11-The "Princess" moves in

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A/N Hey! Please comment and I hope you enjoy this chapter! :D :D 

Officer Heart was looking over the boy's charts that morning, they haven't been filling in the good deed contract for a while and he was beginning to wonder, maybe question himself. Perhaps he was too hasty in putting these five boys together, maybe they would all just end up killing each other. Besides, he was doing this on his own which wasn't easy, he had no one to consult with. He decided to give the boys till his next visit and if he didn't get any notice on them he'd just have to ask straight up. He hoped they remembered the stone, the most important part of this experiment. He was in his Office in Akron Ohio he thought he should keep some sort of distance from the boys so they couldn't so easily run to him. That's when he remembered something. He got up and opened the file cabinet, he knew the book was in there somewhere. The Team Heroes it was called, but he didn't see it in there. Perhaps he left it at his place, so he pushed it out of his mind and mentally told himself to remember to look later.


"Brooks, you in there?" Agustin called through the bedroom door that was locked.

Brooks jumped off his bed feeling a bit light headed while doing so. He unlocked the door and gave Agustin a smile.

"So, you have my sweater on. You okay?" Asked Agustin.

"Just reading." Replied Brooks. He couldn't get his mind off the book, Flying Cyrus and the boys were just in the midst of their journey.

"Well, come down we have somethings to talk about." Said Agustin.

The boys were gathered around the kitchen table, Agustin stood since there weren't enough chairs. They had an eventful night before.

"So the thing is how are we going to find anything out about Orson Luz if we all have jobs and school?" Stated Agustin.

"Yeah, and my parents are coming today to drop off my baby and I don't want any of you guys around for that." Said Aman.

"Do they know you lost your job?" Asked Dylan.

Aman rolled his eyes. "No they don't and I intend on keeping it that way. I'm going job hunting as soon as tomorrow."

"Bad news Aman, but you can't keep a job in your condition." Added Agustin, he brought over a plate of warm breakfast foods and placed it in front of Brooks.

"Yeah and who's going to pay for your kid?" Asked Javier.

"Guys stop throwing everything in my face! Known of you understand what it's like to have a child, it's not just something to kid around with. It's a feeling no one could truly understand unless they have a child or their own. I'm going to make things as best as possible for my baby, You guys like kids, right?" Aman asked.

"I love kids, holding babies is such good therapy. Kind of like this one here." Agustin winked and gave one of Brooks stray hairs a gentle tug.

"I'm not a baby. Aman, I'm glad she's moving in because then I won't be the youngest!" Said Brooks.

"Who doesn't like babies, I mean have any of you guys even met anyone that doesn't like innocent babies? Asked Dylan receiving nods of agreement from the other boys. Javier didn't say a thing though, nor did he nod in agreement. "Javi obviously doesn't like babies, do ya Jav?" Chuckled Dylan.

"I like babies, who said I didn't." Javier got up from the table and brought his full plate of food up to the counter as if he were done.

"Hey Javi, you better get something inside of you before school." Warned Agustin gently.

"Not hungry." Said Javier, he turned to leave the kitchen. "I'm off to school."

"Javier you have to eat!" Agustin called after him.

"Leave the little do-gooder alone, let him be a stick in the mud." Said Aman.

"Maybe he doesn't feel well." Said Brooks knowingly.

"I just hope he's okay, and Brooks eat please." Said Agustin picking Brooks fork up and handing it to him.

"My stomach hurts, do I have to eat?" Asked Brooks.

"Yes, you have another appointment coming up and you want the D.r to see an improvement." Said Agustin.

"You're logics waaaay off man, the kid can't force himself to eat if his stomach hurts!" Aman looked at Brooks. "Brooks, what you need is something light."

"Aman its eggs, that's light." Said Agustin.

"No, I mean some tea and maybe a few crackers. Crackers are the best thing to have if your stomach hurts, it will prevent you from having any other problems, unlike food which you can easily puke up."

Dylan began laughing at Aman. "Watch the daddy work!"

