Chapter 1: run away + A/N at the end

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Hey guys! I do not own Akatsuki no Yona! Thanks for taking up your time to read this! It's my first fanfic so it might bad! Well thanks for reading!

Saki POV

I'm running through the forest not wanting to stop. My legs are burning and it feels like they are about ready to fall off.

I want to stop, but I have to keep going. I hear shouting of the men who are trying to find me in the distance. 

I look back for a second but I think that was a bad idea. I trip over a large root that was sticking out of the ground, like it was waiting to trip me. With my unfortunate luck, I tumble down the hill that I have been running aside.

Rolling down the hill, my weight along with the force of gravity pulls me into summersaults. I slam into multiple rocks that are edged out of the very steep hill, making some scratches here and there. Reaching out and grabbing onto a root that I happened to come across, I pull myself to a stop- dangling. The hill seemed to form out into a small cliff. Growling to myself, I wonder what the fuck I did to get into this situation.

I can still hear shouting in the distance, smoke wafting its way towards my position. Huffing, I let go of the root and hope that the fall isn't that far. I let out a small grunt when I hit the bottom and tumble. Loosing my breath for a second as my back slams into a tree, I reach out silently hoping for something to come to my aid.

My hand hits something soft, but wet. Gathering my breath, I lift my head up and rest my chin against the ground, to see what I touched. It seemed to be an animal of some sorts. It's large with mud covered fur with red spots. Realizing that the red spots are most likely blood, judging from the wet stickyness on my hands, I struggle to pull myself up onto my hands and knees to get a better look.

I am in awe by what I see, but a wave of sympathy hits me as I take in the situation. The animal, which I presume is a wolf, is breathing shallowly with arrows stuck in the hind legs and abdomen. Skin around the arrow quickly turning a greenish color. With the discoloration, the arrows are probably poisoned. With further judging, I conclude the wolf to be a female. And most definitely a mother. Huddled close to her chest is a small cub, almost identical to the mother.

Now on my feet, I cautiously take a step forward, only to take one back once when I notice that the mother had stiffened.    Momma wolf seems to be protective even in her state. Shaking and struggling to stand, the mother nudges the cub behind her and gets into a protective stance in front of it.

Realizing the situation could turn horribly wrong, I stick my arms up in the air into a surrendering position.

"N-Nice wolfy. I mean noooo harm.." trying to talk to the overprotective mother wolf probably isn't the most smart idea, but whatever....

Nervously, I get back onto my hands and knees and I shakily kneeled to touch my forehead to the ground. I don't know what came over me to do such a stupid thing, but like....YOLO....

I hear shuffling and little thumps against the ground before something is pushed into my face. Shooting up and giving a rather dignified yelp, I look at the object shoved into my face. It's the cub. Glancing up, the mother is right in front of my face giving me a desperate glare. I tense as the musty smell of smoke once again wafts in my area. Distance shout are heard and I glance back over my shoulder.

Hearing a growl, I snap my head back to the wolf and she nuzzles me up and nuzzles her cub towards me. Getting onto my feet, I gather the cub into my arms, the head resting onto my chest. I get pushed into the opposite direction of the shouts by the momma. I realize what she is trying to do. Giving the mother of this cub a sorrowful glance, I turn around and I start to once again sprint into the direction she nudged me in- ignoring the cries of the cub who is in my arms.

Getting a good distance away, I allow myself to fall to the ground and rest my aching body. Breathing heavily, I look at the cub who seems to be sleeping soundly in my arms. I cautiously hold up the animal and I start to try to think of a name. Since I am a terrible name giver, I'll just call him off of what he looks like. Shin meaning snow.

Regaining my breath, I stumble onto my feet, ignoring my body that is screaming at me to stop. Pushing forward, I go over the wreck that I am now experiencing which is my life. Groaning, I push thoughts of my old village out of my mind. Even if I did not like the place and was soon going to leave it anyways, I slightly miss it.

Bandits decided to rampage due to a clan that resided in that village. I happened to be the heir of that goddamn clan. Sure, life could've been all fun and dandy, but it wasn't to be perfectly honest. Due to past mistakes of my ancestor and of the demon that runs in the blood of the clan, we were hated by the citizens of the village. Glared and disrespectful of it all. And I got the brunt of it. Due to being the heir of the clan, I was in the main house. One of the strongest, but I was no means of strong.

I got martial arts training and training on how to sword fight, but that is about it. Well physically anyways. Due to being the main house and the only child, I got 'blessed' with being the reincarnation of the Phoenix, servant of the dragons. Yeah that's right. Servant of the dragons. The Phoenix was never mentioned because it wasn't important enough to be in the great story. Which...kinda sucks. I always wanted to be worth something, but I guess I just wasn't meant to be.

At least I had some ties to the story. Anyways, as I was saying, bandits were trying to wipe out my clan. The villagers seemed happy with that and even joined the bandits (Once when they realized that the bandits were after my clan and were not going to hurt the villagers...Cowards). Everyone is probably dead. Those bandits were pretty strong, and the elders of the clan wanted the clan to die with their secrets. So, the elders proposed that no children shall be born in the branch houses, and only one child in the main house.

Which was bullshit by the way.

I never got to play with any children my age- forced to hang out with mean old hags my whole childhood. Getting back to the story, since I was the only heir, I had to be dealt with to avoid the clan rebuilding itself. Like I would ever rebuild it in the first place, but still. I fortunately got away (hopefully) and I can live out my life the way I wanted.

Now back to reality...

I have a pup to take care off! Sighing partially because of my situation and the other because my arms were getting tired, I ended up just putting Shin onto my head. Due to me being the servant of the dragons, I got this sorta cool ability. I can talk to animals. It can come in real handy....The downside of this ability is that I can only talk to the animals if they allow me to. Which means that the animals have to know that I can actually talk to them in the first place. I have to make sure to tell Shin that I can talk to....him?....her?..

I lift Shin off of my head and I glance up to its private area...Boy...I let Shin rest, crossing my arms slightly embarrassed with myself, even though no one was here to witness my moment of staring at a wolf's crotchety to decide what gender it was. I was kinda obvious what gender he was. I'm just oblivious to that soft of thing.

Slightly limping down the dirt path of the forest due to my still aching body, I wondering where the hell I am going. Sighing, I realize that I do not care where I go. As long as I have access to food. Feeling Shin shift on my head, about to fall off, I steady him and sigh once again. Damn...This is going to be a long journey, ain't it?.....

Well....I decided to re-write this shit. And possibly finish it. I'm sick of looking at its unfinishedness and terribleness, that I just decided to fix it. So...some shit is different if you are noticing. I first started writing this a year and 3/4 ago....this is my first fanfiction. I know, I'm supposed to be on book hiatus, but I can help it! Tell me if there is any goddamn mistakes, and I will fix it! This is the first chapter. Deal with it...

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