~3~ Shivay

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Shivay POV

After my graduation , and getting top grades in Interior Designing , I applied to many companies , made many designs , send to many companies.

A lot of designers rejected, as according to them my designs are not creative, they didn't gave look of professionals.

Silly people. How will my designs become Professional in just the start.

Some of them liked my ideas, but I didn't like their so called conditions and contract.

It is my life too. And I have my keen interest in Interior designing , I don't make designs just for sell or a mere showoff. I make them to give creative looks to place, Romantic for couples and passionate lovers, natural for kids, Artistic for Artists and much more.

I have already decided that I will design my house one day my self , when I will become The-Great-Interior-Designer.

Well this take a lot of time in giving interviews and showing my designs to many ones.

But I didn't give up.

Internet has helped in focusing on carrier, I send my designs to many international interior designers and filled many online application forms.

Now what I have to do is just wait and wait. 

Days turns into weeks, weeks turn into months.

Every day I spent my hours just sitting in front of my laptop to just check , if, if there is any email.

Two months passed.

 I start loosing my hopes , once again sitting in front of my laptop, when something popped in the screen.

Its a mail.

I slightly jumped from my place in excitement and suspense , a new layer of hope in my mind.

My fingers wobbled slightly when I move the cursor to open the email.

I opened and I felt my lips curving into big-even bigger smile when I read the text:

Mr. Shivay

We are glad to tell you that your designs are liked and even appreciated by our company's designers and we want you to come and work in our company.

Your job is fixed, you have a time of fifteen days to come Amsterdam.

No need to worry for residence, as our company provides flats to workers.

Addresses are sent over to you by next mail.

Thank you.

~Amsterdam Interior Designing's~

I was about to fall from my place when I read the full mail. I am feeling like I am on seventh sky. I cant stop my self from smiling.

I immediately run to my mother to tell her the news, like a small baby who get full marks in his annual exams . Haha!!

Now I have to arrange my everything in fifteen days, thank God I and mom have passports ready. Sigh!

My happiness is limitless. But inside I am curious, a little afraid and excited to face the new land , new challenges, new people.

Amsterdam here I come.

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