"It has nothing to do with that Dylan, I know these things. Want to give it a try Brooks?" Aman asked.

Brooks glanced over at Agustin who was now sitting in the chair Javier was using before he left.

"Oh, go ahead Brooks." He obliged.

"Yes! Agustin gives into Aman!" Said Aman fist pumping the air.

"And don't do that Aman." Groaned Agustin.


"Corey?" Called Orson that morning, he found the boy sitting on the balcony.

"Who are you?" Asked Corey, his eyes looked glazed over and his skin was all pal.

"Corey, what's the matter with you?" Orson approached the boy and felt his forehead.

"Don't come near me!" Corey jumped out of his seat as if he was afraid.

"Corey, we have a job to do! Those boys out in Cleveland are on to us, we can't just get drunk all the time!" Orson couldn't tell what the boy was up to, he seemed strangely far away although he stood right there. His brown swoopy hair was all shaggy over his forehead, his hazel eyes were a deeper gray as if the color has been washed from them. He was clearly drunk and on the verge of a horrible the hangover ever!

"Let's sober you up kid, come on." Orson pulled Corey along although the boy tried to fight back but fell to weak. Orson led him to the bathroom and began splashing water on his face till he was choking. "No more beer young man! Or else you're done!"

Corey wasn't looking any less intoxicated than before, he was still unsteady in his gait and he just looked at Orson like they never met. Orson led him into the kitchen swearing under his breath. He pushed Corey into a chair at the table and went over to the coffee brewing in the pot.

"I'm throwing away all the beer, you can't work for me like this. I need you to call Luis for me or else I'll do it. But I got this feeling the kid will be scared away if I call him, he seems like a vulnerable one." Orson poured the steaming coffee into a mug and brought it over to Corey.

Corey was sitting slumped over in his seat mumbling words Orson couldn't make out. "Drink the coffee!" Orson held the warm mug to the boy's lips causing him to flinch a bit at the feeling. "Drink!" Orson forced the cup closer to his lips so that some of it dripped down his chin. He began choking again. Orson pulled his jaws apart with one strong hand and let the warm coffee run down Corey's throat. It had to have been scolding him because tears started streaming out of his eyes. He didn't cry or make one sound, he just let the tears run and started to sip the coffee slowly by shutting his mouth every time he got a bit and swallowing. After repeating that for at least five minutes, Orson thrust the cell into his hand.

"Call Luis, tell him to go to the boy's house again tonight, scope out what they're up to."

Corey nodded still looking far away then took the phone. With shaky hands, he dialed the number and waited as it rang.


Javier got to school with his stomach in knots again. He kept his head down as he walked the halls of passing teenagers. He stopped at his locker and flung his backpack off his shoulder.

"Hey, Javier!" Called the voice of Luis.

Javier looked up feeling a bit caught off guard, he wanted a quiet day although Luis was nice. "Hey." He smiled.

"Want to have lunch together?" Luis asked. Javier felt like Luis looked much better than himself. He had on top of the line clothes and his hair was in perfect place. Javier noticed a group of girls lurking in a corner near the drinking fountain.

"If you don't eat with me all those bimbo girls will. Please, Javier!"

Javier couldn't refuse, this may be his only chance at making a friend. "Alright." He obliged.

Just then Luis phone rang. "Excuse me." He took his leave and went into the boy's room.


"Hello?" He replied.

There was coughing on the other line.

"Who is this?" Luis demanded.

"Luis, go to the boy's house tonight." Corey choked out.

"Corey? Corey is that you?" There was no reply, Luis just heard him hang up on the other line. He suddenly felt concerned, something was wrong!


Aman was glad once everyone left the house, Agustin insisted on taking Brooks to work as if he didn't trust Aman. But Aman was feeling like a nervous wreck, for one he was fired, two his baby was coming to live with him which nearly scared him to death! He wasn't sure what to do with her. Thirdly Orson Luz was out there to ruin his name! He needed to get that money to him but it seemed virtually impossible since he'd be caring for his child full time now! He went up to his room to find the warm can of beer under his pillow. It was a bit gross to him but the only thing that seemed to help cure his nerves and physical pain.

