Chapter 7: Antics

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After school, I have been trying multiple attempts on how to have a normal conversation with Weiss. But I guess all of them had no avail due to her ignoring me. You can say she is so cold that it made me shiver.

(Respect for the cliche pun)

"Hey Snowball! Can you at least stop ignoring me and let me talk to you?" I asked, standing in front of her.

"Augh, why do you even want to talk to me? Can you leave me alone for once?" She asked.

"Not until we get to be friends!" I smiled innocently at her.

She raised a brow and walked past me. I looked back at her and began to walk beside her.

"Come on! At least give me a chance!" I said.

"Why are you so eager on being friends with me anyway? Because of my family name?" She crossed her arms.

"No, but I genuinely want to be friends with you without a reason. Well, there is one reason." I said the last part quietly.

"Sure... Anyway, you should go back to your team now, I still have homework to do." She then opens the door to her dorm and I saw the inside of it.

"Wait.... Why are the beds organized like that?" I asked.

"The room is so small to organize the beds normally so we decided to make it into bunk beds. Don't worry, it may look like it's gonna fall on the lower side but it's not." She said stepping inside the room.

"Can we at least hang out on the weekend?" I asked.

"No." She then slammed the door closed on me.

I sigh at this and began thinking. I guess nagging her won't work, because it'll only make it more difficult. Maybe I should try doing something that really helps me and her. Because of my deep thinking, I didn't noticed that the rest of Weiss' team are standing in front of me.

"Y/N? What are you doing here?" Blake asked.

"Breathing." I said.

"Really?" She gave me a bland expression.

"Yes, really." I said.

"Your teammates are looking for you by the way." Yang said.

"Oh..... Okay, I better be going now. Wouldn't want to be a failure of a leader, tell Snowball that I'll continue to convince her!" I began walking away while raising my hand.

"Sure! You better not be using your semblance on her!!" Ruby shouted.

"I told multiple times already, I'm not!" I yelled back.

About two minutes of walking, I finally reached my dorm. I grab the door knob and turn it, lightly pushing it open. The first thing I see when I open it was Ginger sitting on her bed, holding a few papers.

"Hey Ginger, where are Noir and Dahlia?" I asked her, entering inside and closing the door.

"Probably showing themselves off. They really need to be together if this continues." She said not looking away from the papers.

"A new couple eh? I like the sound of Noir and Dahlia being together. Maybe I should tell that when they get here." I said with my right index finger and thumb on my chin.

"Maybe do that a few days later? I bet it'll be better than now." She said.

"Good idea, let's just pretend that this conversation never happened." I said sitting on my bed then lie down.

There's nothing to do right now. I don't bother doing my homework at the moment, maybe I should hang out with Ruby and her team right now. But then I remembered that they might be busy doing their homework as well. What to do? The door suddenly opens to reveal a Noir grinning in triumph while behind him was a fuming Dahlia.

"I can't believe I lost to an obnoxious guy like you!" Dahlia yelled in anger.

"See? I told you I'm better than you, next time, avoid showing off with me so you won't end up like that! Hahaha!" He began to laugh in a villainy way.

"I swear I'm gonna roast you next time!!" Dahlia glared.

"Good luck!" Noir gave her a smug smile.

"What did you guys do?" Ginger asked putting away the paper she's holding.

"Oh just had a competition on who throws the rock further." He said.

"How far did it go?" I asked.



"All right! Whoever throws the rock further, wins!" Noir said to Dahlia as the two of them are on the courtyard.

"Deal! This thing is pretty easy!" Dahlia let out a proud smile.

"We'll see." Noir smirked.

"I will serve as the referee." Ren stated who was standing in front of them.

Dahlia gave Noir a rock and the two of them got into position. Ren stands on the side watching the two get ready.

"Are you two ready?" Ren asked.

"Yes!" Both of them said.

"Okay then, Noir give it your best shot." He said to him.

"Here I.... go!!" He then threw the rock so far and high up the ground that they can't see where it landed.

"Hah! Try beating that!" Noir said to her

"Oh I will!" She said.

"Ren!! What'cha guys doing?" Nora suddenly appeared.

"We're having a contest on who throws further." Noir said.

"Ooo! Did you finished throwing already?!" Nora asked.

"Yep! And the rock can't be seen from here!" Noir said.

"Will you shut up?! I'm trying to focus here." Dahlia suddenly interfered.

"Okay, okay. We'll stop... good luck Dahlia!" Noir said in a way that makes her feel annoyed.

"I said shut up!" She suddenly throws the rock she is holding at Noir.

"Ow! Hey! I was only messing with you! That really hurts!!" Noir yelled at her as he holds his right arm where he got hit.

"Well if you have just stayed quiet, I wouldn't have throw the rock at you!!" Dahlia yelled back.

"And Noir wins the competition." Ren interfered.

"Why do you always have to- wait, what?!" Dahlia looks at Ren in disbelief.

"I win!! Hahaha! In your face, Dahlia!"

"What! That's not my official throw!! Let me try again!" Dahlie tried to convince Ren.

"I'm sorry, but that's it. Noir wins." He said.

"What?! You can't be serious?!" Dahlia yelled.

"Hahaha!! Oh my God! Look how miserable you are! I can't stop laughing! Pfftt- hahaha!!" Noir just rolls on the ground while laughing.

She blushed in embarrassment and steam began to come out of her ears.

"Stop laughing!!" She shouted.


"And that's how I won!" Noir places his hand on his sides.

"If only you stayed quiet, that wouldn't happen!" Dahlia said.

"Whatever happens, that'll always be the result." Noir said.

"I'll make you wish you never come to this academy." She said.

"Try it if you can." Noir said to him.

"Well that was something. She could've just wished that she didn't throw her heart to him." I said out loud.

"What did you just said?" Both Noir and Dahlia look at me in a rather dark expression.

"U-uh, nothing! Forget that I ever said anything!!" I said while I began to sweat.


"Hey, hey, Slendy. Did you know that I donated chairs?" A small white haired cat girl asked the tall, faceless creature.

"No, I didn't know that you do that. Why though?" He asked.

"I did it for chairity!" She smiled.

".... Okay that was intentional." He said.

"Also, did you know that pimples are people too? Because they are called peomples!" Nixium's cat ears began to move up and down.


"Today is a gift that's why it's called the present!" She continues.

"Okay, you can stop now." Slender Man said to her.

"There was a hole on the ceiling so I began ceiling it." She said.

"Go home and eat donuts."

"Woah! The lights literally lit up!" Nixium looks at the lights that just lit up.


"Look! My life is on the line!" Nixium points at the red line she's standing on.

"That's enough! No more puns!" Slender Man began to chase Nixium around the large room.

"Never! My puns are punny! You donut understand that!"

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