~ 2~ Betraying her

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((So readers this is the second chapter, hope u all will like this horrific chapter. Do votes, comments and inline comments too . And share your vies too . what do you think is John dead? Next chapter is going to be Shivay POV .. till then enjoy ))

Bhavya POV

Its 9:00pm and I am still waiting for John from an hour. Who says girls took more time in getting ready. I always say to him that he is little lazy. But I am sure he will be with his friends Alex Daniel and Manik. I have seen them through John's cell phone. surely they will not be leaving him .He is so Sweet , caring . I love him too much, and I know he loves me too. I kept blushing whenever he praises me and teases me.

I felt  two hands around my waist and a little heaviness on my shoulder . I turned a little to see that He is here.

John rested his face on my shoulder and give a soft kiss on my cheek , on which I blushed. and he tightens his hold on mine as he bends his face down to my neck I could feel his breath.

I parted away when I realized he is about to kiss me on my neck.

I have stopped him every time from doing anything like that, but he didn't listen , and again he started.

"How much time I have stopped you" I ask raising my eyebrow .

He frowned. I smiled.

"I already told you a lot of times , I will not do anything before our marriage"

"not again Bhavya" he said disappointed.


He huffs "okay come , I am hungry lets eat dinner" He said

"okay.. I am too starving " we both sat on chairs for dine.

While eating I observed John looked out of place. He was sitting with me but his sight was somewhere else. I asked him but he just answered me that everything is fine. But I had a feeling that someone is behind me and watching us . I turned my face to see but there was no one.

"what happened !" John asked

"hmm...yah !what " I answered half attentive.

"why are you not eating "

"nothing like that, I am not feeling good here ..." I didn't even completed when lights turns off.

Darkness all around.

I couldn't spot John. I cried out his name many times but no answer.

Suddenly my breath hitched when I heard a loud scream of John. I start sweeting , when I again heard a loud scream I put my hands on my ears and closed my eyes tightly. I slowly removed my hands from my ears when there was no screaming sound but some evil laughs.

 The lights turned on. I immediately get up from my chair. I panicked when I didn't spot John hear and there.

"Jo..." I was about to call out his name when my words freeze in my mouth , when my eyes shifted to floor, I start crying for what I saw

John was lying on the floor unconscious and blood dripping from his wrist.

Tears start flowing from my eyes , I took a step forward , hesitantly! I sit beside him, and what I realize, made me scared. I immediately get up from there and took my steps back.

John was lying dead. His breath stopped.

I started crying loudly and start running away as much as I can. I cant see what all this is happened. I cant see a dead body. I am scared . My blood is running cold, my palms and forehead sweeting.

I stopped in my tracks when I again hear those familiar evil laughs again. I turned my face to see them.  I feel disgusted when I saw them . How can they do this. They just killed john and are laughing.

His Bestfriends Alex, Daniel and Manik . How can they kill John.

I never felt this much disgusted before. I again start running away but taking a vow .

I will take my revenge.

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