12-Happy birthday?

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A/N I hope you enjoy this one! :D 

"Happy birthday!"

Brooks pulled Javier's covers aside so that his face was revealed.

"Broooks, it's not even six!" He complained.

"But it's your birthday! Come on, Agustin made you breakfast and a cake for later!"

Javier smiled with his eyes still shut. "Shhhh Brooks, Aman finally got Valeria to sleep again after four A.M."

Brooks glanced over at Aman who was asleep with Valeria on his bare chest. "Come on then, we even got you a little something!"

Javier sighed then sat up. "I hope you guys don't mind if I bring a friend over after school and work."

"Ohhh, is it a she?" Asked Brooks.

"No, it's not! His names Luis, so you guys better not have any surprise party plans like last year." Javier climbed out of bed and gave Brooks a playful nudge. "It's just my birthday, nothing big."

"But it's your 18th birthday! You're a legal adult, you can sign your own papers at a Doctor's office!" Said Brooks with excitement.

Javier grabbed his denim shirt that lay in a ball on the dresser. "Oh, I'm so thrilled. You know I hoped you guys would have forgotten my birthday."

"Guys be quiet and get your butts out of here," Aman whispered startling both boys, they didn't know they awoke him.

"It's his birthday!" Corrected Brooks.

"So? He doesn't get any privileges." Snapped Aman.

"And it's your turn to take me to my appointment." Told Brooks, he came over to Aman's bed and stroked Valeria's hair.

"Kid, I have to look for a job today." Told Aman.

"Agustin and Dylan can't do it, neither can I." Said Javier pulling the shirt over his head.

Aman sighed, he still looked pale and weak. "Brooks, this really isn't good but we will have to work something out. I think little Javi is glad I can't look for a job, he likes to see me suffer."

"Come on Javi, ignore him." Said Brooks, he led Javier down into the kitchen where Agustin and Dylan waited.

There was a sign the three boys made out of two pieces of paper. They taped them together and hung it from the lamp above the table. It read in large lettering,

Happy birthday Javier!

"Happy birthday little brother!" Agustin came over to him holding a whole made chocolate cake. Javier blushed.

"Don't blush Jav, it's not like we are taking out your old baby pictures." Laughed Dylan. "One thing I don't miss about home is when my mama would take out the most embarrassing pictures on my birthday."

"What were they?" Teased Agustin, he placed the cake in the refrigerator.

"You don't want to know," Dylan replied looking embarrassed.

"Were you naked? Showing off your little baby buns?" Teased Brooks. Dylan blushed.

"Awe, he was in diapers." Added Agustin. "Well, don't worry Javier, your mama didn't lend us any of your baby pictures or else we would haunt you. Now sit down and eat."

Brooks noticed that Javier seemed quiet as if this whole birthday thing sickened him. He didn't say much, except for a brief thank you.


Corey lay in bed as the early morning grew into the sunlight. His head felt all foggy and he couldn't see anything clearly. He wasn't sure what was going on or how to explain himself. He heard his bedroom door open then came the deep voice of Orson Luz.

"Corey Aaron! What on earth are you still doing in bed?!"

Corey couldn't answer, he couldn't find his voice. He felt trapped inside his own body as if he everyone was there but he couldn't get to them. He couldn't reach for them, he couldn't tell them how he felt!

Orson began swearing at him pulling him out of bed and dragging him into the kitchen. Corey felt his head hit the cold floor.

"We have to get out of here, Aman is on to us! Get up and pack your things!"

Corey just looked at him with a helpless set of eyes, he was only 17 and at the moment needed comfort in his state. But he knew he's gotten himself into this mess and had to find his own way out. The question was, did he want out? Did he want to return to the former life he lived as a child? It was never a bad life, he was always safe, he always had food and warm clothes. Yet he was petrified, scared of the smallest storm or tear. He had to find his own life as a kid, a way out of the trap he lived in, out of the jail cell of his own soul. He just looked at Orson, hoping perhaps he'd help him, give him some medicine for his pounding head. That was a silly thought for Corey to think, Orson would never lend such a helping hand. Instead, he started shouting at him, ending it with a cold slap across his tired eyes, causing them to water.

