Chapter 51

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It was an hour after midnight when Jae saw a movement at the corner of her eyes from the door. She was working again after the live show ended and didn't realize the time flew. She removed her headphone and turned to Yoongi who was removing his shoes for the house slippers.

"You were great tonight!" said Jae going to him and gave him a hug. He already changed to his street clothes and his face was free of make-up.

"Thank you. I need that," said Yoongi sighing. He was dead on his feet and all he wanted to do was to sleep. He hung his jacket and dived straight to the bed. All he could think of was resting. "I feel like I could sleep for a week straight," he mumbled with his eyes closed. Then he was out in a blink of an eye.

Jae just smiled as she looked at Yoongi's unmoving figure on the bed. She didn't have the heart to wake him up to change into something comfortable. She worked a little bit more and then turned the PC off before turning off the lights and joined Yoongi in his slumber.


Jae woke up gradually to Yoongi's kissing without opening her eyes. She sighed pleasantly and moved her hands only to realize it was bound to the bed frame. That woke her up in an instant. Jae tugged again and she looked up to find out she was tied up with a scarf. "Oppa?" she called, puzzled.

"I want those letters, Jae," he said.

"No," Jae replied.

Yoongi swept his hand lightly from behind her ear to her neck. Jae shivered. "Are you sure about that?" he asked with a hint of mischief.

"Very sure," answered Jae. "Now, let me go," she tugged on the scarf and moved her hands trying to reach the knot, but failed. She was about to move up to the knot at the bed frame but Yoongi stopped her.

"Second chance. Give me those letters," Yoongi repeated.

"N.O.," replied Jae firmly.

"Well, seems that I have no choice," Yoongi pretended to sigh.

"What are you planning to do? Torture me for the letters?" asked Jae, getting annoyed.

"Remember the torturous pleasure pain we talked about when you were in Daegu?' his marauding fingers were driving Jae crazy.

"Why?" Jae fell into the trap.

"I'm not going to tell you about it. I'll show it to you until you say yes to my request," he promised and showed her.


It was Yoongi's day off and he planned to spend the day with Jae.

Yoongi was humming tunelessly as he placed breakfast on the coffee table that morning. He had every reason to be. Jae caved in and agreed to give him those letters. Those 4 years collection of unopened letters. Jae didn't stand a chance anyway despite her initial protest.

"Well someone's happy this morning," commented Jae wryly as she handed him the bowls filled with rice.

"Admit it. You're happy too," Yoongi winked.

Jae rolled her eyes as she sat down with him. "Quite an underhanded devious tactic I must say Min Yoongi-ssi," Jae poured the water into their drinking glasses.

"It worked," said Yoongi. "Let's eat. I'm quite hungry after a strenuous night."

Jae couldn't stop herself from pinching his waist in response to his tongue-in-cheek remark.

"Ow!" he rubbed the spot. "I was talking about last night's performance," that nearly earned him another pinch. "The Gayo Daejeon performance!" he added before the second pinch landed its mark.

Jae responded by putting an eggroll on his rice and ate silently. Yoongi grinned happily and munched on the eggroll. He looked at Jae and there was a hint of smile at the corner of her mouth. He took a piece of fish cake and put it on Jae's rice. They ate companionably and after they were done cleaning the dishes, he went on asking for the letters.

"You have to find it first," replied Jae to his demand.

"You promised me to give it. Or do I have to do an encore?" he started to move towards her.

"Don't do that just to get what you want. I might hate it instead," warned Jae.

"Duly noted," nodded Yoongi. "I apologize."


"Wait, does that mean you like it?"

Jae ignored his question and diverted to the matter in hand. "I do agree to give the letters to you but I didn't say I would personally hand it to you. There's a difference," replied Jae, fending him off. "Exact words, exact answer. Remember?" Now it was her turn to be smug.

Yoongi groaned. He should have known. Nothing was that easy and direct with Jae when she put her mind to it.

