13-It's what's important

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A/N Here is the next chapter! I hope you enjoy this! :D

The phone was ringing off the hook.

"Hello, Officer Heart speaking.

"Officer Heart, this is Officer Thindall from the Los Angeles Police department. We have been notified that the teenager who robbed the cash register at Bristol Farms in LA is in Ohio, we sent a team out there, can you be on highway patrol? He's somewhere between Akron and Cleveland."

"Sure thing Office Thindall, I'll do that right away." Officer Heart was just getting ready to go home, but things suddenly changed.


The party was raging by now, Dylan was feeling very left out. Brighton was with Aman and he knew he might as well not even bother! He should go check on Brooks perhaps, he was all alone and probably nervous about tomorrow. Dylan hated all the drama that went on between the boys, he just didn't feel like competing to win Brighton's heart, if she liked him enough then she'd come back. Dylan made his way to the stairway in one piece, there were people everywhere and known of them were even there for Javier which was obvious. They were just there to hang out with their girlfriends or boyfriends and to party. He finally got upstairs then walked to the bedroom he shared with Agustin and Brooks. He slowly opened the door and peeked in. Brooks was on his bed reading from a book. He didn't even notice Dylan coming in. Dylan just walked over to the bed and sat down on it, still getting no response from Brooks.


Brooks looked up seeming as if he was startled. "Hey." He said then quickly went back to reading.

"Are you okay?" Dylan asked.

Brooks just nodded his head and kept on reading as if he didn't care about anything else but the book at the moment.

"Why don't you come downstairs." Suggested Dylan.

"No thanks." Said Brooks, he finally looked up at Dylan.

"Why not?" Asked Dylan.

"I have a stomach ache." replied Brooks.

"Oh....did you eat the soup Agustin brought you?"

Brooks hesitated. "I threw it up. Dylan, girls won't like me if I have a feeding tube."

Dylan suddenly felt sorry for Brooks, it was a natural thing for him to think although Dylan didn't expect even a feeding tube could scare the girls off.

"Brooks, I don't think that's true."

"Don't just say that Dylan, I'm like an old man and I wanted to go to prom next year." Said Brooks. "But I don't even go to school."

"You shouldn't even be thinking about next year Brooks! That's ages away, but if it helps any the party isn't even fun. Then again it might be if you were down there. You have a way of grabbing the girl's attention."

Brooks just eyed him as if he didn't agree.


Brooks went back to his reading, he felt down about life, he wished he would never have been born. He was just on this earth to feel pain, to be too weak to walk across the room. Too sick to eat a proper meal. He did feel hungry at times, his stomach would growl telling him about how empty it was. Yet every time he ate it hurt, it begged to come out and he'd end up sick. Too sick to think straight, in too much pain to even want to deal with life.

"Go back to the party Dylan, I'll be okay." Said Brooks, he bit his lip at the pain in his chest, something that happened every now and then.

"You look pale, are you sure you're alright?" Dylan asked.

"I'm fine, just go." Brooks knew lying wasn't right, but he refused to act like a baby. He wanted to do great things!

"Fine, if you need anything give me a ring." Then Dylan left shutting the door behind him.

Brooks looked back down at his book, so many things were happening in this story, these boys were actually living the adventure! Flying Cyrus and the boys were on a ship in the seas, they were nearly at their destination, it was called Safe Place. That is where Flying Cyrus was sure his essence was. Brooks loved this story, but he felt a bit of guilt rise in his heart, he shouldn't have this book yet he couldn't quit reading it.


Aman was thoroughly enjoying Brighton's company when he remembered Valeria. He didn't want her to find out he had a child, not that he was ashamed of her, he just wasn't sure how Brighton would feel about it. She might not like the fact that he has a child, it could change things between them, that is if there is anything even there. He liked to think so he just wasn't sure if she did.

"Brighton, I'll be back, will you excuse me?"

"Sure." She smiled.

