2. you found me!

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Chapter Two 

you found me!

3rd person pov 

following where she would usually find him, she went to where she tracked him and she looked around. she wondered where he was but she learned that she needed a drink and needed to figure out a plan so she went to the local shop and she looked around. she saw people around and she smiled at the sight of everyone before she saw a guy with multiple swords walk in and then she looked around to see a girl with orange staring at her and she smiled at her as she walked away. 

"there you are" she exclaimed and she walked over to luffy and his table. then she heard a clammer and looked at the little girl and then at the guy with green hair as she picked it up off the flor and ate it. 

"dorian? you found me!" luffy said and he stood up as he hugged her and she laughed with a shake of her head and a smile on her face. they watched the blond pull a sword on the guy with green hair and watched them begin to fight as the guy with luffy hid and zoro fought the marines. 

dorian and luffy watched closely as they fought and the girl with orange hair banged a marines head on the table while zoro fought the others and dorian looked at luffy 

"wow, good fighter" luffy said and dorian nodded in agreement. they watched the green haired guy corner the marine and then they watched zoro be taken away with the guys and luffy looked at dorian. 

"this is koby, we have a boat outside. come with us" luffy told her and they nodded as they got up and went to the boat. dorian looked at her boat and made sure that no one would steal it as she got on the boat with luffy and koby. she fell asleep watching the two of them with a safe look on her face and they figured out a plan to break into the grounds and steal what they needed. 

the next morning, luffy found a way in and he brought dorian with him which brought them into the grounds and they turned to see the green haired guy 

"oh, hey. You're the guy from the bar" luffy said 

"get lost" he replied 

"funny enough, we are lost. He's trying to get inside the base." dorian said to the guy and he stared at her 

"I know you" he spoke and she scoffed 

"good to know and I know you, but I'm not sure that matters right now" she stated 

"how did they even arrest you?" luffy asked him 

"They didn't I gave myself up" he told them 

"interesting choice. I'm sure you had your reasons." 

"you don't know anything about me" 

"yeah but we know that you protected that little girl from the marines last night. I don't believe it, but he believes you're a good guy and if he believes it I believe it." dorian told him 

"I'm roronoa zoro, the pirate hunter" he told them 

"well, I'm monkey d.luffy and this is dorian w.verona, and I'm gonna be the king of pirates and i think you should our crew" he told zoro 

"what makes you think I'd wanna play Pirates with you?" he asked 

"you're a great fighter. I'd say that together we make a pretty good team" 

"i kill your kind for a living, pirate hunter" he told luffy and dorian got bored of the conversation fast as she looked around. 

"you keep saying that but is that all you are is that all you want?" luffy asked 

"I made a promise to someone a long time ago to become the world's greatest swordsman" he told luffy 

"impressive" luffy said and he walked behind zoro to untie him bringing dorian to help and she did one side as he did the other and they got him out. she didn't want to but she did for him 

"hey, can you close this behind us?" luffy asked and he went down the grate with dorian as they began to trek their way into the base. they walked in and looked around for anything but they didn't see anything suspicious until they looked through a hole and saw a girl with orange hair 

"hmm" luffy said and he walked out as dorian did too and she pushed luffy behind her as the girl thrush a staff in their way. dorian made eye contact with the girl and she lowered the staff slightly 

" I am taking him into custody for trespassing on a marine base" she told them and dorian shook her head 

"the way you're doing it because we know that you're not a marine and you should probably take yourself into custody too. He heard everything we know that you stole that guy uniform, and now you're looking for the map." dorian exclaimed 

"the map?" she asked 

"yeah, the map to the grand line or as Luffy likes to call it his map" dorian exclaims 

"OK well it's my map and I'm not leaving here without it" she told them 

"suit yourself" luffy said and he walked off as dorian did with him and then they heard footsteps behind them making them realize it was the girl following after them. 

"do you have any idea what you're doing?" she asked them 

"I mean he did just tell you right if we can find that Morgan guys office we can find the map and get out of here" dorian told her and they walked into a room as they saw other marines and they peeked out as they walked by and then they walked out. 

"that's your plan? Just walk into axe-hand Morgan's office and ask him for the map?" the girl asked and dorian shrugged 

"I may have to fight him for it. Why do they call him axe-hand anyway?" he asked 

"you are going to get all three of us caught if you keep stomping around this place we need a plan" the girl said and they mean into axe-hand morgan 

"axe-hand!" luffy said and dorian sighed 

"Captain Morgan, sir, I was just escorting these prisoners to the brig. They were arrested for causing a disturbance in the square." she told him 

"yeah. prisoners" luffy agreed and dorian elbowed him as she looked around and zoned out most of the conversation until the end when they walked away and out of the mans sight. 

"you should think about joining my pirate crew" luffy said 

"let's get one thing straight. I'm never joining anything with you or pretty princess here. I hate pirates hate them." she said and dorian blushed 

"she thinks I'm pretty?" dorian said and they followed after the girl to the room and they opened it walking inside but dorian stood look out making nami stare at her and smile as she walked in with luffy and they closed the door. 

then she saw axe-hand walking towards her and she batted her eyes as they turned an orange color and he fell under her sleep. she smiled and leaned in before she was able to stop him, he fell to the ground but the rest of the marines came running to her and she couldn't stop them all so she ran into the room as she saw nami and luffy fell out of the window and she jumped out after them and they began to fight the marines 

"pretty princess! you made it" nami said and dorian laughed as she began to put people under her spell and knock them out as nami and luffy fought the others and that's when the green haired man came out and started to fight with them. 

all four of them stood next to each other as axe-hand now stood in front of them and stared at them 

"the imposter, the pirate hunter, the seductionist, and the prisoner. Fancy that the four of you working together" he said 

"yeah. we're a crew" luffy said 

"nope" luffy, dorian and nami all stated at the same time 

"no enemy, has ever escaped my wrath. i alone defeated  the black cat pirates. I alone captured kuro of the thousand plans. And I alone, keep shell town safe from the scum of the east blue" he told them and he removed his vest as he brought up his axe, nami swung her staff, zoro swung his sword, dorian brought out her twin blades and luffy tightened his fist as all four of them began to fight him together. 

they fought him but it didn't work.he kept fighting back and at some point it was just zoro and luffy against him and dorian looked at nami as they watched. they watched him fall to the ground and lay there 

"gum gum whip?" zoro asked 

"don't question him" dorian said 

"hate to break this beautiful moment, but we need to find somewhere safe for this maybe if we find some rope or something" she said and zoro lifted it as they began to walk out together and they went to dorians boat as it was bigger. 

"careful with that" nami told zoro and then they watched axe-hands son walk over 

"the marines are here already you're under arrest" he told them and dorian laughed as she flashed her eyes a shade of orange and stared into his eyes. he fell into her spell and stared at her before he fell to his knees and began to crawl to her only to be stopped by koby kicking him in the face 

"god, that hurt" koby said and dorian laughed 

"no time to explain but we gotta go. This whole island is trying to kill us." luffy said 

"I'm not coming with you. we met every chance was made for me but now I'm gonna do what I want to do. I'm gonna be a marine I want to help you with that can't help themselves. Next time we meet we might be enemies." he told luffy 

"but for now we're friends" luffy told him and koby kicked off the boat for them as they rode off and away 

"so quick question how did you get him to fall to his knees?" nami asked and dorian laughed 

"long story but I think I'll have time to tell you" she exclaimed and nami nodded her head with a smile as dorian smiled back and walked away from over to luffy and stared at him. 

they were off but to where? they didn't know 


separating the episodes into two chapters so we can get more content but also because the episodes are so long 

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