1. the middle

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Chapter One 

the middle 

3rd person pov 

she remembered where her life began and she remembered when it ended but for some reason, she couldn't remember the middle. dorian was set to find out the middle while doing what she did best which was pushing people away and helping herself. being a pirate wasn't something she would consider herself but other people would and due to this, she had to deal with the name and idea of it. 

luffy knew she hated the idea of being a pirate due to her parents and her powers but she managed quite well on her own. what she did was no ones business but herself and she knew that. the job she had was one of her own and so she did it without the approval or permission of others. she stayed on the land as she did her job and waited for luffy to come back. 

as she was working, she felt someone come over and kiss her cheek. she smiled as she soon realized that it was jonah, he had been her boyfriend for 3 years now and he knew about her powers and her job. they worked together as she would seduce the men and he would take their money and belongings. she thought about getting married to him and being together but that wasn't  in his plans. she knew that and she didn't push him because she just couldn't. 

she was truthfully in love with him and she would do anything for him but she would never tell him that. admitting that shes in love with him would mean she has feelings and she doesn't. she doesn't have feelings and she never has. luffy could see right through her and she knew that he could. thinking back to luffy she realized that he hadn't come back in a while since he went on his trip and she was worried about him. 

when they were younger and shanks would come home, she would always go with him to the ship and see shanks when he got home. luffy always tried to prove himself and she never did, she never had to prove herself to anyone and she never would. she missed him though and she hated that she didn't know what was going on with him 

"whats going on in your head rian?" jonah asked and she shrugged her shoulders as she looked around and then at him. he should have known and he didn't 

"just luffy, he isn't back yet and im worried about him" she said and he scoffed with a shake of his head. she turned and looked at him in anger and he stared at her 

"he can handle himself dorian, hes not helpless" he told her and she shook her head 

"i still care about him jonah" she exclaimed and he sighed as he walked away from her because he knew that this was getting nowhere and she would leave without him. she never needed him and even though she saw a future it wasn't worth it if she felt so annoyed and enangered with him over this. she was sick of staying her and doing the work while letting him take the money and get away with it. she wondered what luffy was doing or where he was and she would find out soon enough. 

so she did what she would always do and she packed her things, a bad with everything and anything she would need while she was gone and she looked around. she knew that leaving right now wouldn't be the smartest idea but she didn't care about that. she didn't care about leaving jonah behind because it didn't matter. he wouldn't care if she left and he would move on after a while. 

"where are you going?" he asked her and she turned to him with an annoyed look at her face and shook her head 

"I'm going after luffy, i know where he is and I'm going to find him. you can't stop me" she stated and she grabbed everything else leaving jonah in shock but he got out of it 

"its dangerous out there dori, you could get hurt" he stated and she scoffed as she put her things into the boat and turned to look him in the eye 

"that's an chance I'm willing to take for fluffy" she told him and he stared at her. he couldn't believe that she was truly doing this 

"what about the business? what about us?" he asked and she shook her head 

"us? you use my powers for the business jonah, there really isn't an us. the business will be fine without me. i have to go find him because he could be injured and I'm not letting that happen to him" she spoke and with that , she just left without a single trace left. following where she knew luffy was or where he was going, she took her boat and started it up softly and slowly. the ocean was big and bright and dark. she thought about the last time she was on the ocean and she smiled at the reminder of her and shanks with luffy. knowing that luffy was following after the one piece which she was annoyed at him for but she knew why. she thought she knew where he was going, he was following what he knew. 

so she was going to do the same thing wether she got hurt or not. she would survive for herself and fluffy. little did she know what or who she was going to meet along the way and what was going to happen to them as time went on but she'll learn soon enough. 



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