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Bhavya POV

Fifteen days passed, John being dead .

I didn't look back at that day ,when John was lying dead and those three evils were who were said to be his best friends were laughing after killing him.

I still cry whenever I remind the scene. I run away as a coward that day. But no more crying.

I will take my revenge. And my revenge will be completed when I will complete these three lives who don't deserve to survive. In this Fire-Of-Revenge these three will burn.

What they think, shifting to different place will save them. Never! yes they have shifted to Amsterdam. I am also going there, as there is nothing for me here except another bad memory.

To survive there, I also have to work there. Thanks to Amsterdam Interior Designer's company , they gave the job sooner then soon.


 I just received a mail from them, I move my fingers on cursor to open it , and what I read is I have to work with one of their employee as a partner. They have sent his picture and his name and age. 

Name Shivay , age 26, and his picture revealing his grey-green eyes with a lighter shade, short beard, handsome face with fair tone, with a perfect white and wide smile. 

Why I am looking and explaining him. I will be there just for my own purpose.

In few days I packed my all stuff and shifted to one of the company's given flat. At least I don't have to worry for a shelter. Day after tomorrow is my first day there and also with my working partner, Shivay.

I closed the lights , settled myself on the pillow, and sleep take me in a dark slumber.


Shivay POV

"Hey, Shivay ! Whats Up" Avin greet as he sat beside me , near my working table.
"Afternoon Avin" I give him a fresh smile.

Avin is also living in one of the flats of company as he also works here, in few days he has become a good friend of mine, he is really sincere, mature, hardworking but at the the same time funny and a mood refresher , simply he is a package of a friend.

"Any plans for today !!" I asked but my eyes fixed on my laptop as I was finalizing a design.

"Umm...nope not so" He answered.

I looked up at him, his eyes fixed on his phone, and his fingers scrolling something on it.

"So what if you come to my place, we will dine together", I asks and he looked at me.

"And who will cook ! you already told me your mom is on wheel chair" he asks with a confused tone.

I looked at him, which he was already looking my lips curved into grin yet mischievous grin.

"Woah Woah ! Wait! You know how to cook" he exclaims and holds up his hands in air.

I made my collar, a proud smile on my face. He smiled back when I nodded in yes.

"You have got a multi-talented friend, Avin" I grin.

"Indeed" he says, I was about to reply when his expressions changes into a disassurance.

"What happened?" I ask, concernly.

"Are you sure?!?" He asks scratching his forehead a little with his index finger.

I looked awe at him, I raised my brows at him. How he can questions my cooking!

"You have a doubt"

"No...actually I...I dont know" he clears.

"Don't worry, you will not regret" I assures him.

He humms back. I am quite sure he has a doubt, an obvious doubt!

We talk for sometime, when manager calls me to his cabin. I told Avin to wait here, as we will go home along.

After about five minutes I return back to my table.

"What did he said?" Avin asks.

"Umm...a new girl is appointed, and she is coming tomorrow, and will be working here as my partner" I explain sitting on my chair.

"Girl! Aaw my luck , you are lucky man" he says, disappointed.


"Because my partner is a gay" He gives a weak smile.

I suddenly start laughing like a maniac.

I find Avin glaring at me. I stopped half open-mouthed.

"What?" He asks still glaring me.

"Nothing..." I say hardly trying to control me, "Okay I am sorry" I apologize as I again start laughing. But this time his killing glare changed into a smile and then finally he start laughing.

Time passed and we were at my flat now. Now I have to make the dinner.

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