Play Date

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The boys spoiled Dream plenty, that was for sure. Whatever Dream wanted, he got. Dream did his best not to abuse his new found power, though it was hard even for him sometimes. "hey, hey, we should do a play date!" All the boys cocked their heads to the side like confused dogs. "w-wh-at is th-at?" Error asked. "what's a play date? well in a more childish sense, it's when two or more friends go out to play, in my sense, i'll be taking my boyfriends out to learn some games nighty and i used to play." Dream grinned. "are you guys up for it?" Dust sighed in mock disappointment. "i was hoping what you meant by 'play' was a makeout session, but i'm curious." Dream became a lemon. "m-makeout..?" Dust chuckled. "you're so cute when your flustered." Dream's face grew brighter. "d-dust-" Dust laughed. "ok, ok we'll do your thing. you obviously aren't ready for mine~" Dust teased. Horror scooped Dream up and started walking, saving Dream from Dust's teasing. "where to?" Dream tried to recover himself before answering. "o-outside... in the gardens." Killer gave Dust a disapproving look. "i think you almost broke him." Dust put his hands up in surrender.


Horror let Dream snuggle into him just a bit longer before the Play Date began. "ok now! what to play first..." Dream hummed thoughtfully. It couldn't be tag with Error's fear and it they were all Sanses, so nothing with to much activity involved. Oh, he knew just the game to satisfy everyone! "let's play hide and seek!" Excitement sparked in everyone's sockets. Well, they already knew the game... except Error who still looked confused. "w-wh-at is th-at?"
"a game of excitement!" Dust bounced on his toes. "it is a game of predator and prey.." Horror rumbled. "i love it."
"hide and seek is a game where one person is 'it' while the others scatter and hide. the person 'it' must be blindfolded or sockets covered so they can not see where the others are hiding. they have to count to a certain number before going to seek after the hiders. the last person found is the next to be 'it'." Killer explained so Dream didn't have to. "thanks kills, that's exactly right. so. who wants to be it?" Horror's hand shot up.


It was a very bad idea to have Horror be it. He found them all in less than five minutes with his sense of smell, but he was having fun, so Dream was having fun too. Killer was the next to be it after, Horror was being merciful to his confused, glitchy friend. Killer had no luxury of heightened senses, but he was great at tracking. He'd found Dust first, than Dream. Then Horror, making Error the last. "you've got this buddy."
"it's as easy as sewing."
"this'll be fun."
"good luck, error!" Dream and the boys scattered after Error started counting. Error had the advantage of a birds eye view to find others, and Dream was found first. "You did it! i knew you would!" Error averted his gaze, blushing. "it w-as a g-oo-d i-dea, pl-ay-ing th-is.." Dream smiled brightly. "thanks! we should find the others now, huh?" Error nodded. "r-igh-t." So they started searching, finding Horror and Killer not to long after with Dust being the last. "my turn! and if i find Dream first, i get a prize..."
"oh, good idea! dream hides and we seek, whoever finds him first wins his first kiss!" Dream sputtered, it was NOT the game he was intending, but... they were all excited and what harm would a kiss do?


Dream hid in Nightmare's room, under Nightmare's bed. Nobody would ever think to look there! Was he just a tad afraid to be kissed by one of the guys he loves? Maybe a little. He'd never had that sort of attention before and he wasn't sure what to think of it. Was it a rule to kiss when dating? Was he going to slow for their liking? "f-ou-oun-d y-ou." Dream squeaked as he met Error's eyelights. "c-ome o-on ou-t." Slowly and bashfully Dream crawled out. "how... did you know i was here..?" Error hummed, rocking on his heels. "y-ou se-ee-med d-esp-erat-e en-ou-gh to ge-t aw-ay f-ro-m ge-tt-ing ou-t of th-at k-iss t-to hi-de he-re w-where n-no-bod-y wo-uld go." Dream flinched. "...was it that  obvious..?" Error chuckled. "f-or me, ye-s. you-ve n-ev-er ki-ss-ed some-one be-fore?" Dream shook his head. "w-ell, th-ats o-ok. it-s a g-oo-d th-ing i fo-und y-ou, hm?" Dream swallowed. "but... it's not fair, you should get... a prize.." Error hummed. "c-los-e y-our e-ye-s." Dream did, feeling confused. Until he felt Error's teeth on his. It was very brief but it was enough to have him on cloud nine. And turn into a lemon. "n-ot so s-car-y wi-th y-our e-yes cl-ose-d, is i-it?" Dream shook his head. Error chuckled and left Dream to process.

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