Aman made his way up the steps and into his bedroom. There lay Valeria, she was looking around the room with her big brown eyes. She was such a calm child, Aman didn't know what he's done to deserve this because everything else in his life seemed to go completely opposite. He has forgotten about Orson because of Brighton, that was something that usually happened to him. New things would come his way and he would forget about the old, becoming completely careless of the former problem. It was like he always lived on a high.

"There's my Princess, you being papa's angel?" He took her up from the little bed he created with blankets. He put her on his pillow, situating it near the wall side of his bed so she wouldn't roll off. Then he tucked blankets around her so she would feel tight and secure. "You're being such a good girl, papa missed you." He gave her forehead a kiss and she cooed. "You're not wet, you don't seem to be hungry. Think you might go back to sleep for papa?" She just continued to stare at him with a happy expression. "Bebe, I want to make you a good life, maybe I'll even get married and you can have a mama, a mama that cares. Because your papa cares very much, he would die for you." He kissed her again when he heard the door opening.

"Wheres Brighton?"

He turned around to face Dylan.

"Waiting for me." Said Aman.

"This whole thing is unfair, you like sharing your dates?" Asked Dylan.

"No, because I know she'll fall for me. Isn't that right Princess?"


Dylan felt sorry for himself, to tell the truth, but somehow he didn't mind seeing Aman with Brighton. He felt like he needed a sweet girl like Brighton to possibly get him back on his feet. He always had a hard life and Dylan felt sorry for that.

"I'll watch Valeria, you go back downstairs."

Aman looked surprised. "You mean that?" He asked.

"Yeah, like Agustin says, babies are good therapy." Dylan took the child from Aman who seemed floored yet eager to accept the offer.

"You're truly the best man, thanks." Then he leaned in to give Valeria a peck on the lips. "Be good for Dylan angel."


During all of that Agustin and Isla were in the kitchen alone.

"Isla, I forgot I invited you." Said Agustin.

"Don't worry, the last time we even talked was in June and that was after we broke up. How have you been?" She asked.

"I'm alright, bur Brooks, he's very sick." Told Agustin.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, is there anything I can do to lift the burden a little? I only have a part time job right now with a lot of time on my hands." She asked.

"No, thanks, Isla. Well, you can tell me if you're seeing anyone." Agustin knew it was over between them but he couldn't bare hearing Isla was with someone else. They met a year ago at a party and ever since his life has never been the same.

"I'm not Agustin, I have been on some dates though." She said looking nervous.

"Me too, actually she's here but Dylan and I are both seeing her."

Isla stifled a laugh.

"It's okay to laugh, it's silly I agree. Hey, why don't we go mingle, I don't want to come across rude to my date." Said Agustin.

"You're right, come on." Isla agreed.

"Are you doing okay?" Agustin asked as they left the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm as good as new."

But when they got into the crowded living room they spotted Aman and Brighton on the sofa whispering in each other's ear.

"Okay, well, let's mingle." Said Agustin blushing.


Brooks could hear the sounds of the party, to tell the truth, he wanted to be there. Perhaps he should since this was his last night without a feeding tube. He put down his book then went to look at himself in the mirror of the bathroom. His face looked pale and his cheeks flushed. His hair was a mess, hanging over his eyes framing his face so that it looked sickly thin. He shook his head at himself then grabbed a bit of hair at the top of his head. He took the band around his wrist off and tied up the stray chunk of hair. One thing he did like were his eyes and now that his hair was off his forehead they were more obvious. So he took one last look at himself and left. He was headed to the kitchen at first still feeling nervous, he felt like everyone would know about him needing a feeding tube. He walked down the steps to find Javier sitting all alone at the bottom.

"Javi, what's wrong?" Brooks joined him.

"Thanks for doing all this but it's not much of a party." Said Javier, he looked tired.

"Where's your friend?" Brooks asked.

"I don't know, his car is gone so I guess he didn't like it either." Just then loud music began playing and the boys had to talk louder.

"I'm sorry Javier and I'm also sorry I have been upstairs this whole time." Said Brooks wrapping an arm around Javier's shoulders.

"Your all good man, go enjoy a little, I think you're really brave for even coming down here knowing what you face tomorrow."