"Okay, I'll drink this as my last because when Valeria gets here I'm giving it up." He told himself. He took a long sip then dried his mouth with the back of his hand. He opened the third drawer of his dresser to find a more presentable shirt to put on. His mama always complained about his street style and she didn't like the rips in his clothes. He told her it was fashion but she just said, "Why do you wear holes when you have the money to put on decent clothes." Aman chuckled at that in his head. He looked inside the drawer pushing some things around when he noticed! The contract wasn't in there! He was feeling frantic, he began tearing the whole room apart! Orson Luz was in here, there was no better conclusion. His heart was hitting his chest and he was feeling sick with nerves when the doorbell rang. He felt rather faint as he stumbled down the steps and through the entry hall. He let out a breath hoping his mama wouldn't realize his sick state. Why did mothers always know these things with just one look? He adjusted the bandana on his head then unlocked the door. His hands were trembling fiercely and his heart was pounding inside his chest. He pulled the door open and there stood his parents.

The first thing he saw were Valeria's big brown eyes staring up at him. She reached out for him as if she remembered. Right then he knew he should have never come here to live, he should have stayed back home with his baby.

"She's gotten so big!" He exclaimed behind tears that were starting to make way past his eyes. "Come here, little Princess." He took her from his mama and brought her to his chest. It felt so good to once again hold her, her small hands and feet, her soft skin. Aman planted a kiss on her forehead holding it for as long as he could.

"Aman, don't you even notice your mama?"

Aman looked up to face his mama.

"Don't cry bebe, I've missed you." She reached in to hug him tight. "Your warm Aman, do you feel ill?" There she went, finding out immediately something was wrong.

"I'm okay, come on in." Said Aman. He led his parents into the kitchen where they all sat down at the table.

"This place looks good." His papa patted his shoulder.

"You can thank Agustin and Javier for that." Said Aman, then he looked down at Valeria in his arms. "With those two crazy guys, I won't even have to worry about getting your things washed."

"Aman I think she really missed you." Said his mama. "We always show her your picture and tell her, this is your papa."

Aman smiled, this was his little girl, it was really amazing.

"And what on earth did you do to your hair?" She asked.

"Now you realized! I wanted a new look." Told Aman.

"Aman, didn't you have work today?" Asked his papa.

Aman felt his cheeks flush, he couldn't tell them the truth, he wanted to prove them responsible. "I got the day off so that I could be here."

"And who's going to look after Valeria when you do have work?" His mama asked.

Aman shifted in his seat, he never put much thought into that and now things got even scarier! "I'll find her a babysitter, simple." He shrugged. He felt himself break into a sweat, something that's been happening since the injury.

"Aman, are you sick?" Asked his papa.

"I'm fine, really." He lied.

"Hows Brooks, I heard he's been sick." Said his mama.

"He's doing alright, he's strong I think he can even fight this one off," Aman remembered the last time Brooks was very ill. He stayed at the hospital for a week with a strange combination of symptoms. That was during late fall, something that was hard for all the boys.

"Well, you look out for him Aman, he's only 16. Are you up for lunch?" Asked his papa. "Maybe some time scoping out the city?" He winked.

Aman used to enjoy fooling around with his papa, but to tell the truth, he was far from well enough. What could he tell his parents? Not the truth. "Maybe lunch, but I'm tired of the city." He lied, he really couldn't get tired of the city. It was fascinating to him as it was to the other boys.


Dylan was on break sitting at his usual spot. He couldn't get his mind off Brighton, she told him she would meet him during lunch that day. He heard the door being opened then looked up to see her. They met each other's eyes and Dylan waved her over.

"Ola Dylan!" She gave him that smile he loved.

"Hello Brighton," He pulled a chair out for her.

"You never cease to be gentlemen." She smiled accepting the chair.

The two of them were seated and Dylan gave her a smile, he did feel a bit nervous about what she might say, he didn't want this to be over.

