10-Trouble rises

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A/N Hey! I hope you all enjoy this chapter! Remember to tell me how you feel about it, I'd love getting comments. :D Thank you for stopping by.

Javier rolled over in bed for what felt like the millionth time.

"Can't you stay still?" Groaned Aman, Javier moved back in with him Saturday night.

Javier was feeling horrible, he couldn't tell rather or not he had the stomach flu or just plain nerves. He hid his face under his pillow and allowed the tears roll to down his cheeks trying not to let any of his cries escape his lips. Tomorrow was Monday which meant he had to go back to school like Officer Heart said.

"Can't a guy get any sleep? My heads killing me!" Aman continued. He's been in a horrible mood and the boys didn't know if it was him feeling poorly or still the fact that they dumped his beer.

Javier didn't say a thing knowing if he tried to speak his voice would show the sign of tears. He decided to lay still and allow his upset stomach to swallow him. Morning came all too soon and he couldn't have gotten much more sleep than just a few hours.

"Come on Javi, you'll be late." Agustin stood over Javier's bed as the boy just lay there.

"But my stomach hurts, please don't make me go." Javier tried hiding his tears but he could tell Agustin saw them. He sat beside Javier on the bed with a caring smile.

"Awe Javi, don't be nervous you'll do great! I even made you a special breakfast."

"Agustin, it hurts so much though." Javier continued to plead hoping Agustin would just let him stay home. He like Brooks was a miner and Agustin who was 21 kind of acted as his guardian too.

"Tell me where it hurts." Agustin gently felt Javier's belly. "Does that hurt at all buddy?" He asked.

Javier pushed his dark waves aside. "Kind of."

"Javi you're just nervous, it happens to the best of us. You just go to that school and be yourself, okay?"

Javier couldn't help smiling, Agustin was so kind. "Thanks, Agustin, but don't tell the other guys about this morning."

"I promise, now get ready." Agustin ruffled Javier's hair then left the room.

Javier walked to school in the cold that Winter morning. He hoped he looked okay. He was wearing black distressed skinny jeans with a matching T. Over the T he wore a plaid red and black jacket to keep from the cold. He had on a pair of converse and the right one was ripping but it wasn't obvious, at least he hoped so. He was a very good looking boy, he had dark skin and almond shaped brown eyes. He had wavy dark hair which he wore flipped in the front, a common style for boys his age. He wasn't very tall yet not short either, he spent at least a half-hour in front of the mirror that morning hoping to look his best. He could feel his heart race as he approached the High School. His stomach kept on churning and he felt like he might be sick. He walked up the steps to the door as other teens passed him, know one bothered in saying hello or welcome back so he just minded his own business trying to stay out of trouble.


"I'm going to work Agustin, you're not my keeper." Aman insisted as he pulled his shirt on.

"I know that Aman! But we had a deal. Now if you exert yourself you'll end up in the hospital."

"Agustin, Agustin, buddy when will you stop being the little mommy huh? Come on I'm a big boy."

Agustin bit his lip obvious he didn't want to shout at Aman. "Aman this is a bad idea, at least let me drop you off!"

"If you must mommy." Aman winked then left the room with an angry Agustin following.

Agustin drove Aman to his job at Mia Bella in Little Italy. Brooks came along as well since Agustin hadn't any other choice but to take him to the office that day.

"Take care of yourself, Aman," Agustin warned once they arrived.

"I will mommy."

"Quit it with the mommy stuff, you would have know meals if it wasn't for me. Now go." Agustin demanded.

"Oh, good little Agustin is having an attitude, you better watch this one Brooks." Aman jumped out of the car. "Don't let the good boy become too evil, we wouldn't want that." Then he shut the door.

"Don't forget the meeting tonight!" Agustin called after him loud enough so he could here through the window.

Aman was wearing a blue bandana around his head to cover up the gauze, he had to admit he felt nervous, he couldn't imagine what Orson Luz could be up to, he felt as though he was being watched. He walked into the restaurant admiring it for a moment. It felt like ages since he's been here. The white table cloths and the bar. Maybe he'd buy himself a drink since the other boys forbidden him to do it in the house.

"Aman Trevino." Aman looked up to face his boss.

"Long time no see Adone." He smiled.

"It's M.r Bianchi young man, and what happened to your hair?" Asked the young boss.

"I wanted to have a new look." Replied Aman.

"Aman you're fired."

Aman felt his heart drop, this couldn't be happening! Nothing was going his way and Officer Heart was bound to find out!

"I've been calling your phone for the last week and have received no answers. And you haven't come into work for days! I'm sorry but I only allow honest hardworking people to have a job here."

