20-Can we all do this?

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A/N Here it is! Let me know what you thought! I would love to get feedback. :D Thank you. 

He felt as if he's been freed from prison! Those white walls felt like paradise at the moment, the long halls that seemed to go on for miles! He was working extra hard that morning, breathing wasn't coming easy and he didn't want to use the oxygen tank. There was already an IV in his right arm which he really didn't even feel since it's been there for so long. And a small spot on the right side of his abdomen was sore where the feeding tube has been placed. He just had his first feeding and his appetite has been much better. That's because he didn't have any more stomach aches or nausea. He really wanted regular food for the first time in awhile, one of the breakfasts Agustin would make. Anyhow he did feel full which was a plus because when he woke up his stomach was begging for something to eat.

"Brooks, maybe you should sit a while." Suggested his Mama for what felt like the millionth time. She was pushing a wheelchair, one he refused to use. Of course, he wasn't really free, the IV pump was pulling behind him attached to the pole sticking out at the top of the wheelchair. But he felt good today, he couldn't really remember anything about his stay in the hospital, that is except for the many needles and ultrasounds he's had. It was a wonder he was even still there, he couldn't remember living, but there was two thing, Brighton, and the book. Of all things he remembered her and the book, that was something he couldn't forget.

"I'm okay Mama, just a little bit longer." Said Brooks, he was walking close enough to the wall in case he had a stumble.

"My determined boy, you have amazed me from the day you were born." She sounded happy to Brooks, that was another thing he remembered, a lot of crying and worry. He would lay there and look up at the faces around him. The ones he was sure he knew but he couldn't figure it out. If it wasn't for them telling him who they were he wouldn't have known what to call them.

"Mama, are you okay?" Brooks asked from over his shoulder.

"Brooks I see you walking and smiling, of course, I'm okay!" He heard a smile in her voice so turned around to see it. The fast motion made him dizzy so that he stumbled a bit. "Brooks!"

Brooks caught himself by grasping the wall beside him. He stood there for a moment to catch his breath, his Mama looked worried. "It's what the wall is for." He smiled.

"Oh come sit down young man, it's too soon for you to be up and about like this."

Brooks sighed, she was right he was getting very tired. "Alright, but can't we at least ask the D.r if I can go home yet?" Brooks sat down in the wheelchair and his Mama turned it back around toward the direction they came from.

"That's for the D.r to decide, he knows what's best for you Brooks. Besides, I want you to come home after you're released."

Brooks couldn't believe this, he couldn't leave his contract! He wanted to finish it sick or not! He wasn't a baby if the other guys could do it so could he. "But Mama this is where I'm getting treated, I can't go back home."

"We might move out here, Brooks you're too sick and I hate to sound like a worried mother but I don't want you miles away from me! Do you know how I felt when I found out you had a heart attack? I was angry that I haven't been nearer, is all I wanted was to be with you, to hold you in my arms. Bebe, you're very strong and I trust you, but we have to be realistic."

Brooks bit his lower lip, he was trying not to get angry! This wasn't fair, he wanted to live his life and before his heart gets any worse! He knew he was at risk of having another heart attack, one which would be much worse. He had to live now when he still had time! "What did Papa say?" He asked.

"He agrees with me, I'm sorry it has to be this way, Brooks. I wish I could change it."

Brooks thought she could if she would just let him stay. But he had to understand her point of view, it just wasn't easy as a 16-year old that wanted to be living life to the fullest. He didn't say anything more, he just sat there biting back his tears. This heart attack has changed his life, he already could see that. He knew once he left that hospital that nothing would ever be the same.


Javier was sitting on the sofa that morning. He could hear Agustin talking to Isla in the kitchen over the phone. Javier was reading, something he did when he was nervous. In the other arm, he was holding Valeria very tightly, she was sucking on her fingers, baby dribble dripping from her chin.

"Jav, are you okay?" Dylan asked when he came into the room. Javier just nodded his head continuing to read. He felt as if reading blocked out anything bad in his life, things he wanted to forget. He supposed that's why Brooks did it so much. "Then why are you holding Valeria like she might die?"

Javier looked up from his book. "I'm not, really." He hardly noticed what he was doing and Dylan was sort of right. He was afraid, he worried about Valeria.

"Do you want to talk?" Dylan asked Javier expected nothing less, he's been quiet since yesterday morning.

"I'm fine." He lied, he just didn't think anyone could understand. Just then Agustin came into the room.

