An Interesting Introduction

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Dream stared at Nightmare. He was dead serious. "you... want me... to meet the boys? i mean, i'm more than glad too, i just wasn't expecting you to ask." Dream laughed quietly, rubbing the back of his skull. "you are uneasy? i promise the boys won't be a danger to you, they've actually been rather eager to meet you." Dream tilted his head. "really? i wonder why?" Nightmare shrugged and nudged his brother playfully. "maybe they have a crush on you." Dream's face bloomed into a bright yellow blush. "n-nightmare! don't say that! we haven't even met yet..." He muttered bashfully. Nightmare nearly doubled over laughing. "oh my stars- that reaction- that was so good-" He sobered up after a good ten minutes. "relax, i was just teasing. are you seriously looking for a mate though?" He inquired curiously. "sort of? i'm interested in settling with someone but i am kinda just waiting for it to happen naturally, if that makes sense." Nightmare chuckled. "you're the embodiment of positivity, i'm sure it won't take long at all." Nightmare said as he opened a portal to the boys. "ready?" Dream nodded, stepping up next to his big brother.


The brothers stepped though the portal to... chaos. Nightmare's tentacles lashed as Killer tried to take something from Dust, Horror was growling at Error as he hung upside-down from Error's strings, and Error knitted ever so casually. "what is going on here?!" Nightmare snapped, making the boys freeze. Well, all but Error who replied to Nightmare's question while not looking up. "d-us-t to-ok ki-ll-er-s kni-fe so k-kille-r is try-ing to ret-rie-ve it i-n v-vain. ho-rr-or w-as go-in-g to 'so-lve' the p-pr-obl-em with h-is a-axe-e, whi-ch is w-hy he is curr-rr-ently tie-d up, an-d i am cu-rrent-ly fini-sh-ing th-ose m-m-its that we-re re-quest-ed." Nightmare groaned and took the knife way from Dust and giving it to Killer while also apologizing to Dream for the boy's actions. "i am so sorry dream, i asked them not to pull something like this today, but they can't listen to simple orders.." Dream merely laughed at it all.


Everyone's attention was drawn to the yellow clad skeleton. "you smell divine." Horror spoke up from the strings he was still tied up in. "woah boss, you never told us your brother was hot!" Dust stated bluntly, eyeing Dream up in down while he blushed profusely. "i think you made the cutie bashful, dust." Killer winked at Dream, causing him to blush even more. Dream tried to hide behind his hands while Nightmare stood there in stunned silence. That was NOT what he was expecting their first impressions to be. The boys usually only showed bloodlust to new people, not... this. Nightmare looked to Error curious about his reaction to Dream. He was rebooting. Dream made Error crash?! WHAT THE HELL WAS THIS?! "mind if i show him around boss?" Dust asked. "i do mind, actually." Nightmare replied, getting protective. "how about-"
"no." Nightmare shot Killer down immediately. "night.." Dream gained his brother's attention. He was still blushing, but gave a smile. "it's ok, i don't mind." He reassured. Nightmare faltered in his protective defense. "i-i-ll sh-show hi-im a-arou-nd." Error had recovered himself. "s-o-rry, i w-wasn-t expe-ect-ing him t-to l-oo-k so... d-diff-eren-t fr-om y-you." Reluctantly, Nightmare allowed it.

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