9. slow your roll luffy

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Chapter Nine 

slow your roll luffy

3rd person pov 

they didn't get far before they heard the sound of cannons and they ran out to see the marines trailing behind them and not too far at that. dorian sighed with a groan before she heard luffys voice calling him grandpa and she sighed 

"did you just call that guy grandpa?" zoro asked and dorian nodded before she started out at the ship and watched them closely as they cannons kept flying at them 

"hit the deck!" usopp yelled and they all fell to the ground as more and more cannons kept coming at them 

"usopp, fire back at them!" luffy yelled 

"or how about we sail away as fast as we can?" usopp asked and dorian pointed at him in agreement as did nami 

"run from the marines? no. never! nami, trim the sail thing. lets sink their ship" luffy said 

"we don't have time. they're stealing our wind. if they pull up alongside us, we're finished." nami said 

"she's right it's better to just run" dorian fought 

"OK well you're the navigator do something. zoro, sheet in and hard to port" luffy said and for the next few seconds they tried to shoot at them but everything they did just ended badly. the next thing they knew they heard garps voice and luffy yelling at him. then a ball was thrown at them and the marines sail went down as it got hit and dorian laughed 

"that might teach him something" dorian said and they al laughed and smiled 

"you didn't tell you could do that" nami said and they kept going as they started to separate and head to the port. where that was exactly they didn't know but they were going to find out. 

"how's the ship looked Dorian?" nami asked 

"well i mean there is a broken railing but it's minor damage and it could've been a lot worse. However, it could've been better but at least we got away so I'm just trying to find the good in this statement and not the bad." dorian told her 

"you can't see the marines anywhere in this fog" usopp said 

"right but we did sort of destroy their sail to a point where they probably have to head back to their port and get a new boat so I'm pretty sure we'll be OK. All we have to do is find the next port in Harbor there some food do something. We just need a place to lay out enforcements that they're definitely going to send after us." dorian told them 

"my charts are useless in this fog" nami told her 

"what did Luffy say?" zoro asked 

"He's on the bow. He hasn't said anything since we hightailed it." usopp said 

"well somebody needs to talk to him about this and that other thing" nami said 

"I suggest Dorian you're the one who knows him the best and I'm sure he'll listen to you" usopp said 

"I'm gonna talk to him I just have to figure out what to say. I've known him my whole life, and I never knew that the vice admiral of the marines was his granddad." dorian said and she walked away from them and to the bow where she sat down next to him and then looked at him 

"why didn't you tell me about Garp?" dorian asked 

"I didn't want you to judge me, you're the only person who's ever taken care to me and cared for me or done anything and I didn't want you to be mad at me" he told her and she smiled 

"I wouldn't have been mad you're not him and he's not you and there's nothing you can do about it. we don't get to make our mind up about who our families but we do get to choose" dorian told him and the next thing they knew he was smelling food and they were pulling up to a port called the baratie. they got off and walked into the restaurant as they got seated. 

dorian looked around and she decided that she would sit next to nami as they got handed their menus and they looked around 

"wonder what kind of food they have here?" usopp said and dorian shrugged as she kept looking around. that's when she saw a fight between three men that the waiter handled and dorian smiled 

"no cause for alarm, folks, please enjoy your mealsd. hi, welcome to our shitty restaurant where the only thing worse than the ambience is the food, my name is sanji. what can i get for you?" he asked 

"one of everything, please" luffy asked 

"slow your roll luffy" dorian told him 

"one of our signature cocktails to help you choke down your meal?" he asked 

"giving us the hard sell, huh?" nami asked and sanji turned his attention to her which caused a flare of anger in her chest, anger? no it was more like jealousy. she didn't want someone to look at nami the way she did 

" apologies, madam I didn't see you there. Would you care for an  apretife to start? or perhaps you'd like a glass of umeshu? you know, something sweet for someone sweet" he asked 

"is something wrong with your eye?" nami asked 

"just blinded by your beauty" he said and usopp nudged dorian as he raised his eyebrows in almost a way of asking if dorian was gonna let him talk to nami like that. 

"waiter, can i get a beer and something for my friends?" zoro asked 

"two beers, i usually have three but-"usopp said and luffy cut him off 

"and a milk" luffy said 

"three beers and a milk, and for the madams?" sanji asked 

"two waters, just iced" dorian said before he could launch off and he turned to her 

"right away," he said, and he walked off as they all started to laugh at how he was treating Nami and she laughed before they brought back the food for them, and they all ate. dorian at some point was tired out and she listened to the rest of them fight over the marines and what they found out but she ignored them and what was happening until they got yelled at and luffy got dragged off. 

this is just when things might turn to shit and of course it would because it was luffy. 



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