The meeting

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2 years later thats right..I'm using a time skip

Sunlight hitting my face was such a beautiful thing. The rustle of the trees are so soothing that I can help but sigh in contempt. Stretching, I allow myself to be bathed in the sunlight...that is until a little devil decided to pull on my cloak and tug me out of the goddamn tree.

Landing on the ground, I lay there for a minute or so before snapping my eyes open and glaring at the culprit of my suffering. In front of my face is the little devil who loves to bring me back down to hell. Shoving his face out of fine, I sit up growling. You remember Shin, right? Well, I guess you could say he is doing fine...before I murder him.

Launching myself at the wolf (who is about my size) I attempt to tackle him, screaming a war cry. Unfortunately he evades my attack, leaving me to fall to the ground. He steps his paw on me like he was the victor of the battle. I will get him someday...believe me.

"Get off you big lug!" Getting onto my hands and knees, I push Shin off of me and I glare at him. You know that saying 'If glares could kill, he'd be six feet under'? Yeah well, if the could kill, he would be wayyyy more than six feet under by now. Grumbling, I gather my pack and I shrug it over my shoulder before standing to my feet and walking forward.

Shin follows me of course. Ugh.

"Your turn to find food, lazy ass" crossing my arms, I give Shin his objective for the afternoon. This is what he gets for pulling me out of my bliss. Shin gives me a deadpan look and barks.

'But I found food last time!! Why don't you do it?!' Shin complains running around me in circles, trying to annoy me. It's sorta working. Oh by the way, if you're wondering why I can understand him, I explained that last chapter. Don't be surprised.

I snap at him, still a little cranky for being woken up. "Well then you shouldn't have pulled me out of a tree! This is what you get! Stop complaining about getting a little bit more exercise than you normally get! You are a wolf! You are supposed to get your own damn food!"

Shin huff, not having a comeback (good), runs off into the woods to catch us some dinner for tonight. Cackling to myself, I do the easy job. While I walk, I gather berries and nuts for us to eat with whatever Shin caught for us. If it is an unlucky day, usually I would be the one to hunt for fish in a nearby river, stream, or lake. Lets just hope it wouldn't turn out that way because I don't want the little shit to have his way anytime soon.

God, I love him so very much, but he gets on my nerves.

After about an hour of walking, Shin comes running out of the woods with about two rabbits. Good. One for the both of us!

I grab them from his mouth and I take out one of my knife, hiding inside of my cloak. Sitting down to rest and camp out for the night, I start to skin the rabbits. Making the rabbits edible to eat, I walk back over to Shin- who had laid out sticks to start a fire. Chucking one of the raw rabbits to Shin, I start the fire and I start to roast my rabbit. Shin likes to eat his raw, as you probably assumed.

After eating, I take out my thin blanket and I climb a tree. I love sleeping in trees. The ground it too hard. At least trees have branches that allow you to find whatever is comfortable. Folding the blanket, I use it as a pillow as I lay down onto my back on one of the branches. It's going to be warm out tonight, so might as well use it as a pillow.

I hear shuffling and notice Shin curl up beneath my tree. I hum in delight as I watch the sun go down and the moon start to rise with the stars. Sighing, I start to drift off into dream land.

"Shin, wake me up if anyone approaches. Got it?" I mumble tiredly. I hear a grunt, so I assume that is a yes. He always has my back.


Snapping my eyes open, I quickly look down to Shin standing guard, growling lowly. Inspecting the spot that Shin is glaring at, I hear leaves ruffle to my right. Pushing myself into a sitting position, I grab my favorite spear and I have it ready by my side.

"Come on out. We already know you're here!" Guarded, I jump down from my position in the tree and I stand by Shin, spear pointed out towards the bushes. I hear mumbling that sounds a little like arguing before two people make their way out.

A man, definitely taller than me who is dressed in blue robes steps out, guarding a woman. A spear is by his side. I immediately recognize who they are. Being on the streets and traveling is such an easy way of learning news. This must be General Hak. I presume the woman he is guarding is Princess Yona.

Spear out and ready, General Hak growls, looking ready to thrust his spear right into my chest.

"Who are you? Put your weapon down now!" Comes out of his mouth, never putting down his guard. I stiffen, but since I know he is, reluctantly put the spear by my side. Resting my hand on Shin's head, I calm him down slightly.

Crossing my arms, I glower at General Hak before turning my attention to Princess Yona. My glare softens and I sigh.

"This is Shin, my companion and friend" I introduce Shin before putting my hand on my chest. "And I am Hotaru. Will you kindly introduce yourselves?" I ask kindly, even though I already know who they are.

Huffing, General Hak puts his spear down, but he still looks like he is going to pounce. He glances at Princess Yona for assistance and she takes the lead. He really doesn't want to talk to me....what a douche

"This is Hak...and my name is Yona." Princess Yona introduces themselves before glancing back at General Hak. Judging from the slight face palm he had accustomed, I want to believe that he wanted Princess Yona to lie about their identities. With a slightly hopeful look, he looks up at me to see if I recognized them.

Keeping my face as blank as I can get it, I turn around and I start to pack up our things. Ignoring the two newcomers, I shrug on my pack and I start to walk away. Shin follows me, and I give a backwards wave.

"See ya..."


Finished rewriting this chapter. Definitely a lot of changes, but I'm glad. Wattpad keeps crashing on me, and I hate it! Gahhhhh I guess this is what I get for writing on the app. The only terrible thing is that I had to rewrite this chapter like....5 times because of the crashing. It's doesn't save when it does that. I fucking hate it! Anyways, Thanks for reading!

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