Getting to Know: Error

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Dream followed Error down a dark hallway to the throne room, which was where he decided to start. Error glanced back at Dream. "i-m s-orr-y a-bout my c-omr-ade-s be-ha-vi-or. the-y m-ean we-l-l." Dream smiled. "it's fine, i was caught off-guard, but it's not like it hurt me in any way. complements, crude or not, are nice." Error glitched a little, a small blush forming on his cheekbones. "th-ank you. st-ill. i-if th-ey are e-ever a bo-th-er, ni-ght-ma-re or i wi-ll ta-ke car-e of i-t." Dream couldn't help but blush himself. Error was shockingly respectful. He liked that. "thank you, error, but i don't think they will be a problem." He reassured. Error pulled open the doors of the throne room. The walls were black with what looked like galaxies painted on it, the floor was shining black with white flecks that looked like stars, the chandelier was a round white ball. In the center of it all was a deep purple throne with gold trim. "woah.." Error wouldn't say it out loud, but the expression Dream had was absolutely adorable. "th-is wa-y, li-tt-le guard-ian."


"my brother has pretty amazing taste, i must admit. what about you?" Dream asked Error. The glitch chuckled and shook his head. "n-ah. i-i pre-fer sim-ple. o-ov-er her-e is th-e kit-che-n, h-o-rr-or do-es mos-st of th-e c-oo-k-ing. di-ini-ng ro-o-m r-ight ac-ross the h-all." Error didn't really like talking about himself. Dream noticed. "i'll bet behind your destroyer facade, you are a really nice guy carrying a lot of baggage. it's ok if you don't wanna talk about you, but i figured it'd be nice to know my brother's family." Dream reached over to give Error a comforting pat, but the skeleton jerked away quick. Dream flinched and Error looked away, blushing from Dream's comment. " i-m s-orr-y. i.. am af-ra-id of tou-ch.." Dream blinked and smiled. "it's ok, i should be the one apologizing." Error waved his hands. "n-o, n-no! yo-u d-idn-t kn-ow any be-t-t-er!" Dream chuckled. "let's continue on."


"th-ese are th-the bed-rooms." Error lead Dream to the left wing of the castle and stopped at one of the doors. " th-is is yo-ours." Error opened the door and let Dream wander, once again reveling in his handsome expressions. The room was a sky blue with silver accents. The bed was fit for a king, looking plush with white pillows and a yellow silk blanket that looked like his cape, sun and all. The floors, surprisingly, were carpet, a plush green carpet that reminded him of grass. The dresser was wood with a familiar tree painted on it. "this... this is..." Error cringed when Dream started crying. "h-ey! a-are yo-u..." Dream nodded, sniffling. "i'm ok. it's beautiful." Error gave him the edge of his scarf to wipe away his tears. "hey error..?" He hummed. "thanks. for showing me around... it was very nice. we should hang out again sometime." Error nodded. "an-d y-ou can a-l-way-s c-all on m-me to-o." Dream nodded as Error left him to rest, bidding him good night.

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