Chapter 28

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Tuesday, 6th November - 8.30 p.m.

YO: Jae, are you home?

Jae: I am

YO: Have you had dinner?

Jae looked at the bowl she took out from the kitchen and the rice spoon she was holding. She spent the whole day composing songs and by the time she realized, it was night time and she was really hungry. She still have to go to work at the store later on.

Jae: Not yet, was about to.

Her phone rang afterwards, "Hiya oppa," she greeted.

"Did you cook anything?" he asked.

"No. The landlord always prepares cooked rice for everyone here. I'm feeling lazy to cook anything complex. Planning to eat my quick fix of rice, kimchi and egg. Why?"

"Let's go out for dinner," suggested Yoongi.

"Are you serious? Is it okay for us to go out and be seen?" asked Jae.

"There's a place I know that provides privacy and really takes care of their customers."

"That sounds expensive," Jae commented and looked at her clothes. Definitely not high class nor classy. "I don't have anything to wear to places like that."

"There's no dress code for the place. You have clothes, that's all I care. Unless... you're planning to go without?"

"Oppa!" Jae protested.

"Come on Jae, let's have our date," coaxed Yoongi.

"I have to work afterwards," she asked.

"I know. Come on, let's have dinner and I'll send you to work," reassured Yoongi.

"I work at 1 a.m." Jae pointed out.

"Jae, I know that. Don't think too much. Coming or not?" asked Yoongi,

"Okay, I'll get ready. What time will you be here?" she asked.

"I'm actually across the road," said Yoongi.

"What?!" exploded Jae.

"Go on, get ready. I'll wait for you and I'm not going anywhere," said Yoongi and Jae quickly disconnected the call.

She returned the bowl and the rice spoon at its place and walked as quickly as she could to her room. She should really have a talk with him about showing up unannounced. She was glad that she had at least bathed and washed her hair that late afternoon when she took a break from her writing. What if she hadn't?

She'd be stinky, that's what.

Jae was ready in record time. She wore her shirt and jacket that was not too flashy for work but not too shabby for a high end place either. She then sprinted out and looked for Yoongi's car. True to his words, he was parked right across the building. Jae watched out for incoming traffic as she crossed the road and went straight into the car.

"That was quick," commented Yoongi. "I told you I would wait."

"I hate making people wait," said Jae, fastening her seatbelt.

"Which floor are you staying at?" asked Yoongi, looking at the gosiwon.

"The second floor. The first and the second are for female tenants. Third and fourth are for the males," she supplied.

"You got a window to your room?" Yoongi asked curiously, looking at the building. Only the front part had windows. He couldn't tell much about the side. It was too close to the next building.

"No. Just a small opening up there for ventilation. Windowed rooms are all occupied when I got in," said Jae. "So where are we going?"

"Gangnam-gu," he said as he drove away.

"This feels different," Jae commented.

"What's the difference?"

"Usually, when we meet, it's on Friday after I get off work at the restaurant."

"I wanted to take you some place nice," replied Yoongi.

Then, his phone rang. It was Jin.

"What's up hyung?" Yoongi asked through the speaker as he answered the call.

"We're heading out for dinner. Wondering if you want to join us for samgyeopsal at the usual place," asked Jin.

"You were gone too quick, hyung. Let's go out and eat," jumped Jimin in. Jae suspected Jin turned on his speaker for the call.

"Samgyeopsal, samgyeopsal, we know our Suga loves samgyeopsal," joined a voice in a sing-song tune.

"Jungkook, you're off key," commented Jin.

"I know, I did that on purpose," replied Jungkook.

"We're waiting for Namjoon and J-Hope after they finished showering and we'll go after that," continued Jin.

"You guys go on ahead. I have plans," returned Yoongi and as if on cue, Jae sneezed.

"Sorry," she mouthed silently. She was trying to hold the sneeze in without success and she sneezed again.

"That doesn't sound like hyung," remarked Jimin.

"The sneeze sounded female," commented a curious voice that Jae recognized as Taehyung's. "Jae-noona, is that you?" he asked. Yoongi rolled his eyes. Detective Conan seems to be everywhere where Jae is concerned.

"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked Jae.

"Are you asking me?" asked Jin

"We just saw each other, hyung. Of course I'm okay," replied Jimin.

"I'm fine, hyung," answered Jungkook.

Jae laughed silently at the confusion Yoongi's question created.

"He's not asking you," replied Taehyung. "He's asking Jae-noona."

"Yaa, where are you guys at right now?" asked Yoongi.

"Don't worry Yoongi. There's only 4 of us in the practice studio," supplied Jin.

"Yes, I'm with Jae," said Yoongi.

Jae whispered, "They know about us?"

"Yes, we know," apparently, the whisper was loud enough when the guys at the other end answered simultaneously.

"Oh. Hi everyone!" she greeted the guys.

"Hi noona!"

"Hi Jae!"

"We won't bug you then. Enjoy your date," said Jin.

"Thanks, hyung," replied Yoongi ending the call. "We're here," announced Yoongi as he parked his car at the basement parking of the building. He then donned on his face mask and cap.

"Oppa, I don't have any mask nor cap," said Jae.

"No worries. Got this for you," he passed her an extra face mask and a beanie cap.

"Someone is well prepared," commented Jae, amused.

"I'm a man of great insights," joked Yoongi as he went out when Jae put on the beanie. "Your dinner awaits you, milady," he said as he opened the door for her.

