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A/N Here it is! let me know what you thought, thank you! :D 

Agustin. "What do we do?!"

Javier. "We have to tell Officer Heart!"

Dylan. "We need to thick of a plan guys!"

The boys have been in an uproar ever since they finished work and school which they could barely do after receiving the news.

"We need to sit down." Suggested Javier, thankfully he was the sensible one. The boys sat down at the kitchen table.

"We can't let Brooks know," Agustin said and it was likely for him to think of Brooks before anyone else.

"Officer Heart is the one we need to go to guys, we've been busted let's just face it." Javier looked upset, some of his dark waves fell over his forehead, he obviously didn't even care to fix it.

"Officer Heart is bound to find out anyway." Said Dylan, he felt numb again as if he couldn't even get that upset.

"But if we go to him first we will look a little bit better," Javier added, he was fiddling with the hair on his forehead nervously. "Don't you have anything to say, Agustin?" He looked over at Agustin who stared at the table motionless.

Agustin wasn't acting like himself again, one of those strange moods the boys didn't know well. He just sat there as if he didn't hear what Dylan and Javier were saying.

"Yeah and what about dinner?" Asked Dylan, he knew he should be more considerate but he just didn't feel as upset as he thought he should! Just look at the other two, Agustin was clearly in shock and Javier was panicking.

Agustin finally looked up at Dylan with raised eyebrows. "I'm not cooking tonight, actually my stomachs kind of sick. I'm going to the hospital and you boys better not breathe a word about this to Brooks." Then Agustin stood up from the table and left.

Once Dylan and Javier were alone they just sat at the table in silence on till Dylan's stomach growled loudly. Javier rolled his eyes.

"Is all your stomach can do is think about food?"

"Javier my stomach doesn't think and I can't help I'm hungry!" Dylan stood up from his chair and went over to the refrigerator. "Want a sandwich?" He asked Javier.

"No, I'm not hungry anymore." Then Javier stood from the table and went upstairs.


Javier went into the attic and locked the door. Tears ran down his face as he looked at the stone. "I tried, I really did." He couldn't do as the boys said any longer and he knew Officer Heart was on a search, but he had to at least send a text. He had to do something right. He pulled out his phone and began.

J-Officer Heart we all have been lying, forgive us. I'm sure you know what this means.

Javier was feeling very ill suddenly, his stomach was in knots and his hands were trembling. He ran out of the attic and straight to the bathroom. He locked himself in then kneeled in front of the toilet. His stomach lurched and he began throwing up till he was lightheaded. When he was finished he heard the doorbell ring. He wondered who that could be. He came out of the bathroom and went to sit at the top of the steps.


Dylan was at the table alone eating the sandwich he made. He put avocado, mayo, and jelly in it. The boys always made fun of him for eating strange things but he had a stomach made of steel! He kind of hated that about himself, nothing ever seemed to bother him. When he wanted to cry he couldn't, when he wanted to get angry he hardly did anything more than one yell then he'd be lost for words. Maybe it was what happened to him a couple of years ago that he ended up in this place, but whatever it was he wanted out. Then the doorbell rang, he placed his sandwich down and went into the entry hall to answer it. He whipped the crumbs off his face with the back of his hand then unlocked the door. He pulled it open to see Brighton?! He smiled then pulled open the screen door.

"Ola Dylan." She didn't look very happy yet she still smiled.

"Brighton? Come.." He smiled gesturing for her to come in.

"Gracias." She stepped in then followed him to the living room. There they sat down not speaking a word to one another at first.

"Where are your friends?" She asked. Dylan just looked at her questioningly. "Amigos? Where are they?"

"Ohhh, Javier is up," He pointed to the ceiling. "Agustin is at hospital."

"And Aman is in jail?" Asked Brighton. Dylan felt his cheeks go red, for once he felt something. He didn't know exactly what she said but he knew it had to do with Aman. He felt as if all their reputations were at stake just because of Aman. Then again they all lied. Dylan just nodded his head. "He's a jerk I hate to be so frank about it! Oh, Dylan, I realized something now. Quiero Estar Contigo, I want to be with you."

Dylan was really blushing now, and he felt so happy! Did she want to be with him? Was he hearing this right? And this time it wasn't him just going for any girl, this one seemed to really like him! "Wait," He smiled. He got up and went into the kitchen. He poured a tall glass of lemonade for her, the one Agustin had made a few days ago. Then he brought it back to her who was smiling. "For you?" He asked holding it out.

"Thank you, Dylan." She took the cold glass and sipped a bit of lemonade. "No champagne?" She winked. Dylan got a serious look on his face. "Well, this is good too, Gracias."