"You and I had a deal when you came to live with me! You agreed you would do as I said!" Get up and pack your things!" He pulled Corey up and threw him into the bedroom. It smelled of beer and smoke in there, it was littered. Corey knew that was all his own fault. "Get to work!" Orson began pulling Corey's things out of the drawers onto the floor.

Corey brought his tired body over to the mess that was beginning to take place and with shaky hands sloppily threw them into his duffle bag that lay beneath his bed.


"I can always ask them for a wheelchair." Teased Brooks. Aman was lagging behind as the boys tried to reach the elevators in the medical building.

Aman didn't reply, he just held tight to Valerie who was cooing in his arms and playing with the bill of the ball cap on his head.

"Come by Uncle Brooks." Brooks took the child from Aman figuring she was more effort for Aman to carry since he was already struggling.

The boys got to where they had to be, the waiting room.

"Aman, are you okay?" Brooks noticed Aman go all pale in the face. He was breathing heavily by now.

"All that walking just tired me out." He replied.

"We could have just skipped." Said Brooks, Valeria was playing with his hair and giggling.

"No, you can't skip kid, don't worry."

Brooks so a soft side of Aman that afternoon as if he tried to be tough just for play. Brooks gave Aman's shoulder a rub. "You don't have to come with me back there." He gestured to the door leading to the appointment rooms.

"That might be better Brooks, Valeria could get fussy." Said Aman. Just then Brooks was called back.


Aman couldn't wait to be alone, he gave Valeria the stuffed animal Javier bought praying she would stay quiet and took out his iPhone. He started doing a search on Orson Luz, perhaps find out where he was living or staying. He went on his Facebook page to find out that he was in LA. His heart began to race as he was feeling a lead onto this whole thing, little did he know Orson was leaving LA.


Brooks waited in the small room for the D.r to get there. He felt nervous, to tell the truth, he hoped the news wouldn't be worse than it was in the past. He knew he had gotten skinny, he hardly ate anymore which was clearly not good for a growing boy. He silently lectured himself when there was a knock on the door. He sat up straighter on the table as the D.r walked in. He was smiling but Brooks knew not to take that as good news, that was just a Doctor's responsibility to keep the patient from worrying. Besides, who would like a cold D.r? Well, Brooks have had a share of those and it wasn't enjoyable in the least.

"Here all alone?"

Brooks smiled. "Hey, D.r Macardie."

"Hello Brooks, how are we doing?" The D.r took a seat at his desk and pulled up Brooks records on the computer.

"I'm good." Brooks lied, he knew he shouldn't have done that, Doctors can see inside your body and what you have to say doesn't really matter.

"Yeah? Well, I got a call from one of your friends, Agustin was his name." Brooks blushed. "He told me you aren't eating. Can you explain this to me?"

Brooks looked down at his hands.

"Brooks, this is your life." Those words scared Brooks, this meant he was in grave danger as to concerning his health. Doctor's don't just use those words flippantly. "Come on, I want the truth because if you don't start talking I'm afraid things will only get worse." Brooks hated feeling like a child.

"What happens when you eat?" Asked the D.r.

"It's not a big deal." Said Brooks.

"Young man don't say that I see I have to be very frank with you. Your sick, very sick and fooling around can cost you your life. And I don't want that, your young and I want to make life possible for you."

Brooks could feel his heart racing, he knew that wasn't good. Any strain on his heart could cause him more trouble. He sighed. "I get stomach aches, I through up."

"Does this happen every time Brooks?" Brooks nodded.

"You were born with a digestive disease Brooks and it seems to be acting up more. I'm afraid we need to insert a feeding tube. This way the food can pass the spleen and you won't have any pain and less digestive problems. I'd like it to be done tomorrow, I will give you the information on what you have to do before the procedure."

Brooks could feel his body trembling, now he knew for sure life was over for him.


Brighton was on break at the hospital when her cell rang. "Hello?"

"Hey Brighton, this is Agustin."

"Oh, Agustin! How are you?" She asked this felt a bit weird to her since they haven't even been on a date yet.