"Officer Heart and Aman are getting here tonight." He said looking embarrassed. Everyone knew Agustin hates looking bad, he's very concerned about his reputation. "He's a Policeman, of course, he found out. "But I'm glad, we should have been honest, to begin with." Said Agustin, he took Valeria from Javier.

Javier knew Officer Heart would have found out anyhow but he was the one that told on all the boys. He was feeling ill again, he didn't want all the blame to be on him nor did he want to disappoint Officer Heart. But that was something he already did and there was no changing it.

"I heard that Brooks is doing better." Added Dylan. Javier knew he's been more nervous because of Brooks, he was a close friend, like a brother and he didn't want to lose him.

"He knows what's going on today too." Said Agustin with a smile.


Brooks sat on his bed as he and his parents waited on the Dr. He was going to tell them what they needed to do next and Brooks hoped he'd tell them he could leave. He couldn't lay down anymore, he wanted to go outside. Then there was a knock on the door and Brooks could feel his heart pounding. He was nervous, nervous that the Dr would bring them bad news. He came in with a smile on his face, one Brooks didn't by. He liked Dr. Maccartie, after all, he was the one that's been treating Brooks since he came to the Cleveland Clinic. He was nice and sincere but Brooks hated how Doctors had to fake things. If it was bad news he just wanted it laid out plain and that's not how Doctors do it. They have to cover it up and act like you're going to be fine when deep down that's not true.

The Dr. went over to shake his parent's hands. "Hello,"

"Hello, Dr." Said Elon as he shook the Doctor's hand. Then the D.r turned to Brooks and gave the top of his head a rub.

"How are we doing Brooks?"

Brooks smiled. "I feel way better and everything seems really clear today! When can I go home?"

"Brooks, leave that up to the Dr," Delfia said Brooks felt himself blush a bit.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that you're doing better Brooks." Sadi D.r Mccardie.

"Why isn't he confused today?" Asked Elon.

D.r Mccardie got a serious look on his face. "That's the puzzling thing about the medications he's on, one day he might be fine then the next he may not. But he seems to be responding fine, it may have just taken his body some time to adjust. Brooks, you have amazed from day one," He looked over at Brooks now giving his shoulder a gentle rub. "You are showing a lot of strength, even when you were confused you did your exercises no matter what."

Brooks didn't remember that. "I did?" He asked.

"Yes, Brooks you will need to keep exercising in order to gain back a healthy heart. I want to set you up with a cardiac rehabilitation program. You must always wear the mask, that doesn't change and now that you're on the feeding tube you don't have to worry about watching your diet. Brooks, I'm going to examine you then I think you can be discharged."

Brooks felt his hopes rise, he missed the other guys so much! He missed having fun and running around, he knew he wouldn't be able to do that for a while but the discharge was a good enough start. "Thank you!" He exclaimed.

"Now now Brooks, don't get yourself over excited. You must always keep that in mind, stress is one of the very triggers in causing heart attacks. I know this sounds hard but you need to keep it in mind. Do any of you have questions?" The Dr. asked. Everyone shook their heads. "Good, then let's get this exam done with."


Officer Heart and Aman arrived at Hopkins airport, Officer Heart had noticed Aman staggering a bit as he walked. He seemed overly tired, his dark skin was pale and every now and then he'd put his head in his hands. They were just leaving the airport, Agustin was coming to pick them up. Aman seemed a bit disillusioned, it wasn't just once that Officer Heart had to ask him where he was going then take his arm and lead him in the right direction. Once they were waiting outside the airport it happened again. Aman was holding his head in his hands.

"Aman, are you feeling okay?" Officer Heart asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Aman was clearly lying, something he promised Officer Heart he wouldn't do.

"Tell me the truth, does this have to do with the beating?" Officer Heart asked.

Aman hesitated, he removed his head from his hands and looked over at Officer Heart. "What makes you ask that?"

"Aman, you made me a promise, tell me the truth." Said Officer Heart, he could clearly see Aman's true age that night. He was just in need of an extra amount of love, it went that way for some people. They required a special type of love and it was clear that's all Aman needed, Officer Heart just wondered why he never went to his family. He knew all of the boy's families and he could tell Aman had good parents that loved and cared about him. That's why they were so desperate for Aman to do that experiment, they thought it might help him somehow. And Aman looked so vulnerable that night as if he didn't know where to go like he needed advice, something the boy never admitted to. "Don't worry Aman, I will make sure you're alright."