"You have the whole day off, correct?" asked Jae.

"Yes," he confirmed.

"You can start looking now. It's not that difficult since my house is not that big," Jae swept her hands around her.

Yoongi paused and looked at her in disbelief. "Are you telling me you hid those letters in advance? You don't trust me that much that you actually hide those letters?" he started to feel hurt and Jae could see it clearly on his face. This was definitely not going according to her plan.

"No, never that," Jae went to him quickly and hugged him tight. "Like you, I have some insecurities about what I wrote. I didn't even know if you even read those letters but I kept writing. I do plan to give it to you at first – Run BTS style. After I was done prepping it up, I had a second thought," explained Jae. She loosened her hold and looked at him in the eye. "I do trust you. Please believe me," she said.

Yoongi took a deep breath and sighed. He hugged her in return. "Sorry for over-reacting," he apologized. "I thought you were thinking that I would go through your stuff that badly when you're not around to look for those letters."

Jae shook her head. "If I really don't want you to read them, don't you think leaving it all in Daegu would save the hassle of hiding it all over my house?"

"I didn't think of that," replied Yoongi.

"As exciting it was to go through your stuff in your old room, I thought you would enjoy doing the same looking for the letters," said Jae. "Run BTS, Min Suga edition."

"So, I really convinced you to change your mind last night, huh?" his smirk was back and Jae was acting nonchalant, but failing badly.

"I wouldn't say 'convinced'. The word 'persuade' would be more suitable," replied Jae. Her face felt hot. "You can start looking now."

"On it," said Yoongi, giving her a kiss before starting on his quest. Looking for it in the house would be easy. Years of being involved in Run BTS made him an expert. Or so he thought. He went to the bookshelf first. The books were not Jae's and it was obvious since she didn't know anything about gardening and crocheting. It was the landlord's book and Jae was just leaving that for aesthetic purpose. Her small collection of books were all lost in the fire. There were so many magazines in the shelf.

Yoongi saw the gaming magazine on the top of the bookshelf and remembered the article in it. "Yes!" he cheered when he found a letter in between the pages. "I read the article in this magazine," he held it up to Jae.

"I wanted to tell you about it yesterday but I was sidetracked. What do you think?" she looked at him in earnest.

"Proud and happy don't actually portray what I felt when I read that. This picture of you playing the drum slayed me in," Yoongi pointed at the picture.

"Really? It was the journalist's idea to take that picture when he found out I play the drum," explained Jae.

Yoongi's eyes went to a slit. "The journalist was a guy? That figures," he said.

"Why?" asked Jae, curious.

"Some guys have a 'thing' for female drummer. Bet he asked you to play it straight away," guessed Yoongi.

"He did," replied Jae. "So, do you have a thing for a female drummer too?"

"I do," he confessed.

"Good. This female drummer is your girlfriend who loves you. Don't go looking elsewhere," warned Jae sternly.

"I even found out you rejected the staff at the company when they asked you out," said Yoongi, not amused.

"How did you know that?" asked Jae.

"One of them who asked you out told me about it. He was fanboying over you."

"Is he still breathing?" Jae joked.

"Taehyung and Hoseok saved him by diverting his attention and stopped me. The staff said the guys pestered the other cleaning staff for your number when the article went out."

"Some of them did. I had to take out the SIM for my old phone number for a peace of mind. But I had to put it back again. I need that number for business."

"You can give me the names so I could meet them up," Yoongi offered.

"There's no need, I don't even remember their names. Bet the same thing happened when your number gets leaked," guessed Jae.

"You were right," said Yoongi. He resumed on his search and found a few in between the pages of the magazines and the books in the shelf. Since it was numbered, he knew he still had a long way to go. Jae already told him straight up it was not in her closet so he left that alone. During lunchtime he was munching on the food without actually noticing what he ate. His eyes went around and was racking up his brain where else Jae would hide it.