Dylan sat beside her, this felt so good. His feelings for Brighton were growing stronger. He looked at her and asked, "No Brooks? No Agustin?"

Brighton threw her head back laughing. "No silly, Brooks is like a little brother to me and Agustin is well, Agustin." Dylan smiled, Brighton was everything he ever wanted. They locked eyes for a few seconds when their lips began to near one another's. Just then Brighton pulled back. "You have jelly in your mouth." She smiled. She took her index finger and whipped the bit of jelly off. "There." Then she moved back in, this time touching Dylan's lips.


Javier heard everything though, he couldn't believe Dylan would be so careless to the important things going on around him! All of them! He ran down the steps, made a right and entered the living room. Dylan and Brighton must have heard him coming because they immediately stopped looking very embarrassed.

"I can't believe you, Dylan! Here you are making out with no care in the world!" Javier spoke in Spanish, something the boys all did when together since Brooks and Dylan didn't speak English well. This way Brighton couldn't understand most of what they said, she just watched with curiosity.

"What, am I supposed to stop living because of Aman?" Asked Dylan.

"Right now, yes!" Replied Javier.

Dylan turned to Brighton. "I'll go now, see you later Dylan." She said. Dylan just eyed Javier then left to walk Brighton to her car.


Agustin was very nervous Brooks Mama would find out about Aman, she wouldn't let Brooks stay with them if that was the case. He was still under age and had to go by what his parents said. Agustin hated the fact that he was in on it, he should have seen this coming, he shouldn't have been so naive as usual. He got to Brooks room finally then knocked. He was met by Elon who didn't look very pleased. It worried Agustin, the last thing he wanted was for anyone to find him to be a bad influence.

"Agustin?" He questioned as if he wasn't sure.

Agustin nodded his head. "Can I see Brooks?" He asked.

"He's not himself, but you can come in."

Elon widened the door so that Agustin could come in. The room felt the same as all the others, all white. He got his own room though, the Doctors fearing he could catch germs if he was with anyone else. He was just laying there not even batting an eye at Agustin, he just looked at his phone aimlessly. Agustin noticed that Delfia wasn't there which made him all the more nervous. She always made him feel welcomed and comfortable. Agustin looked over at Elon.

"Thank you, Agustin."

Those words sounded good, so far they must not have known about Aman. Agustin smiled then went over to Brooks bed. "Hey, Brooks." He gently said.

"Ola Aman."

Agustin couldn't believe his ears, why on earth was Brooks calling him Aman of all people? "Boo, it's me, Agustin." Agustin took the phone from Brooks.

"Give it back! Papa make him give it back!" Agustin didn't expect him to be so touchy! Was he always going to be like this?

Elon approached the bed and made Brooks stop by touching his arm. "A break from your phone would be good Brooks, Agustin has come to visit with you," They spoke in Spanish because that's all Brooks ever spoke anymore, he used to practice on his English but now he didn't even try. Agustin watched as Elon took the phone and Brooks tried pulling it back. But Elon hid it in the pocket of his jeans which only upset Brooks more.

"Why is he acting like this?" Agustin asked.

"He gets angry easily, he's not even the same boy I use to know."

"Will he always be like this?" Agustin asked.

"Time can only tell Agustin."

Agustin hated this so much, if Brooks only had a strong heart he wouldn't be in this situation. Agustin sat on the chair beside Brooks wanting to talk to him like they use to, but Brooks didn't even glance over at him. So Agustin decided he'd just sit there to keep him company. 


Finally, Orson and Corey arrived in Guatemala. Corey was feeling very tired, he couldn't wait to lie down and get some real sleep. He was more than thankful to be out of Mexico City, away from Thian and Aman. They got a hotel for the night, it was worn down and dirty on the inside but Corey didn't care at that point. He was exhausted. As soon as they got inside he lay down not bothering with changing. And Luis, they were done worrying about him since Aman left for LA. Anyways Luis wasn't picking up his phone just a couple days before Aman had left, but it ended up working out conveniently. Corey lay down and pulled the covers over himself. He reflected on the days of the gang. Somehow it felt safer though back then, is all he had to worry about was being caught by the Police. But Corey was the last one to join and he was the youngest of the group, so when he met all the guys he looked up to them, especially Thian. Whatever they said Corey did which it was never hard for Corey to be taken advantage of. But this was like any of the gangs he ever read about or seen in the movies. Thian and Aman started it, actually, Thian was the one with the first ideas on it. Whoever joined from then on had to get beat up to fit in. Corey shut his eyes that night when all those memories came back.