"Dylan, since we aren't official yet, I wanted to let you know I was asked out on another date. "I hope that should be okay seeing we only did go on one ourselves. I want to try another guy." She explained it clearly so he would understand also trying to demonstrate it with her hands. 

Dylan felt his heart drop, he didn't want to share Brighton but he wasn't sure how to explain himself and he didn't want to get in the way of any of her plans. He wanted to please her as best as possible.

"Why?" Is all he asked.

"Well, I don't want to just settle on one guy yet, I want to scope things out." She said with a sincere smile.

Dylan just nodded. "Okay, me a next?" He asked feeling sorry.

"I'd love that Dylan, thanks for being so understanding."


Agustin was on his lunch break, to be frank, he felt fed up with Brooks. Brooks had to do school which he did on a laptop the boys bought six months ago. But he wouldn't stop complaining and Agustin was getting annoyed. He wasn't in a good mood himself, one of his swings again. He just watched Brooks pick at his food tired of trying to force feed him. Brooks was ripping small parts of the bread for his sandwich off but he never put it in his mouth.

"Brooks I'll say it again if you don't eat the D.r will put you on a feeding tube." Said Agustin, he looked down at his watch seeing he only had ten minutes before the break was over which meant ten minutes to force Brooks to eat. "Please eat Brooks, just put it in your mouth."

Brooks stopped ripping the bread apart and looked over at Agustin. They were in the break room of the office. A few other people were in there but they kept busy in conversation paying no mind to the boys.

"Can't I skip?" He asked.

"Is all you do is skip! You should see how skinny you look! I know food is gross to you but it can't be that hard to just eat." Agustin really didn't understand, he had room for yet another sandwich and even some chips!

Brooks just stare at him as if he was pleading.

"Brooks, what's the real reason?" Agustin asked he pulled the mask back over the boys face.

"I don't want to get sick after eating." Said Brooks.

Agustin clearly understood, Brooks wasn't digesting his food well which must have made it very uncomfortable for him to feel full even if it was just a little bit.

Agustin smiled. "Okay, but keep drinking so you don't get dehydrated." He knew this wasn't good, he knew his friend was getting worse and the whole thing was scary. He was looking sickly and getting weaker. He fell asleep in between school and Agustin knew it wasn't because of lack of interest. Brooks enjoyed learning and never complained about it. Agustin knew he needed to call Brooks D.r, he couldn't wait on till the next appointment. Just then Agustin's cell rang.

"I'll be back Brooks." He left the break room to speak out in the hall. "Hello?"

"Hey, this is Brighton, remember me?"

Agustin felt his spirits rise. They exchanged numbers at the laundromat.


"Agustin, I'm up for that date."

"I'm so glad! I'll see you then, but for now, I have to get back to work."


Javier was at lunch himself, he looked around to see if Luis was anywhere. Of course, he was crowded by a group of wild girls again. He apparently was trying to get away. He was like a celebrity! He watched Luis struggle for a few moments when the boy finally broke away. He was breathless when he got to the table Javier sat at.

"Those girls are crazy!"

Javier just laughed, it was something.

"Can we have lunch outside?" Luis asked.

"Sure, but it's Offley cold out there." Said Javier.

"Yeah, but there isn't any crazy girls. Come on."

The boys sat on the front steps of the school shivering. Javier realized he didn't know anything about Luis, they really couldn't have a proper friendship. Then again Javier was usually a private person and there were even things he hasn't told the boys.

"Why are you here in America?" Javier asked.

"I've been in and out of the country throughout my teen years, I don't know I just wanted to get a fresh start."

"But what about your family?" Javier asked.

"I don't really talk to them much, you know." Told Luis, then he took a bite out of his sub sandwich. "What about you?" He asked with a mouth full.

"They are not here, but I miss them a lot."


Aman was glad when his parents left, to be honest. He was tired and weak, but Valeria didn't seem to care. She kept on crying and no matter what Aman tried she didn't stop. He tried feeding her, singing to her, she just wouldn't quiet down. He had to say he was glad when Javier got back, perhaps one of the other boys could calm her down.