"Thanks, Javi, I'll see you around." Brooks got up and went into the kitchen which was across from the stairway off to the left a bit so that if you were sitting on the steps you couldn't see inside. He didn't know things were going to get worse! He walked right into Aman and Brighton?!

They were seated at the table kissing each other. They immediately stopped when they heard footsteps. For a moment of silence, they just stare at him both looking red in the cheeks.

"Brooks, what are you doing up?!" Asked Aman.

"What, I'm not a kid." Said Brooks, he walked over to Brighton's chair.

"Brooks, hey!" Smiled Brighton.

"Did Agustin invite you?" Brooks asked.

"Yeah, how are you feeling?" Asked Brighton.

"I'm fine." Brooks stare deep into Brighton's eyes. "I'm always strong." He raised his eyebrows a bit noticing Aman get all worried. "You look let me say, beautiful." He hated his thick accent.

"Thank you." Blushed Brighton.

"Aren't we being immature." Said Aman. "Now get your little butt out of here Brooks, it's late and you look weak."

"I go to bed when I want!" Snapped Brooks.

"Aman, don't spoil his fun." Said Brighton.

"Brighton, you're so sweet and I've been dying to ask you out." Brooks thought he could give this thing a try before he was on a feeding tube at least. Aman looked shocked, his mouth was gaping and he was speechless.

"I'm flattered, Brooks." She blushed again.

"Wait, why on earth do you do that blushy thing with him and not me?" Asked Aman. Brighton just shrugged.

"Want to go out with me sometime?" Brooks asked.

"Where will you take her, you can't go out to eat if you're on a feeding tube." Aman raised his eyebrows.

Brooks was blushing by now, how could Aman be so mean! Brighton looked concerned though.

"Oh Brooks, are you on a feeding tube?" She sounded compassionate.

"Not yet." He replied to the ground.

"I'm so sorry Brooks. Listen, I'll go out with you, okay?"

Brooks lit up immediately. "Really?" He asked sounding much like a boy by now.

"Yeah, really?" Asked Aman.

"Really, but tonight I'm with Aman, okay?" Brighton asked Brooks.

"Okay! Thank you, Brighton."

"You're very welcome."


"Now why did you do that? You're just being kind, right?" Aman asked once Brooks left.

"No, I really want to go out with him." Said Brighton.

"He's 16, the kid is just out of diapers!" Said Aman.

"Oh well, call it robbing the cradle if you must but he is cute!"

Aman was filling with anger, he could knock Brooks teeth out!

"Don't be upset Aman, hm?" Brighton winked.

"Fine, but you'll change your mind when you find out he still needs his mommy." Said Aman.

The party went on till three A.M and that's when the last stragglers left. Isla was one of them and she and Agustin were outside on the porch after the house was empty. Aman found himself alone in the messy house. He tripped on few cups and plates that have just been thrown everywhere. His head pounding fiercely by now.

"Is everyone gone?" He looked up from where he was standing in the kitchen to see a tired Dylan and Javier.

"Except for Isla." He answered Dylan's question.

"Wait, wasn't that Agustin's x?" Dylan asked after a yawn.

"Yep, and where's my baby?" Asked Aman taking a seat at the table.

"Asleep." Replied Javier.

"You guys left the party a long time ago." Said Aman. Dylan and Javier came to join him at the table.

"Yep, we hung out with the prettiest girl that was here, wouldn't you say Jav?"

"Oh yeah Dylan, Valeria is one hot mama."

"Like her hot papa." Added Aman. The other boys just shook their heads.


Out on the porch. "Isla, can we stay in contact? Maybe be friends at least, I've really missed you." Said Agustin.

"Yes, I've missed you too, I wasn't sure if I should have come tonight, but I'm glad I did. You're still the same Agustin."

Agustin smiled. "I'm glad too, I'll see you Isla."

"I hope to see you, Agustin."

Agustin watched her get in her care then went back inside. It was cold that night and you could see your breath. The streets were quiet due to the time giving everything a bit an empty feeling. Agustin felt a few bittersweet tears form in his eyes, he missed Isla but he wasn't sure if he wanted to be near her anymore. He thought they were over, the last time was so scary and he didn't want that to happen again. He walked in to hear the other guys laughing in the kitchen.