"My friends and I are having a party for one of our buddy's birthday. I was wondering if you wanted to come."

Brighton thought for a moment, it seemed a bit strange but she liked how Agustin was so straightforward. "I'd love to!" She exclaimed.

"Great, I'll give you the address." Said Agustin.

Brighton sighed with contentment, there were already two guys falling all over her. She once thought there would be no one to choose from, now she had the pick of her own. She missed her brother, he was in Europe, she knew he would be excited to hear about this, but every time she called him he never answered. She tried again that afternoon yet it was to no avail, so she returned to work remembering him. He was always such a sweet boy.


The house was buzzing with noise, to tell the truth, the boys didn't know any of the people that were at this party. They just put a sign out front after Javier left saying, "Free party everyone's invited!"

"Javier is going to be here." Said Dylan as he, Brooks and Agustin sat in the kitchen away from the noise. 

"Wheres Aman?" Asked Agustin.

"Upstairs with Valeria." Replied Dylan, he stuck a finger in the frosting of the cake that sat on the table.

"Dylan, you're going to ruin it!" Agustin pulled Dylan's hand away which now had a good portion of frosting on it. Dylan just stuck it in his mouth eyeing Agustin as if he was proud of messing in it.

Agustin was waiting on Brighton, he hoped she wouldn't stand him up. After all, he didn't even know her and she could be no good. He noticed Brooks who sat at the table with his head down, he hasn't said a word the whole time and he was usually excited about parties.

"Brooks, what's wrong boo?" Agustin gently stroke his back realizing he was sweating a bit. "He's really warm." Agustin glanced over at Dylan who looked concerned by now.

"Boo, are you okay?" Asked Dylan. Brooks just ignored them keeping his head flat on the table.

"He didn't eat anything." Said Agustin, he was feeling very concerned. "Want to go lay down?" He asked.

Brooks slowly lifted his head, his eyes looked droopy, his dark skin was pale. He just nodded his head as if he was eager to lie down.

"I'll help you upstairs then bring you some soup. You could at least drink the broth." Said Agustin. He helped Brooks upstairs missing the most important part of this night. At least what he thought would be the most important part.


Dylan just waited at the table feeling bored, he had little idea of what was about to happen after the doorbell rang. He stood up to answer thinking it must have been a late arriver which was true for the most part. He walked out into the entry hall casually then unlocked the door. He pulled it opened then he saw her. She was standing right behind the screen door looking just as surprised as he did! At first, he hesitated, asking himself if perhaps he was dreaming. How on earth did Brighton get here?! He unlocked the screen with a shaky hand unsure if this was something to be happy about or something to be suspicious about. Perhaps One of the other guys snuck into his phone, found her number and invited her. Oh, but they would never be so kind like that. Not even sweet Agustin would be that well, sweet.



They just stare at one another afraid to find out the real reason behind this.

Dylan was thankful for Brighton's boldness, she was the first to ask the question.

"What on earth are you doing here?!"

"I live here." He said secretly proud of his English and hoping he answered right.

"Wait, is this the party?" She asked.

"Javier's?" He asked.

"Is that his name? I was invited by an Agustin."

Dylan smiled, perhaps Agustin was that sweet after all.

"Agustin, sweet."

Brighton just eyed him as if she didn't understand.

"Come!" Dylan reached out for her hand.

"I don't know if that's a good idea." She nervously laughed.

Dylan felt himself blush. "Oh, ok if you do not feel, aaaa,"

"Comfortable?" Brighton asked for him.

He nodded his head.

"A right, I don't but thank you anyhow."

Dylan didn't remember her being this rude and embarrassed, little did he know she was here because of Agustin, not him.


Luis was driving Javier to the party, he had no idea this was the house he's been spying on. It was when Javier said to turn down that street that he felt nervous. Of course, he didn't think it would be that house, in particular, he just hated coming down here, he didn't want to be doing this kind of work anymore.

"It's ways down the street." Told Javier.

Luis felt even more nervous, this was all too familiar and if Javier knew that he was running from the law in the first place who knows what would happen.

"Okay, it's coming up on the left."

Luis could feel his face go pale but Javier couldn't see him in the dark.

