Chapter 7

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Phoenix's pov

She laid on the ground, heart thumping. She slowly opened her eyes.

He took her away. He grabbed the only thing that mattered to me and ran.
She felt tears coming from her eyes. The cliff had broken her right arm.

I can't believe I loved him.

Her tears of sadness quickly became anger.

She pulled herself up, letting her emotions pull her.

Her eyes began to glow.

So did her scales. The ancient markings. The flames. Bright golden. She wouldn't let Venom take Golden Ashes.

Not now, not ever.

She got up, and flew right above her castle. She could see Venom and Golden Ashes. Eagles Cry and Skipping Stone and Starry skies were in the gardens. The tribe was alive in their town, dragons starting to notice the dragon with blinding lights hovering in the air.

Fire's Phoenix could see dragons stopping and pointing up at her.

They're pointing at you. They hate you.

Phoenix gasped. A voice in her head. Without warning, her arm suddenly pointed at one of the young student dragons who had gone out with his friends. She was close enough to see details on him. He pointed up at her with a shaky claw and said something to his friends that were with him.
Suddenly out of the claw tip that was pointed at him, came a beam of light that went so fast that if she had blinked she would've missed it.

The dragon was on the ground in seconds, screeching and clutching his side as his entire body enclosed in flames. Everyone stared horrified at him and their queen.
Phoenix's claw lowered itself.

Three moons, what in the moon blasting world did I just do?

She was horrified with herself. As dragons started screaming and running away, grabbing their dragonets and things, her arm raised again. She hovered there, trying to move her body as the marketplace below her exploded into flames.

No no no! She tried and tried to get herself to stop, but she couldn't. Her eyes glowed as she turned and flew towards Venom.

She landed on the side of the cliff that he was on. Barely any life in sight on the cold stone. Three moons hung above their heads.

"What have you done?!" Venom screeched.

Phoenix tried to tell him but no words came out of her mouth. She reached forward, extending her right arm out, trying to get Golden Ashes back. Her daughter was still unconscious though.
Venom pulled Golden Ashes back as quick as he could, covering her with his wing.

"You can't kill her. Kill me instead." Venom shouted at her.

"Why do you care so much?" The voice sent disgusting words out of Phoenix's mouth, her scales still glowing at full blast.

"Because she's my daughter too isn't she?" Venom whispered.

Phoenix wanted to tell him yes, that she wanted to have a life with him, but all he should do right now was just give Golden Ashes back to her. But she couldn't. Tears streamed down her face, pretty much the only thing she could control in her body right now.

"Put her down. Go back to the Sand Kingdom and never come back." The voice told him.

But Venom didn't trust her. He would never trust her now that he had seen what she had done.
He took a step back, still clutching Golden Ashes, and dove into the air, flying away as fast as he could.
Her claw started to raise, to aim and kill again, but she held it down.

She watched as Venom got farther and farther away from her. The life she had wanted was gone.
Suddenly something tackled her from behind. Eagle immediately pinned her down, Skipping Stone behind him, holding small Starry Skies.
"What in three moons did you do!" Eagle's Cry screeched into her face.

Her glow faded. She was able to talk.
"I- I didn't mean to!" She cried, "Please! Believe me!"

But Eagle just shook his head, tears forming in his eyes.
"I can't."
"Y-you're not going to kill me are you?" She whispered.

"I could never do that. I think you should fly away and never come back." He choked out.

Phoenix understood. She should do that, but she wanted to see her daughter grow up too. All she had ever wanted was a good life with Venom and Golden Ashes and to be a good queen. She closed her eyes.
When she opened them, she looked at her scales. They were glowing again.

No! No no no!
Eagle was still on top of her. She wanted to scream at him to fly away, to get away from her, but she couldn't.

Eagle started to notice the glow too, and was trying to get off of her quickly. It was too late though.

Her claws came up and sliced his left eye.


He screeched and put his hand over his eye as he stumbled back.

Her scales began to fade, and as soon as she could, she launched herself off the cliff.

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