Dream Joins the Family

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"it seems you've taken a liking to the boys." Nightmare noted when Dream was 'feeling better'. Dream just went with it. "the guys are great! you've made a great family for yourself, night!" Dream praised. He was tempted to ask if he could join it, but found his words getting caught in his nonexistent throat as Nightmare asked his next question. "anyone in particular you favor?" Dream blushed, understanding his brother's meaning immediately. "i-i favor th-them all, nightmare.." Dream admitted quietly, but Nightmare didn't seem to catch his meaning. "sure, sure but anyone in particular that's always on your mind, maybe?" Dream deadpanned. "brother, they are all on my mind." Nightmare decided to just be upfront about it. "do you have a crush or not?!" He whined. The boys, all listening in through their hiding spots in the cabinets, also wanted to know. "that's exactly what i'm telling you, nightmare!!!" Dream stated breathlessly. "... what?" Dream blushed, welp he said it, might as explain himself. "i-i'm polyamorous, i think... i.. like them all equally... in a romantic sense." He looked away bashfully while Nightmare processed his brother's words. And when he did... "well shit." That was a plot twist he wasn't expecting.


Awkward silence filled the room as both brothers waited for... well, they weren't sure what they were waiting for. Finally Dream broke the silence. "they are listening in, aren't they?" Nightmare pointed a tentacle at the cabinets. "they were curious as well, they've all been waiting for you to choose, but i don't think they were expecting for all of them to be chosen, i know i wasn't." Dream chuckled and approached the cabinets. He made sure to stay behind the door as all the boys spilled forth and onto the floor. There was blush on each of their faces as they looked up at a equally blushing Dream. "uh... surprise..?" They all scrambled to their feet. "you have no idea how happy i- we are!" Dust grabbed his hands. "we will take great care of you!" Horror promised. "we won't disappoint!" Killer assured. "w-w-e w-wi-l-l g-o a-a-t y-ou-r-r-r-re p-a-a-ace." Error stuttered. "are you ok, error, you're glitching more than usual." Dream was immediately worried for the most phobic of his new boyfriends. That was going to take some getting used to. New boyfriends. Plural. Error nodded with a huge grin. "e-e-ex-it-t-t-ed."


That's how Dream came to be sitting in Killer's lap while Error sat between his sprawled out legs and Horror and Dust holding either of his hands as they watched the oh so classic cliche zombie movie, Night of the Living Dead. It was literally laughable how movie graphics were back in the day. "question." Dream started. "answer." Dust finished. The boys plus Dream laughed. "have you ever heard of warm bodies?" They gave him a curious look. "human bodies are warn when freshly killed." Horror offered helpfully. "what- no! it's a movie! a romcom about a zombie who falls in love with a human and slowly becomes human himself as he protects her from other zombies." Dream explained. "h-ow do-es th-at e-even w-ork?" Dream shrugged. "wanna watch it later and find out?" Killer nuzzled into Dream from behind. "with you, of course.." All parties agreed to that.

2 chapters left

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