"Alright, that's it. Oh no! I should have known it, want to ditch the whole thing they're having a party for me. See all the cars parked in the next door neighbor's driveway?" Laughed Javier.

Luis barely heard him, he knew for sure he was at the foot of prison bars. If Javier only knew what he's been doing the past couple nights. He really didn't want to hurt him, he wanted a normal life.

"Luis, did you hear anything I said?" Javier asked Luis was stopped in front of the house just staring into space.

"Oh, a yeah." He replied not even sure of what Javier said or else he would have agreed to ditch the whole thing. Aman was in there, he never wanted to see Aman again!

"Oh, a yeah what? Whatever, let's just go humor them that is if you ever pull up."

Luis didn't know how to get out of this one, he's gotten out of being caught by the Police, he should be able to do this with no problem! Something was causing him to be blinded as if he couldn't refuse it. He just pulled up praying to God he'd find an easy way out.


Agustin had joined the rest, he didn't even realize Brighton and Dylan who stood beside each other. The lights were all off so that Javier wouldn't suspect anything, they were all gathered in the entry hall, a few annoying boyfriend-girlfriend couples lingered in the kitchen and living room. Agustin noticed the car pulling up the driveway.

"Here he comes!" He exclaimed. Everyone got quiet.


"You okay?" Javier asked. Luis was lagging behind and he looked rather unwell.

"I feel kind of sick to my stomach, Javier I think I better just get back to the hotel."

"Come on man, you can't make me do this on my own!" Javier pleaded Luis realized he had no way out of this. He just followed Javier up to the porch to the front door.

Javier swung it open and everyone shouted "Surprise!" Javier flipped the switch near the door so that everyone in the shadows was revealed.

"Sorry man but we couldn't resist giving you a surprise party!" Dylan was the first to speak.


That's when Agustin noticed, Brighton hasn't even come over to say hi and she was standing next to Dylan? Everyone wished Javier a half-hearted happy birthday when Agustin approached Brighton. She seemed strangely nervous which Agustin could tell wasn't likely for her.

"Brighton, I didn't see you come in!" He tried to smile.

"And you didn't tell me your friend was Dylan. What do you guys think I am? Some doll you can just play with? Well, I have feelings too you know!"

Agustin had no idea what she was talking about, she knew Dylan?

"Wait, you know Dylan?" He asked.

"Wait, you mean you didn't know I've been going out with him?" Brighton asked.

Just then Dylan approached. "Agustin you're blessed!" He patted Agustin on the back speaking in Spanish.

"Dylan you didn't tell me you went out with Brighton!" Said Agustin.

"Oh, sorry I didn't mention her name." They spoke in Spanish. "Agustin Brighton, Brighton, my Amigos Agustin."

Agustin and Brighton just glanced at one another.

"Dylan we've already met, at the laundromat. This is the girl I told you about." Told Agustin in Spanish.

"You're the guy she asked me if she could go out with?" Dylan asked in Spanish. looking floored.

"Bad communication," Brighton whispered.

"Well, she's on a date with me tonight, right Brighton?" Agustin asked.

"Sure, maybe next time Dylan." Said Brighton, Dylan looked angry.

"Yeah, but I'm not sure I want to, to a share with him!" He said in Spanish.

"I'm not toy boys, I choose who gets me. Come on Agustin." Said Brighton holding a hand out to him.


Aman had finally got Valeria to sleep and decided he might as well go down to the party. He was feeling a lot better after all and enjoyed to party. Maybe someone else brought beer but then he remembered Agustin put on the sign not to bring any alcohol.

What do I have to lose? He thought. So he headed downstairs, he didn't want Javier thinking he was completely evil.

It was noisy down there, he couldn't even find any of the boys! He decided to just chill in the kitchen, the quietest place in the house right now.


Luis was feeling sick with nerves if only Orson knew he was actually here! He hasn't seen Aman yet which was rather strange. Maybe he would end up making it through the night without seeing him at all!

"Not much of a party." Luis heard Javier say.

"Javier, how many of you live here?" Luis asked pretending he didn't know and hoping by some far chance Aman moved out. That was far from reality though but Luis was so nervous he was willing to hope for anything!