Jae couldn't hide her amusement at his perusing. He was looking around as if he was scanning through each objects he saw. He paused in his chewing as something caught his eyes at Jae's workstation. He crawled and moved Jae's gaming chair away. He went under the desk.

He laughed at what he saw. "Really, Jae?" right there under the retractable desk, Yoongi saw it was plastered with letters. He moved the retractable desk out and he saw more.

"I had to be creative," defended Jae.

Yoongi collected all those letters and went back to the coffee table. He placed the letters next to him. Now he got some ideas where the rest of the letters might be. He went under the coffee table and he was right. There were more under it. He collected that too and went back to his food, still looking around. He turned and looked at the bed.

"Finish your lunch first," chided Jae.

As if he was on automated mode. He finished off his lunch and washed his dishes. Jae just shook her head as he dove straight under the bed. He shouted in triumph when he saw more letters plastered under the bed. Jae took her phone and turned the flashlight on as she propped it for Yoongi. It was quite dark at the head of the bed.

"Thanks!" shouted Yoongi from under the bed. He went out with quite a number of letters and he dumped them all on the now clear coffee table. He started counting and groaned he was 21 letters short. He looked around and he went back to the bed. He hadn't looked under the mattress yet. He heaved the mattress up and counted mentally. Yes, there were 21 letters in total. He propped the mattress up and took all those letters. He tidied up the bed before going back to the table.

His collection was now complete. He was in awe to see how many of those letters in total.

"Jae, this is a lot," he commented. There were 93 letters in total.

"You think? It's 4 years' worth of rambling. A teenage rant," said Jae. "At some point I felt stupid for writing those," she said honestly. "I don't know what kept me going."

Yoongi gathered her close and kissed her. "Thank you," he said earnestly. "Sorry I didn't read it before."

"Apology accepted," said Jae, not wanting to dwell on the past. "Do you want to read it now?"

"Do you mind? I don't get to spend a lot of time with you. We haven't even gone out today."

"Do you actually want to go out? Be honest," she asked.

"Not really," he admitted.

"I'm going to get another episode of zoned out Yoongi if we go out now," Jae laughed. "You should have seen yourself just now when you were eating. I don't even think you chewed your food properly thinking about the letters."

"You were right," he sighed.

"Go on ahead and read those. Being with you today is also a treat for me," assured Jae. "Before that, do you remember about the offer from that gaming developer in Japan?"

"Yes, I do," said Yoongi. That was before Chin Hwa's passing and at that time Jae was not that sure about accepting it.

"They called me up again, asking for my answer," said Jae.

"Have you decided? It's a good opportunity for you, Jae," convinced Yoongi.

"I'm thinking of accepting it, but 6 months seems so long. I would be in Japan and you would be here," said Jae, airing out her concern.

"Don't let me be a factor for you declining the offer. Do it for yourself. I don't want you to resent yourself and even me in the future when I know you have been waiting for an offer like that for years. I'll be here for you supporting you all the way."

Jae pondered on his advice and went quiet.

"You have been making choices based on someone else's needs," said Yoongi, referring to what she did for her late brother. "Now, make the choice base on your needs. It's time to care for your own self, not for any other people. Not even for me," said Yoongi. Habit dies hard and Jae was not thinking about herself. He knew that.

"I don't know," Jae hesitated.

"Think with your head, not just your heart. Besides, I won't be in Korea that much next year. We have full schedule and most of the time, we would be outside Korea. The schedule goes way up to August," informed Yoongi. "6 months won't be that long."

"It could stretch out to a year," said Jae, worried.

"Then go for it, Jae," he held her close and kissed her forehead. "There's always a way we could get together."

Jae sat straight as if reaching to her conclusion. "Thank you," said Jae. She was unsure in her decision before and Yoongi's advice pushed her to the direction she was heading.

"So, what's your decision?" he asked. "You seemed to have made it."

"I'll accept it," said Jae, resolute.

"That's good," his arms went tight around her. "You're going to make it. We're going to make it," he reassured her.

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