3. that is not... okay

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Chapter Three 

that is not... okay

3rd person pov 

later that night, she sat on the boat with luffy, nami and zoro as nami tried to break into the safe and dorian looked at luffy as he kept swinging back and forth on the mass 

"can you not do that?" nami asked him and dorian nodded as she ran her hand through her hair and looked at him 

"sorry, its hard to sit still" he told nami and dorian sighed as she looked around and then he hopped down and dorian watched nami closely. 

"I'm feeling so piratey" he stated and dorian laughed 

"that is not... okay" she exclaimed and nami smiled at her as dorian handed luffy something to toy with and she walked away to leave him there. that was when luffy walked over and put his head on namis head but she pushed him and his hat flew 

"shit" dorian said and she ran and grabbed it for him as he smiled at her and she smiled back. she had a tie to the hat too 

"don't mess with my hat" he told her 

"why do you care so much about that old thing? It looks like you fished it out of the trash." nami said 

"one man's trash is another man's treasure" luffy stated as he shared eye contact with dorian and she nodded. she kept shanks knife that he gave to her when she was younger because it reminded her of him and how much he meant to her. 

"will you knock it off? I'm trying to take a nap." zoro called 

"so sorry sleeping beauty, are we interrupting?" dorian asked him and he scoffed with a reply 

"don't like what you see? Look away also, don't you have a boyfriend?" he called to her and she froze. everyone knew about her and jonah and what they did. it was a known thing but she didn't want someone to bring him up, especially not in front of nami. for some reason, it felt wrong that she knew. 

"OK shut up and go to bed" she called to him 

"by the way, how is jonah?" luffy asked not knowing that dorian didn't want to talk about him and she basically broke up with him when she decided to go after luffy and leave him behind 

"can we please not talk about it?" she asked and he nodded but nami was still curious. however she went back to opening to the safe, dorian walked away and up to the rest of the ship as she left luffy and nami to themselves. zoro walked out and they all looked in the safe but dorian didn't. she watched from above but didn't say or do anything about it. 

staying above on the higher part of the ship, she had a silence that she enjoyed and she cared about. since she hadn't been on her own for a while, this is what she got. she didn't care about the grand line or all the blue or the hidden treasure, she did what she did because she found a joy and happiness in it, that she hadn't felt in a while. 

being around luffy in the ocean reminded her of the time she spent with luffy and shanks which made her feel young and happy again. she watched the three of them walk into the room of the ship and she smiled. they soon heard the sound of a cannon and she jumped down as the door opened and they all walked out 

"is that the marines?" zoro asked her and she shook her head. she knew that ship from anywhere 

"how did they find us?" nami asked and she sighed as they stared at the red coming over them and the snoke coming to take them over and poison them. she covered her face 

"ITS BUGGY AND HIS GROUP" she yelled as she noticed nami faint and she grabbed her as luffy did right after her and she couldn't hold the mask on her face anymore as she grabbed onto luffy making sure that he didn't fall too. she looked at zoro as they made eye contact and his eyes fell back into his head 

"raise" he said and he fell to the ground as she walked into the room and hid the map in her. she looked out and saw buggys boat and she scoffed. this is when she fell to the ground and she saw nothing. 

when she woke up, she was in a box with luffy, zoro and nami. luffy woke up first and then nami and then zoro. they all looked around 

"they took my swords" zoro said 

"and my rucksack, with all my navigation gear" nami said and luffy felt for his hat. then dorian felt for the map that she hid and she smiled before she pulled it out and looked at luffy 

"swallow this, we can't have them getting it" she told him and he nodded as he stiffened his stomach and he swallowed the map. they all watched him and she nodded as she looked around for a way out but she didn't see anything. 

"they didn't take my hat"luffy said 

"yeah, small blessings"nami stated and then zoro started to try and break them out but it was no use as he just kept hitting the wood and dorian sighed. she wished there was a way but there wasn't. 

"stop. stop that. stop that" nami told him 

" what I'm trying to find a way out?" he spoke 

"we've been captured. We need a plan" nami told him 

"I don't need a plan. I just need to beat the hell out of every marine I see." zoro exclaimed 

"it wasn't the marines. It was buggy and I'm sure he's out there listening to us right now so we just need to relax and think because we're fine. Luffy, remember that Shanks used to say not every situation can be solved with violence." she told him 

"who the hell is shanks?" zoro asked 

"we don't need to fight. I can talk to them. Pirate to pirate." luffy offered and dorian sighed 

"that won't work" nami said 

"she's right. because one you're not a pirate yet and two, they don't negotiate" dorian told them and then the ceiling of the box opened and they all stared at it as it opened and they saw the people of buggys cirbus. they watched as they gave the show. the show the crowd cheering even though they were tied down and they all watched before a man walked in and dorian knew that they were fucked. 

they needed to find a way out or they would be screwed. there he was, buggy. 

what would she do now? 


new chapter because i have inspiration and want to feed you guys 

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