There it was, the dark streets of Mexico City. That was their meeting place although known of them came from there. It all began for Corey when he was running away from his home in LA. He crossed the border in 2014. That's when he met Thian one afternoon and they got to talking. Corey told him his story and Thain said he knew how to fix it. As vulnerable as Corey was he listen and ended up obliging to Thian's offer to meet them that night. Corey was desperate, to young and afraid to face the world alone. Besides, he was under age and really couldn't get anywhere unless he had a legal adult with him. Well, Thian was kind of like that legal adult and Corey was ready to try about anything. So he met the boys that night in an alleyway of the city. A typical meeting place for the perfect movie gang. Of course, Corey was nervous, everything was dark and he's always been afraid of that. He remembered the first impressions he had on the three other boys. First, he saw Thian who he's already met earlier that day. He looked street smart just by the cocky expression he wore oh his face. Aman was what Corey called the "curly headed guy," that's just what stood out to Him about Aman. Then there was Luis, he was small and didn't seem to fit in at all, but he stood there, in between the other two, arms crossed and same cocky smirk as them. Corey just looked at the ground at first, so nervous he began counting the dirt specs silently. Then he looked up feeling two strong hands on his shoulders, feeling the presence of three other guys standing around him. Aman had a hand on his right shoulder and Thian had one on his left. Luis was standing behind him so that Corey was barricaded by the three.

"This is it." Said Thian his eyes almost seemed to pierce through Corey's mind to his heart, pulling out all his thoughts and laying them on the line for everyone to see. Corey guessed that's why they knew he was afraid, Thian must have some power. But that was a silly thought for Corey to think, he was trembling in his own shoes, Thian had no powers it was just Corey showing the obvious.

"So, you want to join?" Asked Aman.

"Yeah, speak up American boy!" Luis added, even at the time Corey could tell Luis was just trying to fit in. He clearly didn't have what the other two had. Besides, he was just a pretty boy, he was wearing nicer clothes than the rest and his hair was in place.

"W-what is this?" Corey asked them.

"It's our gang, I told you. We have a lot of fun, don't we guys?" Thian looked around at the other two as they nodded in agreeance.

Corey thought for a moment, he couldn't back out now he was too afraid of even that. Where would he go? Where would he end up? "Fine, what do I have to do?" He asked.

Aman and Thian looked at one another and chuckled. "Should we give it to him?" Asked Thian.

"Yeah," Aman replied. He looked at Corey and rolled up the sleeve on his own right arm. There was a red bruise there as if he's been slapped. "When Thian and I first met we got in a fight. Well, that's when we decided to call them our membership scars. In order to be a part of the gang you have to have a few of your own."

"How do I do that?" Asked Corey.

The other three laughed at him then suddenly Corey felt six hands pulling him in all different directions! Before he knew it the whole world seemed to be flashing before his eyes. They beat him, they bruised him. Then they left him there, they ran off laughing. Corey was left to fend for himself realizing the boys just used him. He couldn't move, his limbs were stiff and he was sore everywhere. He couldn't help crying after all he was only 15. He was still in the same place the next morning, he'd fallen asleep. But when he woke up there the three boys stood. They helped him up and brought him somewhere. He was in the back of the truck covered with a tarp so he didn't see anything. Once they truck stopped moving they helped him out and brought him to a small run down shack amongst green hills. And for a few years following that very date, (after the boys nursed him back to health saying it was an experiment, one that would test his tolerance,) Corey called it home.

He was getting really tired by now, he saw that Orson had laid down in his bed. So he shut his eyes in hopes to fall asleep. He wondered what ever happened to Luis.


Luis hasn't stopped driving since he held up the Willis Tower. From what the news has been saying the swat team was in Chicago. He was in  Kettle Moraine Illinois by then, just a small town outside the city. It felt so much less congested and freeing on till his car was on E. Oh no. He thought. What do I do! His car started to chug along the roads, he was just aimlessly driving around the neighborhoods, he wasn't near a gas station! He had to try to make it to one, so he headed out to the town. He found a gas station just in time and jumped out. I have to do this in record time. I have to get out of here. He thought while pumping the gas.


But Officer Heart and the swat team arrived in Chicago, they have been tracking Luis and knew where to find him. They received a few reports about a bel air 1957 in Kettle Moraine. That's where the swat team was now.


Luis was just done pumping when the piercing sound of sirens rang through the air! Wait, this may be some kind of another emergency, maybe there was a fire or someone was hurt or ill! He opened the door of his car when the blue and red lights stopped him. 

