by the waist, I then realized it was Weiss, again.

"Let go of me!" She said removing my hand from her.

"Sorry for bumping into you, again." I said looking away.

"Do you always have to do that? At least look at where you're going before you walk or run." She glared at me before walking away.

"Oooh, you got burned!" Noir began laughing.

"Shut up you insolent fool!" I glared at Noir.

"Forgive me for my teammate's attitude, she's normally like that. I hope you understand that, we'll head on our way now." Ruby said the three of them followed Weiss.

"We should probably head to our class as well. Come on." Dahlia said walking away.

The four of us walked our way to our next class and after about two more classes it was finally lunch time. All of us are in the cafeteria, we eventually found a vacant table and sat there. We placed our tray of food on the table and I look at it.

"No wonder why you asked us which is better. What's with that anyway?" Ginger asked Noir.

"Nothing, I just want the four of us to have the same drink and food." Noir answered taking a bite on his meal.

"You sure are weirder than I thought." Dahlia said to him.

"Was that an insult?" He glared at her.

"Probably." She smiled.

While as we continue our conversation, Team RWBY appeared with each of them holding a tray of food.

"Hey bro! Mind if we sit here with your team?" Yang asked.

"Er... You guys don't mind right?" I asked my team.

"It's fine, they can sit here with us. There's plenty of room." Ginger smiled.

"Do we really have to sit with them? Especially with that brother of yours?" Weiss said with an annoyed expression.

"Got a problem?" I asked with a smile.

"Of course I do!" She glared at me.

"Oh shush, let's go and sit with them." Ruby said sitting beside Dahlia.

The rest all just talk to each other while I eat my food. After eating, I decided to join the conversation while playing with a ball of fire. I then noticed Ginger being mesmerized by it.

"Hey Y/N, if I remember correctly. Your semblance is fire manipulation right?" Ginger asked me.

"Yeah, I can also create fire using my aura. I've only used my semblance for cooking though..." I said.

"This is your chance to prove yourself to Weiss that you're worth it!" Noir whispered to my ear.

"Not now, Noir!" I whispered back.

The fire in my hand disappeared and I look at Weiss to see her peacefully eating. Since the others are busy talking with each other, I decided to make a conversation with the cold-hearted heiress.

"So... hey Snowball! How was your day?" I said sitting across from her.

"What did you just call me?" She said.

"Uh... what's wrong? That nickname sounds cute on you!" I said rather loudly that our teammates heard us.

"What?" She looks at me dumbfounded.

"Hey, Noir. Is he flirting with her?" Yang whispered to Noir, but I heard it anyway.

"Sshhh, I wanna hear what's next." He whispered back.

"Would you mind?" I look at them and they averted my gaze.

"Anyway, as I was sayi-" I was cut off by Weiss suddenly standing up and slamming the table with one hand.

Her other hand, to be specific, her right hand was pointing at me. I look at her in the eyes to see her glare having a tint of anger.

"Look here, what ever you are planning that involves me, it won't work. So why don't you just go and never talk to me." She warned.

"Woah, calm down. Okay, okay. I got it, no need to be so cold." I said raising my hands in front of me in defence.

"Hmph!" She began walking away from us then exited the cafeteria.

"Geez, you shouldn't have started with that move. How are you going to get closer to her now?" Dahlia said.

"What's happening between him and Weiss?" Blake asked.

"Well you see, Y/N here h-" I didn't let Noir finish his sentence.

"That's not my true intention, Noir. I'll let you guys know once my mission is done!" I said standing with a smile.

"It might take long though... Can you tell us now?" Yang whined.

"Nope, you have to wait." I said.

"Whatever that is you're about to do, good luck." Ginger said.

"Thanks, I'll make sure to get closer to her and melt the ice with my fire." I said creating a small fire on my palm.

"You're going to use your semblance on her?!" Ruby shouted as she stands up, slamming her hands on the table.

"For the last time Ruby, I'm not!" I yelled gathering some attention from the other students.

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