Aman bit his lower lip trying his hardest not to shout at his boss, that would only make things worse when he hoped to persuade him into one last chance. "Listen, my baby is going to be under my custody and I need money. I was sick and haven't been paying much attention to my phone. Please give me a chance." At that moment Aman realized how ill he really was. He hasn't been paying much attention to anything the past few days, either to dizzy or weak to even think about it.

"Aman you could have told me this. Listen, I'll give you one last chance but if I see any slack you're fired on the spot."

Aman felt his spirits lift within a second, this was the last string for him. "I can't thank you enough! I'll get to work right away!" He said with an eager smile.


Javier spent his first class in the bathroom, he locked himself in one of the stalls and sat in the corner close to the toilet. He was sure he'd end up sick and didn't want to risk it during classes. But he knew he'd be found one way or the other, someone would question him. He just couldn't bring himself to go out there, he was nervous he wouldn't do his best. His stomach felt like it was in his throat, he felt shaky in the knees. What was going on with him? Why on earth was he so nervous?

Come on, I have to go out there. Why Am I being like this?

He thought to himself trying to tie the loose ends of his nerves together. But he knew why he felt like this, there was no escaping what happened to him in the past, he never told the other boys and keeping the feelings bottled up only made things worse. He was beginning to feel sicker when he heard the bathroom door open. He jumped up and sat on the closed toilet bringing his knees to his chin so that know who could see him through the crack between the door and the floor. He was feeling even more sick to his stomach and he knew for sure he'd be sick by now. He tried swallowing the rising bile when his stomach growled loudly. He jumped off the toilet and lifted the seat leaning full force over the bowl. Sick poured out of his mouth and he was sure whoever else was in there heard him. He finished up, took a breath then opened the door. There stood a boy that looked to be around his age, he was just staring at him with his arms crossed leaning up against the counter.

"You okay?" He asked with a thick accent, but it wasn't of any surprise to him. He lived with four other boys that had accents when he barely had one himself since he grew up in the States.

"Yeah, I think so.' Said Javier to the floor, he made his way over to the sinks with the boy still staring at him.

"I'm new here." Said the other boy.

Javier just nodded his head and turned on the water so he could wash his face.

"But I needed a bathroom break, at least that's what I told the teacher. My names Luis by the way."

Javier just smiled then took a paper towel to dry his faces with.

"I'm here all alone though, I'm from Spain."

Javier wasn't sure why this kid was telling him everything, but he seemed friendly enough much to his relief.

"What about yourself? You don't look like you're from around here." Said Luis.

"I was born in California but I live here now. My parents were born in Mexico." Told Javier not sure if it was such a good idea to give out so much information to someone he didn't know.

"Well, better get to the next class, you ought to as well unless you're too sick.." Luis ran a hand through his brown hair giving himself a wink in the mirror. "See ya around kid without a name." Then he chuckled a bit leaving Javier in his nerves.

What do I have to lose? Here I go, I can do it.

He thought to himself. He took in another breath a bit afraid to let it out, he needed to do this, he couldn't let the other boys find out he skipped school.


Aman has been serving table for a good hour by now well, in his case, it felt like a whole day's worth! He could feel his body getting heavy, his head was spinning and every customer was starting to look like a fuzz before his eyes. He was determined to do this anyhow, he was carrying a tray with tall glasses of wine on it. The table he was nearing felt like a lifetime away, it was all blurry and he could feel his legs and arms alike beginning to tremble. Some people passed him but he hardly saw them. He kept reminding himself he could do it when his knees started giving in. There was no telling his body to quit being a wimp and stand strong, it was fighting him telling him Agustin was right in the end. Before he knew it the tray was slipping out of his hands and everything went black. He was on the ground his shirt drenched in wine and people were shouting around him. His vision cleared a bit and he could see the different faces crowding around him. He could feel his cheeks flushing, this was so embarrassing and he was bound to be fired. And the empty promise he wasn't able to perform to his boss was broken by weakness and pain, something he wouldn't let himself be. He struggled to his feet grasping the table beside him only making things worse. He just stumbled and fell back over, that's when the boss must have been called out by someone.

"Aman!" He came over to Aman's side with sincere concern

"I'm fine." Aman uttered weakly still trying to rise but finding it impossible at the moment.

"I think you need a D.r!"

"No, I'm fine and I can keep working!"

M.r Biach helped him stand or else he would have still been on the floor.

"Listen, I just got a little dizzy, perhaps just some vertigo." Said Aman trying to smile to make it seem as though he was okay.

"Aman you're clearly lying and you have a record of doing just that on other jobs. Now when I first hired you I gave you a chance which was very generous of me, but I can't have any slack. I'm letting you go."