"Put your hands up!"

Luis stopped where he was, midway in his car, then slowly he lifted his hands. "Don't move!" Luis could feel his chest tightening, as the Police Officer (Officer Heart), approached. It was finished, he was finally caught after what felt like a lifetime or running from the law. It used to be fun to him when he was younger, he used to feel free with a rebel heart. Now he hated it and he's done it for good. From this day forth he would have a record of jail spent years, from this very night he would never be a free man. Even when he fills in his time at the prison he will never be free, this night and its memories and whatever memories the prison days ahead held would be branded on his mind. It will be harder to find a job, even harder to fit in this world. He will be scorned and mocked, he was now one of those boys, the once he once pitied. That is where he stood, right at the foot of prison and this time it was for sure. He looked up at the middle-aged Officer approaching, he looked at Luis almost as if he cared. As if he thought more about him than just a criminal like he was a human beneath his evil. That's all Luis ever was, just a human, know one starts off bad. Not on till you grow up and make your own choices, you either go to the left or go to the right. Luis knew that what he was about to ask was worthless, but it was as if he were dying, willing to do the stupidest thing for that possible hope you might still pull through.

"I didn't mean this," He began. "I'm only 18 I can give it all up now."

Officer Heart just stare at him, still, he didn't seem angry. He pulled out the handcuffs and locked them around Luis's wrists. "Sorry son but you have violated the law, once you've done it there's nothing you can do to change it. These kinds of choices start at the beginning of our lives, I'm afraid any repentance for you will have to be made in a prison room. Come on now." He pulled on the cuffs bringing Luis over to the Police Car. Luis sat in the back seat looking at the world around him, the free world. It all felt like a long ago memory although he was just there himself. He began having flashbacks of his childhood years, he could have changed, if only he would have listened to the wiser if only he could take this all back. But the Officer was right, the only repenting he would be doing was in a prison room. He shut his eyes and let the tears roll out. "It's over, it's all over."


The next morning was much the same as the ones before. Cold and gray, that's all it ever was there in Ohio. Javier was at the kitchen table just before he was about to go to school when his phone buzzed.

"Who was that?" Asked Agustin who was washing the breakfast dishes.

"Give me a minute to see." Javier picked up his phone that was laying on the table then opened the message. He received a message from Javier the other day which was good. He didn't reply yet, he wanted to think up a good way to encourage him.

T-Thank you for being honest Javier, I'm disappointed in all of you boys. But for now I am going to speak with Aman, hang tight, I will be back as soon as possible.

Javier was feeling sick to his stomach again, he hated being a disappointment, he knew that's all he ever was but he hated it.

"Brooks is doing a lot better today, that's what his Mama told me over text. Who did text you Javi?" Agustin came over to the kitchen table. "Javi, your all pale, is everything okay?"

Javier just ignored him, he couldn't possibly tell the boys now. They would hate him and he disliked that even more! At least disappointment only lasted for a time but hate, that was the end of all things! He could feel himself getting sicker, so he stood up and ran to the bathroom where he threw up again. Midway he heard knocking on the bathroom door than Dylan calling.

"Jav, are you sick?" Javier finished up, he couldn't face the boys, but Dylan didn't stop calling him. "Javier? Are you sick?" Javier stood from the kneeling position he was in and went over to open the door. "Jav, what happened?" Dylan looked worried.

"I just didn't feel good. I'm fine now I better get to school." Javier pushed past Dylan and headed down the steps. He made it back to the kitchen where he found the newspaper lying on the table. He never stopped for the newspaper, the boys ever did. The only time they saw it was when they had to pick it up from the bottom of the driveway. Javier thought he saw a familiar face at first glance so naturally, he looked again.

Luis Gil was arrested at nine P.M Yesterday, he was taken to Police HeadQuarters. He was charged with theft of the local store Bristol Farms in Los Angeles California. During his escape across the country, he held up the Willis Tower in Chicago Illinois.

 Javier wasn't sure he was reading this right, this couldn't' be the same Luis Gil. But there was his picture or might you say mug shot, the one Javier never knew he even had! Javier felt frozen, this whole time Luis was an outlaw? Was he too just in his life to let him down?

"Javier?" Agustin asked. "What's wrong? I never saw you so interested in the newspaper." Agustin picked up the article not realizing at first. Javier just stood there for another moment then he dashed out of the kitchen. "Javier?" Called Agustin.


Agustin looked back down at the newspaper wondering what had his friends attention. That's when he saw it, Luis Gil's picture and then his name at the top of the article in large lettering! "Dylan! "Dylan come down here quick!"