"Thank you. That's very chivalrous of you," commented Jae, smiling through the mask.

Yoongi held out his hand and Jae took it, walking to the lift to their first official date.


"I'm in trouble," said Jae.

"Why?" asked Yoongi, looking at her in question.

"I ate too much. I'm sleepy," Jae yawned as she looked at the night view of Sinsa-dong across the Han River from Hannam-dong.

Yoongi brought them up on the place where he and the rest of BTS currently resides right after they had their dinner. Security there was tight so they wouldn't have to worry about people gate-crashing their privacy. Jae looked at the time at her phone and it was still early by her standard. They had an hour to kill before Jae had to go to work.

They were sitting on one of the benches at the hill park and Jae pulled her knee up, intending to lay her head on. Yoongi took her head and placed it on his shoulder and Jae snuggled closer.

"You're not helping," she complained as she moved and made herself comfortable.

"How am I not helping?" he asked, hugging her closer.

"You should help me stay awake. I would be nodding off at work if I sleep before that. Something to do with the circadian rhythm," said Jae, referring to the body's internal clock for the sleep/wake cycle.

Yoongi laughed, "You work graveyard shift and sleeps daytime. I'm pretty sure your circadian rhythm is already messed up."

"I know," she agreed, already dozing off. Jae suddenly jerked up shaking her head off. "No, don't sleep, don't sleep," she went on pinching her cheeks. She looked at Yoongi with her bleary eyes and Yoongi laughed at her attempt to keep her eyes open.

Yoongi took her face in his hand and started to kiss her. Jae responded and smiled dreamily at him with her eyes closed and Yoongi knew she was a lost cause. She needed her nap. He moved closer and scooted her over to him. "Take a nap, Jae," he whispered. "I'll wake you up when it's time to go."

"No, I shouldn't sleep on our first date," she protested.

"There's no manual of what people should do on their first date," commented Yoongi. "You do you. We do us," he said.

"It's not every day that we get to do this," said Jae.

"Being together is enough," he said.

Jae just nodded and moved her face to the crook of his neck, "Hmm, you're comfy. So, I actually did some Googling," she said.

Yoongi grinned. From their conversation yesterday, he knew she's a heavy Googler. He had to brace himself for whatever information that she was searching for and what she got. "What did you find?"

"You are from such an impressive clan, Min Yoongi-ssi," said Jae.

Yoongi laughed, "Doesn't mean that much at this time and age."

"But it was impressive. Yeoheung Min have empress and queens in the family tree. So that would make you a royalty or something?" asked Jae.

"No. At that time, my family would be the queen's cousin or relatives of some sort. Nobility, but not royalty. That's a huge difference," he explained.

"Oh. I'm kinda feel at loss here that I know a lot about American history but not much on Korean," confessed Jae. "I even had to Google about my clan and guess what? Sunheung Ahn clan is one of six greatest clan during Goryeo dynasty. The noble family of Goryeo," she laughed. "So much about the scar and not being Goryeo nobility's daughter," said Jae, referring to her conversation she had with him after she was slashed at the store.

"History is just a recount of what already happened," commented Yoongi.

"His-Story. Not Her-Story. Wonder why?" Jae laughed at her own gibberish thoughts and yawned. "When I was little I wished I could go back to the medieval time where princesses lives in huge castles. But when I grow up, I just didn't want to."


"There's no proper plumbing and sewage system," answered Jae and Yoongi laughed out loud.

"That's one way to crush a childhood dream," he said. "No bathroom and no toilet."

"There are toilets," Jae corrected. "Only that... it was just a room with a hole that go straight away outside the building onto an open cesspit, or a moat. No pipes and all is exposed. It would stank to high heavens," Jae shuddered. "Anyway, has it ever crossed your mind that one day you're going to achieve what you are achieving now?" she asked again.

Yoongi had to reel himself to the sudden switch of the topic. How did the talk about toilet went straight to his current achievements? He backtracked mentally. She was talking about her childhood wishes. Sleepy-Jae-talk is just as good as a drunk-talk. "No. I only know that I have to work hard to be successful. I don't really want to be an idol in the first place," he admitted.


"I came to Seoul because I want to be a songwriter. A producer. But life has other plans for me and here I am," Yoongi went quiet when he didn't get any response from Jae. "Jae?" he called.

"Hmm?" answered Jae sleepily.

"Go on, take a nap. I'll wake you up when it's time to go," he moved and make sure Jae was comfortable before he sat still again.

"Oppa?" Jae called.


"Don't think that I wouldn't find out about what happened at Accounting," she said.

Yoongi looked at her. Her eyes were still closed. How did she find out? He didn't think any of the BTS would tell her. They didn't have Jae's number, did they?

"I may not be working there anymore but I still have friends. They told me Yoo called in sick after an 'accident' with Min Yoongi-ssi," she continued. "I don't think that was an accident."

"No, it wasn't," admitted Yoongi straight away.

"Don't risk yourself because of me," Jae sighed.

"He deserves that," Yoongi paused as he heard a soft snore. "Jae?" Yoongi called her again. He peered down and could see that Jae was already sleeping. He knew there weren't enough light from the park lamp, but he whipped out his phone and took a picture of them together. He looked at the result and the picture turned out fine. He looked at the night view and hoped that the night won't end that fast.

Time does fly when he was with Jae.

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