Aman almost raised a fist, not only was he losing his job but his boss said all of this in front of the whole restaurant. He almost shouted stopping himself knowing this would be the worst place to lose his temper. He couldn't prove M.r Bianchi right about his lying and cheating past.

"Fine," He let out a breath. "I'll leave but you're making a bad choice, I need this job. Maybe you don't have any kids but I do and I hope to support her." Aman pulled his nametag off and threw it on the floor leaving as soon as possible, he could barely hold his temper in.

"Aman!" M.r Bianchi called after him following him outside to the front of the restaurant.

"Just leave me alone!" Aman shouted over his shoulder.

"Let me give you a ride home, you're in no condition to be driving!"

Aman knew he was right, but this would only hurt his pride more. He couldn't call Agustin to come pick him up, he was at work. His conscience started speaking to him, making him realize the fool he's been.

"Fine, then I don't ever want to hear from you again." He told M.r Bianchi.

Aman was silent the whole ride, he refused to speak to his boss let alone even look at him. He barely realized how immature he was being, acting worse than his age.

"I wish you the best with your kid." Said M.r Bianchi.

Aman just ignored him, gazing out the window hoping his dizzy spell wouldn't get any worse. He felt embarrassed and was thanking God once he got out of the car.

"Thank you." He whispered to M.r Bianchi, then he left as quickly as possible.


Javier was glad to have made it through classes, he sat alone at a table during lunch, not very hungry for the sandwich Agustin made him. He just read the note Agustin had put in the bag.

You'll do great Javi, I know you will. Lots of love, Agustin.

Luis, on the other hand, was blending in great with everyone, especially amongst the girls. Javier watched him work, he was flirty and enthusiastic. Then suddenly he left without a word and Javier wondered why.


Luis went into the locker room checking that it was clear then picked up his cell and dialed the number.

"Hello?" Replied the voice on the other line.

"Corey, this is Luis. Listen I know you called me because you knew I was in Cleveland." Said Luis.

"Yeah, you didn't know Aman was though, did you?" Asked Corey.

"Well, no and I came out here to get a fresh start, you know, find a new school. I know you should be doing the same. I don't think I want the job." Said Luis, he had no idea Javier was living with Aman, he didn't see the connection.

"What, are you afraid or something?" Asked Corey, Luis always knew he was somewhat spoiled and was more afraid than anyone else.

"I'm not afraid, I just gave all that old stuff up." Told Luis. He heard Corey laughing on the other line.

"Oh right, that's why you ran away from LA cause you broke into that store, that's why you're in Cleveland. Come on, it was all over the news and so is your face! The law is looking for you man, just finish it off, okay?"

Luis thought for a moment, he wanted to run from the law and start fresh, truly repent without going to jail. But that was a bit silly of him, especially since the car was stolen.

"Corey, you're not gonna let me off the hook, fine, I'll give it a try." He finally obliged.


Javier was leaving school finally for the day, he didn't have to speak to anyone other than the teachers which were good. As he was headed down the street toward home, Luis called him to a halt.

"Hey! I didn't catch your name!"

Javier turned to face the boy. "I'm Javier."

"Nice to meet you, Javier, I hope you feel better."

Javier smiled. "I do, thank you." Then the boys went their separate ways. When Javier got back to the house he expected it to be empty, something he looked forward to after a stressful day. But it was all to his dread when he found Aman sitting at the kitchen table.

"Hey, Javier!" He quickly hid something under his jacket but Javier didn't see what it was.

"Hey, why aren't you at work? Did you end up listening to Agustin?" Javier asked taking a seat at the table.

"I was fired, this whole thing is ruining me." He pointed to his head. "I got kind of sick. School any good?"

Javier looked down at the table. "I guess and don't bother to ask me about homework, I have plenty of that."

Aman chuckled. "Kid I spent twelve years doing homework, I don't even want to hear about it."


The boys gathered around the living room that evening, they knew Orson Luz was onto them and they had to put a stop to this.

"He said he was going to the next state, but who knows how true that can be." Offered Dylan, feeling like they had no leads to this thing.


"Maybe he hopped a plane and his car is at the airport, I'm sure he wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible." Javier was the sensible one and he was sure his idea was the right answer.


"But we don't really know where he is, how are we even supposed to find out?" Questioned Agustin feeling a bit nervous.


"Can we have cookies after this meeting?" Asked Brooks, he was feeling hungry for the first time that day and his stomach has been stronger so of course, he craved sweets.

"Brooks, you have to watch your cholesterol" Chuckled Agustin.


"Who cares about cookies and cholesterol! This is important!" Shouted Aman, he was looking very pale in the face and not feeling any better.

