Chapter 29

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Thursday, 8th November - Late afternoon.

The day was hectic and it was late when Yoongi checked his message on the phone. There was one from Jae.

Jae: Oppa, I need to see you. I know you have a full schedule the whole weekend until the next week but whenever you are free after that, please tell me

He replied it straight away.

YO: That sounds important

Jae: It is. I can't talk about it over the phone or video call

YO: That sounds heavy. Something good or something bad?

Jae: I don't know. Probably a bit of both

YO: I can't make it today

Jae: Any other day would be fine

YO: I'll call you up if I can clear something up

Jae: Take care

YO: You too


Friday, 9th November - 1.10 a.m.

Jae: I've just got back. Are you home yet?

Yoongi called her up straight away. "Hi Jae. I miss you," he said tiredly.

"You must be exhausted," said Jae.

"Yes, I am. Can't wait to get to bed," he said, taking off his jacket and placed it on his chair. He then laid down on his bed and sighed in content. "I miss my bed too," he said.

Jae laughed, "How was your day?"

Yoongi sighed. He started the day with dance practice, then headed to the company for a meeting, followed by another clothes fitting for their performance. After that, they were brought to a venue for a photo-shoot. "It was a long day. Same thing - meeting, practice, photo-shoot," he said. "How about you?"

"Same thing, busing and running at the restaurant. Finished a song today and sent it to the sound director."

"That's good. I wasn't able to get near my studio today to make any songs. So, what is it that you want to talk about earlier?"

"I can't actually talk about it on the phone. I have to see you," Jae replied.

"Is it 'we need to talk' kind of talk?" asked Yoongi.

"Yes," said Jae.

"I'm not going to like it?" asked Yoongi. "What's it about?"

Jae hesitated and answered, "I'll tell you when I see you, okay?"

"Not on the phone?" he asked again. "I could go out now and meet you up."

"No," said Jae. She then heard him yawning, "You should go to sleep, oppa."

"Are you getting rid of me already?" teased Yoongi.

"No, you sound really tired," stated Jae.



"Is something wrong?" Yoongi detected there was a hitch in her voice.

Jae just sighed, "I just feel out of sorts. I don't feel good about it."

"About the thing that you were going to tell me?" prod Yoongi.


"Whatever it may be, we'll work it out. Okay?" reassured Yoongi.

"I hope so," said Jae. "Oppa, I..." Jae paused.

"What is it Jae?" asked Yoongi.

"Never mind. It's already late. Sweet dreams," wished Jae.

"You too, Jae. I will see you as soon as I can, okay?"

"Okay. Good night," said Jae.

"Good night," wished Yoongi before ending the call.


9th November – 8.15 a.m.

Yoongi walked to the kitchen to find Jimin and J-Hope already up and having their breakfast. They started early the day before and finally finished a photo-shoot late last night. Most of them crashed straight away to their bed after their full schedule. The activity for the day would start later, as to why they were able to take a breather and lounging around at their house.

"Want some cereal, hyung?" offered Jimin, munching on his breakfast.

"No thanks. I only need coffee," said Yoongi as he went to the shelf to take out the coffee.

"Who's watching the TV?" asked Yoongi eyeing the living room. His room was nearest to the kitchen so he didn't see who was there.

"Namjoon. Probably watching a documentary or something," commented J-Hope as he munched on the orange that he peeled.

Yoongi went to the living room as he caught something from the television. His attention was captured when he heard the name of a place. "Turn that up, Namjoon," said Yoongi.

"We have reporter Park Ara reporting," the anchorwoman was saying.

Yoongi was stunned as he read the caption on the screen and quickly dialed up Jae's number. It went straight to the voice message. "No, please, please, pick it up," chanted Yoongi as he tried again.

"Hyung? What's wrong?" asked Namjoon, looking at Yoongi's reaction.

"Good morning, I'm Park Ara reporting from the site. The fire brigade stated that the fire happened just this morning was due to a short circuit caused by a heater used by one of the occupants here at the third floor. The fire alarm and sprinkler did not go off when the fire broke out. The death toll so far has reached up to 10. 12 are injured and now treated at the hospital."

Again, Yoongi's call went straight away to Jae's voicemail. The feel of dread filled him when he saw the building behind the reporter.

It was Jae's gosiwon.

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