Dream's Sickness

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Dream listened as the four threw puns at each other. They'd all been spending so much time with him, he hadn't really seen them together. It was cute. All his favorite boys together, getting along and being a family... at that point he realized... he could see ALL of them together. They were already family, just with him in the picture. Like the song. First came love. Then would come marriage. Yeah, he could see ALL of them doing some weird joint proposal or another. It'd be nice. The came babi- Dream's face went BRIGHT yellow. Could he see himself having babies with four guys? Plus he was a twin which was obviously genetic.. could they handle eight kids? "d-dr-ea-m?" Error looked concerned, they all did. "you ok there sunshine?" Dust asked. "he's bright as the sun, and feels as hot as one too." Killer pressed the back of his hand to Dream's forehead. "killer was that a flirt?" Horror asked. "both yes and no. he seriously feels hot and is hot so.." Horror walked over and felt for himself. "take him to his room, i'll make some soup or something. Dream released an attractive 'eep' as Dust lifted him up princess style and carried him away with Killer and Error behind them.


Error sat at Dream's side, reading him a story. It reminded Dream of when Nightmare used to read to him. It was kinda nice. Killer had gotten him a cold compress for his head, and Dust had gone to inform Nightmare that Dream was ill. "i'm ok guys, really, i was just thinking and-" Killer huffed. "you're almost worse than nightmare when it comes to being sick. except he was actually violent about it. let us take care of you." Dream blushed again. "o-ok..." He whispered quietly. It seemed they wouldn't believe him anyway. "i'm back with cheese and broccoli soup." Killer and Horror traded places. He scooped up some of the soup and blew on it lightly. "open up." Dream turned EVEN MORE yellow. HORROR WAS SPOON FEEDING HIM!!! He opened his mouth and he took in its contents, humming with delight. It earned him a tender smile from Horror. "like that, eh?" He scooped up some more, repeating the process. It wasn't long before he finished off the bowl and with his stomach full and Error still reading, he lulled to sleep. Dream decided that, yes, he could be a mom to eight children someday, their children.


"hm, well done boys. i'd say that was a prime opportunity for him to choose. when he gets better, i'll ask him about it." Nightmare looked at his sleeping brother. "m-may-y th-e be-st s-kele-ton w-in." Error acknowledged the Murder Time Trio before portaling to the Anti-Void. The boys all exchanged looks. "and no matter who he chooses." Horror started. "we will accept it and still be friends." Dust shook his head. "nah, we won't be friends." Nightmare immediately had a warning glare set on Dust. "we'll be family." Dust finished before heading to his room. "that was almost concerning." Nightmare grumbled. "he's not wrong though, we should probably leave before we wake dream up." Horror glanced at the sleeping Skeleton. Killer disappeared to his room. Nightmare melted into the few shadows that Dream's room held. Horror sighed and walked out to continue his watch over the kitchen.

3 chapters left

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