"Aman how rude and inconsiderate! Brooks cholesterol is very important!" Snapped Agustin.

"And Orson Luz trying to ruin our lives isn't? Brooks is sick, he shouldn't even be here." Aman felt immediately sorry for those words, he didn't mean them he was just feeling scared again which he hated.

"Aman that was mean!" Javier voiced.

"Guys I can defend myself!" Brooks jumped in.

"Quit fighting! This is important, all of it. Javi has a good point, we should check the airport." Said Dylan calmly.

"Can I come?" Brooks asked.

"No!" Shouted Aman feeling annoyed, he knew how Brooks ruined other outings and this one was most important.

"Oh please Agustin, I have to come!" Brooks pleaded.

Javier stood up from the sofa. "Um actually Brooks and Aman should both stay back, they can't handle this." He gave Aman a disgusted glare.

Aman and Brooks began shouting over one another, things like, "That's not fair!" And, "We are all supposed to do this!" Aman, of course, insisted this was his fight to which if it wasn't for him known of the boys would have to deal with this.

"Stop it guys!" Javier interrupted them. The room got silent. "Just come along, we'll have to see how it go's."

The boys all got into the care, Agustin making a huge deal out of Brooks bundling warm enough. He did the driving anyhow with Aman in the passenger seat.


Luis watched the whole thing though, he hid behind a bush in the front yard that was bare because of the Winter weather. He couldn't make out their faces but he heard one of them saying to head to Hopkins Airport. He quickly called Orson.

"Did they say why they were headed to the airport?" Orson asked.

"I didn't catch that, just watch them." Told Luis.


The boys entered the parking lot at the airport for those who would be keeping their cars there during their departure. They parked their car off to the side then came up with a plan.

"Brooks, I want you to stay with me, okay?" Said Brooks looking at him through the rearview mirror.

"Let's split up in groups." Suggested Dylan.

"Dylan you come with me." Said Aman.

"Okay, and Javier and Brooks will come with me." Said Agustin.

The boys jumped out of the car and split up.

"Brooks keep the mask on, I can't believe I agreed to let you come. You're not supposed to stress yourself." Said Agustin keeping a firm grip on Brooks' arm.

"Thanks, Agustin but I'm not a baby." Brooks wriggled out of Agustin's grip.

"It's like a maze in here!" Said Javier looking at all the cars lined up.

"What car are we looking for?" Asked Brooks.

"It's a green chevy, unfortunately, we don't have the plate number." Said Javier crossing his arms at the cold.


Aman and Dylan were on the other end of the garage, they felt hopeless themselves.

"Maybe he didn't come to the airport, what makes Javier so clever all the time?" Complained Aman, Dylan could tell he was stumbling a bit.

"At least we could try, come on Aman, lean into me." Offered Dylan.

"Not necessary." Mouthed Aman.

"Aman stop being so tough all the time! I mean the more you act like this the more the other guys will get angry at you." Said Dylan, the boys passed each car slowly not finding any matches to Orson Luz.

"Wait, you mean your not mad at me? I thought you all hated me!" Said Aman.

"Well, I am mad at you for doing things like messing with the budget and trying to run away. And for being mean to Brooks for that. But know one hates you." Said Dylan. "I care about you, you're my friend and so do the other guys."

The boys kept on walking wanting to give up right then and there.

"Yeah right, I'm convinced Javier hates me. Let's get out of here anyways." Just as Aman said that Dylan spotted a green car.

"Hey, that's the color!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, but is it a chevy?" Asked Aman, the two boys approached it looking for the name of the car on the back.

"Aha! It's a chevy! Give Agustin a call!" Dylan could feel his heart racing, it would feel so good if he could accomplish something for a change!

Soon enough the other boys got there and they studied the car. It had the same dent on the passenger door, everything seemed to be the same. So they went inside the airport building to check about recent flights.


Luis was in a panic, he followed them to the airport and found out what they were doing. He still couldn't see them in the dark and didn't even know Javier was there! He quickly called Orson still feeling regret about doing this. But he knew the law would find him sooner or later.

"M.r Luz they found your car and now they're headed inside to see which flight you took!" Luis explained.

"I'm tracking them here, you can go home now Luis." Told Orson.


The boys got home with a bit of information! It took a bit of time to find the flight but they did! Dylan was basking in the glory, he was the one that spotted the car first.


Aman was feeling worse once he got home, he went into the bathroom to finish off the beer he bought earlier that day. The one Javier almost caught him drinking. Then feeling a bit tipsy he went to bed to rest his weary aching head.

A/N What did everyone think? Be sure to check out my Five is a Crowd one-shots, it will be a spoiler to this book though. If your interested check it out. Thank you. :D :D

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