"Three guys that are older than me and one younger." Told Javier.

Luis just swallowed, was there a chance one of those guys weren't Aman?


Brighton was enjoying herself with Agustin, she found him very attractive and he was older than her although age wasn't of any concern to her. Somehow though, they seemed to have more to talk about then she and Dylan, maybe that was because Agustin spoke English despite his accent.

"I think I'm going to get a drink of something." Said Brighton to Agustin who was beside her on the sofa in the midst of a wild party.

"I can get it for you." Offered Agustin.

"Oh no, thank you, Agustin, but I can do it." Brighton left the noise to find the kitchen. It was quiet back there and she didn't expect to see anyone. Suddenly things became very strange to her, she had no idea Agustin and Dylan lived together, but to find Aman in the kitchen was beyond her! He looked surprised himself, quickly standing.

"You?" He asked with a smile.

"This is so strange, first I go out with Dylan then find out the new guy that wants to take me out is Agustin!" Laughed Brighton. "Are you guys trying to trick me?"

"Wait, you went out with Dylan? I mean he's nice but he's not your type!" Said Aman. "And Agustin the biggest mama's boy? It's Britney, right?"

Brighton raised her eyebrows. "Brighton."

"I knew that! I'm just testing you, I could never forget a name that goes to such a pretty girl. By the way, want to go out sometime?"

Brighton couldn't say she's been in a more weird situation! These guys were crazy, she should have noticed it when they all had accents.

"Let's see now. Agustin is from Ecuador, Dylan Porto Rico, what about you?" She asked with her hands on her hips.

"Dominican Republic. So, what do you say?" He asked so carelessly.

"I can't answer that now, tonight I'm with Agustin."

"Agustin my eye, I met you first!"

Brighton smiled. "No, Brooks met me first. I'll see you around."


Aman watched Brighton walk off cursing in his mind when the doorbell rang. He sighed then stood up to answer it. To his surprise stood a young girl.

"Hello!" He exclaimed.

"Hi, is this the 18th party being held for Javier?" She asked in a sweet voice.

"Isla?" He asked it was her beautiful self, with dark hair and big greenish-bluish eyes. She was American and she had dark skin. Aman thought she looked like an angel!

"I'm a friend of Agustin Pacheco." She told him in a way of teasing.

Aman couldn't believe this, how was Agustin doing it and keeping things such a secret?

"Could you tell him Isla Taliesin is here, please?"

She was the one that broke Agustin's heart or it was vice Versa. "Isla, it's been so long!" He exclaimed.

"Not that long." She smiled.

Aman quickly left to find Agustin. 

"Agustin!" He spoke over the noise. "There's a girl by the name Isla Taliesin looking for you."


Agustin felt as if he might pass out, he could feel Brighton staring him down. "Excuse me." He quickly excused himself and followed the way to the front door down the entry hall leading out of the living room. There she was, standing near the door with her sweet smile, it brought Agustin back to old memories which he held as bittersweet.

"Agustin?" She asked.


They both stare at one another. "What are you doing here?" Agustin asked gently trying not to lose his temper, something that's only been happening since their breakup.

"You invited me late Spring of last year when we were still something. I hope I haven't upset you." She looked embarrassed, casting her eyes to the floor.

"Isla, you could never do that. Come on in." He led her into the kitchen forgetting about Brighton for the time being.


Meanwhile, Luis saw Aman come into the living room. Javier was caught up in some conversations so he thought he might as well leave now. But he was cornered near the window and if he tried to make his way out to the entry hall, Aman who is on the sofa might see him. He looked at the window, there was only one solution. He pulled open the window, took a glance into the dark fenced in yard, then climbed out. He ran as fast as he could to the front of the house and hopped in his car. He sped off trying to calm down from the adrenaline rush. He had to find a new hiding place, Cleveland wasn't cutting it.


Aman looked over at Brighton who seemed rather upset. "Want to go out sometime?"

Brighton smiled. "Fine, I have nothing to lose."

A/N This is one of my favorite chapters, what did you think? :D Let me know in the comments. Thank you. :D 

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