"Hey Agustin, so what's the status?" Asked Aman.

"Aman you just hope I'm with Isla again so that you can have Brighton to yourself." Said Agustin. "And I'm sorry the party was a flop, Javier."

"Know one's fault, let's just call it a night." Said Javier.

"Wheres Brooks, did he already go to sleep?" Asked Agustin taking a look around.

"I didn't see him up there." Said Dylan Javier shook his head agreeing.

"Brooks?" Called Agustin, he walked through the hall to the living room. "Broo," He stopped short, his heart began to pound. Brooks was lying on the sofa, his eyes were half open and he was struggling to breathe. "Aman, Dylan, Javier get in here!"

The other boys got there as quickly as they could. "What's wrong?" Asked Javier. But they stopped short when they saw Brooks. His lips were purple as if oxygen was being snatched away from him. His chest was rising like he had to work extra hard to breathe. He had a pained expression and was grasping his left arm with his right hand.

"Brooks, talk to me, what's wrong?" Agustin bit back his tears as he knelt down beside the sofa.

"Hurts," Muttered Brooks.

"For crying out loud Brooks, explain yourself!" Shouted Javier.

"Don't shout Javier!" Corrected Dylan in a loud voice.

"Brooks, what hurts?" Asked Agustin gently, he turned to face the other guys. "Don't shout."

Brooks gasped for air. "Chest feels tight, and my, my stomach hurts."

Aman shook his head. "Yep, indigestion. Brooks, you knew you couldn't handle food you little party animal."

Agustin shot him an annoyed look. "No, we need to call 911."

"911?" Asked Javier in tears.


Just then Aman knew he was lying to himself, that was something else he did, he never liked to face the pain of reality, not after what happened to him at 14. He got sudden flashbacks, he could see his mama's face crying for his help. Yet he didn't know what to do, he couldn't fight him off, he couldn't save her although he tried. This is what it felt like, it brought him back to the pain, back to that nightmare of a night. And now Brooks was laying there clearly unwell and Aman felt helpless.

"I'll call." Said Aman, he left to talk in the kitchen feeling light headed. The next 10 minutes were like a blur to him, it was like he wasn't even there. The red lights flashing from the ambulance, the horrid cry's of the sirens. How they whisked Brooks away in a stretcher speaking into their walkie talkies, informing the hospital that a 16-year-old boy was about to have a heart attack.

"Aman? Aman, they're gone!"

Aman snapped out of the weird trance he's been in, the one he lived in as a teenager, one he hoped to never re-enter. He looked up at Dylan who was holding Valeria, he didn't even hear the cries of his own child.

"Where?" Aman asked still trying to wake himself up from the trance.

"Agustin went with him, they're headed to the hospital." Said Javier.

"Come on, I'll drive everyone." Said Dylan.

Once they got there Agustin joined them in the waiting room. It felt like the longest hours, the darkness lifted and it grew light out. Aman didn't speak of the dizziness he experienced, the stress wasn't good on his already sick body. He was tempted to bring himself down to the ER, but that should be silly. They just waited, no one spoke a word other than Valeria who needed to be walked around the halls a few times. But the other guys helped out with that and Aman was very grateful for them at that moment. And that was the worst part of the hospital to be in, the boys saw the most horrible things, to sum up, a lifetime there in the ICU. There were so many sad stories, so many cries, so much need it was overwhelming. Agustin had called Brooks family and they were on their way to Ohio. Aman held Valeria tight as the light seeped in through last night's darkness. What would it be like to see your own child so sick? He let the tears escape, not minding if the other boys saw and held a kiss to her head. He felt Javier pat his back, this was a tragedy, this was a reality. It put everything into perspective, their silly fights over girls, the competitions of who's stronger. And Orson Lux, the sound of jail barely even bothered Aman at that moment. Then and there the boys realized these little things didn't matter.

A/N Vote and comment, let me know what your opinions are! Thank you. :D

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