7. I'm so proud

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Chapter Seven 

I'm so proud

3rd person pov 

she was confused on where the others went, she couldn't find luffy or usopp or zoro or nami and she was scared to be alone. for the first time, she was alone and she was scared for what reason? she didn't know but there was good reason none the less. she hoped that usopp went to find the marines or at least some form of help because they so desperately needed it 

"Luffy, luffy" she heard and she watched nami walk over to luffy and hit his cheek 

"he's out cold, he ate all of that, we have to hide" dorian told nami and she grabbed her arm as they went and hid in the pots closest together and held their breathe. their faces were close together and they held their breathe as they watched and waited. they listened closely and heard them say poison 

"are they saying he's dead?" dorian asked nami and nami shrugged as she shook her head and watched them talk to each other more. 

"go ahead and toss him in the well with the green-haired oaf" they heard and now she knew where zoro was as well as where they were leading luffy. then they heard the sound of the bell and they looked at each other again. dorian reached for her hand and nami held onto hers tightly because they didn't know what else to do. 

then they watched luffy be picked up and brought out of the house like it was nothing because it was nothing to them. they didn't care about him because they were pirates. they watched the two other pirates come back into the room and wash the dishes like it was nothing. nami grabbed a pan and so did dorian as nami got out and hit the other black cat in the face as dorian watched with a smile. 

"I'm so proud" dorian told her and nami shook her head with a smile as they waited for the other black cat or klahadore to comeback. she kept thinking about zoro and what he was doing and she knew that he could handle himself but what about luffy and what they did with him. then they ran away so that they wouldn't be caught.

they ran to kayas room and pushed open the door as they walked inside and saw kaya with usopp 

"thank god youre still alive" nami said 

"why wouldn't we be alive?" kaya asked and dorian sighed as they walked in, closed the door and sat down to explain it to her. once they got done, dorian was watching kaya closely 

"poison? What are you talking about?" kaya asked 

"we overheard them in the kitchen Kaya, this thing it's been going on for years. It's the reason you're sick." dorian told her 

"did usopp put you up to this?" she asked 

"i didn't even know. i gave you that tea" usopp said and dorian smiled sadly at him because she felt bad. she knew that he was blaming himself but he didn't need too because it wasn't his fault. 

"think about it, kaya. When did you start getting sick? Was it around the time Kuro started working? Listen to me. If we stay here, we die. We have to leave now. " nami told her and kaya looked at usopp 

"she's right, they already did it with Luffy and there's a chance they did it with Zoro too. We have to leave now." dorian told her and they all made eye contact. kaya led them to the hallway under her room and they started to run through it.

"where are we going?" nami asked as they traveled through the tunnels 

"we gotta get out of this house." usopp said 

"another crank can open these doors. It's in my parents bedroom in the east wing" she told them 

"are you sure? There has to be another way." usopp tried 

"this is the only option we have to go" she said and then she coughed which caused kuro to stick his blades through the walls and then they started to run as fast as they could through the tunnels while trying to not get caught or hurt again because he had already cut kayas arm. then they got to the east wing where they walked into the room and looked around 

"big creepy room, not problem" usopp said and she turned the lights on as they looked around 

"we treated him like family. How did I not see it? How did I not see him?" kaya asked 

"it's not your fault. He took advantage of you. Now, I need you to be strong so we can get out of here." nami told kaya and she walked over to the crank as they pulled the curtain over 

"what would they think of me? They'd be so disappointed." she said 

"no, kaya. They wouldn't. They would want you to survive and that is what we are helping you do" dorian told kaya and she pulled the pictured open and all four of them began to pull the crank as hard as they could. 

they knew that they didn't have that much time left and they needed to do this fastly because he was coming but she kept thinking about luffy and zoro and what they were doing and how they were handling what was happening out there. the crank was heavy and old and it was basically no use but they kept trying because all they could do was try but they had to be faster. how was it that four people couldn't handle this, she didn't know why but she was determined to do this. 

they just needed more time. 


I'm on vacation so I'm gonna try to update a lot for you guys 

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