"Okay little one, let's see what you think of Javier, papa doesn't get along with him much." He stopped to look at Valeria in his arms who was still red faced and fussing. "But you're a baby, you might like him." He was watching Javier come up the driveway from the kitchen window. Finally, he heard the front door open. Javier looked surprised when he heard Valeria screaming. He just eyed Aman as if he were annoyed with him again.

"Javi please take her, please." Aman pleaded giving him that innocent look of manipulation.

Javier stopped then turned to Aman with an eye roll. "Come here kiddo, your dad's a devil." He took the child into his arms and began rubbing her back.

"How dare you teach her like that!" Shouted Aman.

"She's a baby, she doesn't know," Javier said plainly. "Have you changed her diaper?"

"She didn't need a change." Replied Aman.

"Then maybe she has a rash."

Aman never thought of that and he barely had any baby supplies and diaper rash cream wasn't one of them.

"Well?" Questioned Javier.

"No, but I don't even have any of that stuff."

"Aman that's not good! You can't make her suffer!" Javier handed the child back to Aman then headed back to the front door.

"Where on earth are you going?" Aman demanded.

"Getting some things for the baby!"

Aman couldn't imagine why Javier was so eager to help, but it beat him. Just as Javier left Dylan arrived.

"Awe, a baby!" He took the screaming child right out of Aman's arms. "She's so beautiful!"

"My work of art, thank you." Said Aman.

"Where did Jav go?" Dylan asked bouncing the baby up and down.

"Getting things for the baby, he's weird."

Dylan just ignored Aman and began walking the child around the house. A half hour past and Agustin and Brooks were back. Valeria was still screaming, each of the boys even took a turn trying to calm her. Finely Javier returned with a bag full of baby things. From rash cream to formula, even one little toy which was a hello kitty stuffed animal. Aman changed her diaper and applied some of the cream, then Dylan fed her. The boys ate dinner in the living room that night to keep a better eye on the baby.

There was silence, the baby was quiet.

"Brooks enough!" Agustin interrupted the peace, Brooks was giving Valeria bits of the vegetables on his plate.

"Brooks give her to me! You can't feed babies vegetables!" Said Aman standing up to retrieve his child.

"Actually vegetables are very good for baby's, I just didn't want Brooks to not eat." Said Agustin.

"Yeah, and where is she going to sleep?" Asked Dylan.

Aman went red in the face. "With me!" He said.

"What if you roll over on her?" Asked Brooks.

"Why on earth would I do that? She's fine, she's my baby and I wouldn't put her in any danger. She's all good."

"Imagine, baby, killed because her papa rolled over on her." Laughed Dylan.

"Not funny Dylan." Snapped Aman, he was more annoyed and nervous because he couldn't get his mind of the missing contract. Something told him not to let the boys know, he still wished he never let them in on this. Maybe they would just forget since they didn't really seem to care. But this was important to Aman and the others haven't even brought it up!


Meanwhile, Luis was at the house watching through a back window. He couldn't see anything more than silhouettes and he couldn't' hear anything else but whispers. He was just about to call Orson when the line was busy.


Aman brought Valeria up to his room and locked the door. He took up his cell trying to block out his dizziness and looked up Orson's name. There he found his number under a Facebook account.

He's probably lying to everyone he knows, acting all innocent. He thought.

He felt nervous as he dialed the number trying to hush Valeria who was fussing again. He waited as it rang then his heart leaped.


Aman hesitated.

"Who's this?" Asked Orson.

"It's Aman Trevino, I know you have my contract."

Orson was silent on the other line.

"Orson Luz, you won't get away with this."

"Aman, there's nothing you can do. Who will you run to? Officer Heart? I followed you out here Aman, I know what's going on with you and all those other guys you live with. So go ahead and try to stop me, but I'm afraid you won't be able to.

A/N So what did you think? :D Be sure to let me know. 

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