10. i finally had family

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Chapter Ten

 i finally had family

3rd person pov

they were now sitting outside of the baratie on the balcony as they waited for luffy to come back but he didn't. dorian rested her head on the back of the couch and she sighed as she stared at the ceiling and she shook her head. she watched nami get up and walk away as she watched closely but she didn't see anything different about her. 

"dori, what are you thinking about?" usopp asked her and she shrugged because she didn't know what she was thinking about, she didn't have one though running through her head, she had many but the main though in that moment was luffy and how he was handling himself 

"i can't really say, I'm just worried about luffy and how he's handling the work load back there. this place isn't really luffys style and i just want him to be safe" she said and usopp sighed 

"whats the story with you two anyway? it seems like you never let him out of your sight, you never want him away" usopp said and she sighed as she shook her head 

"its a long story but he's like my little brother and i don't know what i would do if he was gone. i can't let him die and i can't lose him" she spoke and he stared into her eyes 

"your little brother? like literally? because you don't look alike at all" he said and she laughed as she shook her head again and sighed. 

"no, not literally, we met when i was 6 and he was 4, i took care of him for a long time because his parents weren't around. he was everything to me from a really young age because i finally had family that wouldn't leave and that i could rely on. i was little but i knew about my parents and what happened to them. meeting luffy was everything because he was little and small and not messed up but i was and i needed someone to rely on. he relys on me and i rely on him" she stated and he stared at her as he smiled and shook his head. he kept drinking until he was drunk and he stood up from his seat as she started to dance and she laughed at him 

"why haven't you told anyone that about you and luffy?" zoro asked and she shook her head with a smile 

"because nobody asked, you guys knew that i came for him and you knew that i knew him. i joined in to help him and you guys were just apart of it, i didn't say anything about my family because he didn't say anything about his and it wasn't right for me to say anything without spoiling his life" she exclaimed and he nodded as nami walked back over and she sat down looking at her with a smile and a shake of her head 

"he's interesting isn't he?" nami said as she nodded her head at usopp and dorian laughed and nodded. 

"what are you two talking about?" nami asked and zorro looked at dorian waiting for her to either lie or tell her the truth 

"about me and luffy because usopp asked and i couldn't lie to him. i didn't want to lie especially about me and luffy. it just felt wrong" she said and then dorian turned to usopp who was talking to man and dorian nudged nami 

"I'm gonna handle this" she said and she walked over as she wrapped her arm around usopps shoulder and she looked at the man talking to usopp 

"mihawk, how can i help you?" she asked and he turned to her 

"dorian, what ever would you be doing around here?" he asked her and she shrugged 

"oh ya know, eating, drinking, stopping my partner from spewing words out of his mouth that you shouldn't hear" she told him and he laughed at her 

"he mentioned a luffy, is this the luffy youre always with?" he asked and she shrugged 

"I'm not sure that's any of your business but yes. however I'm not gonna let you near him at all because i know you and i know your business but i think there's someone you should meet who isn't usopp" she said and she led him over to the table and she nudged zoro 

"zoro meet dracule mihawk, I'm sure you know of him and i think you should be the one to speak to him" she said and he nodded at her as she smiled at him and she sat down next to nami and usopp and waited as she heard zoro challenge mihawk to a duel and she smiled 

"he can handle this, mihawk isn't anything but a coward who pretends. i would know, I've had him under my power before and its quite fun" she spoke and then she watched as mihawk walked off and they all looked at zoro 

"what the hell did you just do?" nami asked zoro and zoro turned to her and then he looked at dorian. then they left as they went back to the boat and usopp went to get luffy. soon he got back with him and dorian looked at him 

"maybe you can convinced him to call it off" nami said to luffy 

"i won't do that" zoro retorted 

"did you see the size of that guys sword, he will slice you in sashimi" nami told him 

"he's not doing it for fun nami, he was a reason, a good reason" dorian told her 

"whats going on?" luffy asked 

"ill tell you whats going on. your big, bad marine grandpa sent a warlord of the sea to bring you in, and instead of getting the hell out of here, zoro challenged him to a duel" nami spoke 

"which he accepted" zoro said 

"you are a fly to him. something to be swatted and forgotten" nami exclaimed 

"not if i win" 

"youre not going to win" 

"you don't know that" 

"guys, guys , maybe we need more drinks" 

"tell your first mate he's going to get himself killed" nami said

"tell your navigator to butt out" 

"maybe this isn't such a great idea, zoro" luffy said and dorian leaned against the wall as usopp leaned his head on her shoulder and she leaned her head on his as she continued to listen to them fight but it wasn't worth it to say anything. 

the next day when the fight started, dorian wasn't there, she was on the ship asleep but she wasn't when she heard the door open and the others rush in with zoro in their arms and she sighed as she rushed out of bed. 

she only hoped he would be okay and she would soon see. 

-abbys notes-


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