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Dream spent day after day trying to help the boys through their mental issues acting as the 'hot therapist' as Dust had called him. Yeah, he was shining bright as the sun at that. Nightmare was pleased with these developments, though he didn't exactly like how flirty they were with his brother and warned Dust and Killer time and again to watch themselves. It didn't seem to bother them any. Though Nightmare had to admit. It was funny seeing Dream oblivious to his own growing feelings towards them, like seriously, was Dream going to be THAT oblivious for the rest of his life? It seemed the boys didn't care though if they were still going after him. Even ERROR didn't think Dream was a 'glitch to be destroyed'. A part of Nightmare wanted to see how this played out. See who Dream would choose, if he ever realized that he had it bad. Another part of him wanted to get Dream the hell out of here and keep him as his innocent little brother forever. Nightmare was very conflicted. He'd just finally made up with Dream and he was growing up and moving on. That scared Nightmare.


Dream wasn't as oblivious as he used to be. No, after Nightmare's change... he could never allow himself to be that oblivious again. Over the month and a half that he was with the boys trying to help them, he realized that they ALL liked him, not just Killer and Dust. He also realized that he liked them back. All of them. Faults and all. To him it was a breath of fresh air. They were different and unique. They understood Dream and Nightmare's situation. Nightmare's more than Dream's but the point still stood. He loved how respectful Error was and how honest Killer was. He loved Horror's patience with him and Dust's determination. Any they were all so, so close with Nightmare. They'd been loyal to his brother and protected him. They were Nightmare's family. His true family. And Dream wanted to be apart of that again. He pressed his face to his plush sun blanket. "what do i do now...?" Did he show interest back? Did he let the boys chase him? Should he talk to Nightmare about this? Nightmare was his big brother, after all. Maybe... he should just sleep on it for now.


The boys were nervous. It had been awhile since Nightmare had called a meeting. He didn't look particularly happy either. His tentacles lashed to and fro as he stared them down, trying to figure out their intentions. "you all love my brother yes?"
"yes." Killer and Dust replied in unison while Error gave a reluctant nod and Horror hummed an affirmative. "and if he makes a choice, what will you do if it's not you?" Killer was the first to respond to this question. "i... will be his friend, because he helped and even if he doesn't like me the way i like him, he doesn't deserve death." Dust nodded. "he's the one guy i can comfortably talk to about what happened in dusttale. not losing that trust to death."
"h-he-s you-r bro-ther, bo-s-s. i-m n-ot ki-ll-ing hi-m un-le-ss y-ou te-ll me to-o... e-ven the-n i don-t thin-k i wou-ld." Error replied. "i can leave the kitchen without feeling anxious. the world needs more guys like him." Horror rumbled. "no matter what, i'm protecting him with my life. The other three nodded instantly. Nightmare looked pleased. "then let's show you off and see who he chooses."

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