Dylan came running down the stairs with Valeria in his arms. "What's the matter?" He asked.

"Look at this." Agustin held up the article. Dylan took a minute to read it then he looked up at Agustin with shock.

"That boy was in our house! No wonder Javier was sick!"

"Javier was sick?" Asked Agustin.

"Just before he left. Poor Javier." Said Dylan, he started rubbing Valeria's back as she fussed a bit.

"He can't be out there all alone, what do we do?" Asked Agustin, he was feeling frantic.

"Don't worry about him, sometimes a guy needs to be alone to sort things out." Said Dylan.


It was evening once Officer Heart arrived in Mexico City. He was feeling tired but his boys were important to him. All five of them have become likes sons and he cared for their well-being. He also wanted to know what they all have been up to, why there have been so many lies. He met with Officer Thindall who led him to Aman's room. 


Aman felt nervous, he knew this was all he had left. He had to be honest, he had to find a way out of there it was only just! He may have done Orson wrong but he shouldn't be in prison! He looked up when he heard footsteps coming his way.

"Thank you, Officer Thindall." He heard Officer Heart say.

Aman stood up from his chair and went over to the bars so he could look out. Then he saw the shadow of Officer Heart. He waited, every second inched by longer yet too quick for his liking. At the same time, he wanted this over he wished it would never come, but it did. There stood Officer Heart on the other side of the bars and Aman slowly looked up at him.

"Aman Trevino." Was all Officer Heart said, it was in such a tone that Aman knew he cared about for his well-being? Sort of like a papa that even when he's angry at you still wishes you the best.

Aman could feel tears in his eyes, he was feeling overwhelmed. "You have to understand me, I never injured Orson Luz, I borrowed money and I didn't pay it back yet. But I was going to, even if it meant working till the day I die. My baby was about to be born, I was desperate, I just want out of here for her sake." He spewed.

"Shhhh Aman, come one now calm down."

Aman took a deep breath. "I shouldn't be here, I will pay Orson Luz back but he was the one who's been tracking me down. He took my contract, he beat me up in Cleveland. I know I should have told you but I was afraid. He told me this would happen if I didn't pay him back by the first of this year and I was careless." Aman stopped to catch his breath and wipe the falling tears. "He said if I told anyone about him finding me he'd turn the blame around. I'm a coward, I ruined all of this. If only I could have saved my Mama!"

"Aman Trevino calm down!"

"Oh just say it, I'm a coward!"

"You're a boy!" Officer Hearts words echoed. "You're just a boy Aman and even when you grow old you'll still only be human! What happened to your Mama was a long time ago, give it up that's how she wants it. I am going to get you out of here if you make me a promise."

Aman looked up at him with boyish eyes, those pleading ones all the girls talked about.

"Aman you have to promise me all the lies will be over, no more secrets no more blaming you for what happened to your mama a long time ago. You have to promise me. I will help you Aman, and nothing is better than two. Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labor.  For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up. That's in the Bible."

Aman couldn't stop himself from sobbing, he held onto the bars in front of him as he could feel his body weaken. But this time it was a good feeling, he felt broken as if he was ready to start over.

"You seem unwell Aman, are you okay?" Asked Officer Heart.

Aman hesitated, trying to catch his breath. "I'm fine. Thank you Officer Heart, thank you."

Officer Heart pulled out a set of keys Officer Thindall lent him. He unlocked the cell and opened it, up. "Come here, Aman." Aman let his weak body fall into Officer Hearts embrace. "That's it Aman, you are going to be just fine." Aman didn't think he deserved this, he expected Officer Heart to hate him forever! But it was, on the contrary, he forgave him and was willing to give him a second chance. Officer Heart bailed him out that night and Aman was once again a free man.


Javier skipped school that day, he didn't tell the others. He just stayed out all day till he had work. That was something he couldn't skip. He felt confused that day as if his brain didn't even know what to think or feel. Once he got home from work the other two boys bombarded him with questions, especially Agustin.

"Hey Javier, how was your day?" Agustin asked just before he could make it any further than the entry hall. Dylan was holding Valeria standing behind Agustin.

"I'm tired, I want to go lay down." Javier passed the boys making his way to the steps.

"Javier we know about Luis, don't you want to talk about this?" Asked Dylan.

"No, just leave me alone." Javier went up the steps when he heard Agustin say, "I'll go talk to him."

"No Agustin, let him be." Replied Dylan.

That night all the boys except for Brooks received a text from Officer Heart.

T-I know about Aman, I bailed him out and we will be flying back tomorrow.

A/N Thanks for stopping by! :D 

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