The sound of a car turned their attention then appeared that old silver 1975, the one the boys shared. Agustin parked up front then got out. He was clearly nervous, he didn't look up which wasn't likely for the boy that was mostly outgoing. He neared them slightly lingering toward Aman as if he was anticipating going near Office Heart.

"How are you, Agustin?" Asked Officer Heart, he held open arms out to him. Agustin hesitated. "Come on now you boys act like I hate you."

Agustin finally smiled then he fell into Officer Hearts embrace. "Brooks should be home soon, I want to get back before him." Said Agustin.

"That's good news, that boy is so young and even when I've been away I can't stop worrying about him." Said Officer Heart. Even during the wild chase in finding Luis, his mind was on Brooks. He worried for the boy that was so confused when he saw him last, so sick and pale. And to suffer a heart attack at such a young age was a hard thing for one to wrap their mind around. "Let's get going boys." Said Officer Heart.

The two boys didn't speak a word to one another, it was as if they were mad at each other. Officer Heart didn't want that, one of the main reasons for this experiment was so that the boys could have a strong bond. That was the only way they could accomplish anything, if hates involved then there isn't any point in even trying to be a team. The ride remained quiet, Aman was drifting in and out of sleep in the back seat. Agustin seemed very nervous which might not be a bad thing. Officer Heart hoped they would learn their lesson and a little bit of fear and nerves wasn't bad if that's what it takes. Oncet they got to the house Dylan let them in. He seemed just as nervous, the way he shifted and spoke fast.

"Hey, Officer Heart."

"Hello Dylan, where's Javier?"

"With the baby, come on in." They all followed Dylan into the living room, he too didn't speak a word to Aman as if he was angry with him.

Javier looked the most nervous, he couldn't even look up! Valeria started fussing when she saw Aman, reaching out for him as if she missed him. Aman went up to her and took her in his arms holding a kiss on her forehead.

"Hello, Javier." Said Officer Heart, he gave him a pat on the back. He felt him sweating through his shirt. "Don't be nervous." He whispered. Then the doorbell rang and without a word Agustin went to answer it.


Brooks was so glad he could stay with the boys that night, he missed his bed here and pretty much everything this old run down house had to offer. He was in his Papa's arms, still too weak to walk a lot. He wasted all his energy walking earlier that day at the hospital. He noticed Agustin looking concerned when he saw him.

"Hey." Said Agustin in a part whisper.

"Hello Agustin, Brooks is just staying here on till we find a place. Thank you for always looking out for him."

Agustin smiled but Brooks could tell he didn't like the idea of him leaving. They have grown very close like brothers and to part would be horrible! "Your welcome, Officer Heart is here Brooks." Said Agustin.

Brooks lifted his head from where he had it laying on his Papa's shoulder. "Really?" He asked.

"I need to talk to him tomorrow, can you let him know that?" Elon asked. Agustin nodded his head.

"Papa, I want to walk in." Whispered Brooks, he didn't want Agustin knowing how weak he was. He didn't want any of the boys to know he was too sick to keep his contract all though they already knew that.

"Are you sure?" His Papa whispered back. Brooks nodded his head, so gently he was let down, Agustin immediately took hold of him by putting one hand on his stomach and the other around his neck. "Can you do it?" Asked Elon.

"Of course I can." Replied Brooks. "Don't worry about me Popi and please don't let Mommy either." He said over his shoulder.

"Thank you, Agustin." Said Elon. "Where do you want me to put your things, Brooks?"

"Just leave them near the steps Papa, thank you." Replied Brooks, he was feeling very weak but he wasn't about to give up. He was going to walk into that room on his own two legs. Agustin helped him walk over and there sat all the boys with Officer Heart included. They all looked up when he came in but something seemed strange to Brooks. Know one seemed to be acting like themselves. Except for Officer Heart, he got right up and came over to Brooks.

"Welcome back Brooks! Come sit down, you look weak." Brooks hated that it was so obvious but he did as Officer Heart said and Agustin helped him over to the sofa. He sat down beside Javier.

"I missed you, Brooks, welcome back." Said Javier. Everyone said their hellos and by then Brooks was getting very tired. He couldn't keep his eyes open and found himself falling asleep in Javier's shoulder. Before he knew it he was fast asleep.


"Let's get him to his room." Officer Heart lifted him into his arms then followed Agustin up the stairs. He lay Brooks in his bed then he and Agustin went back down to find all the other boys quiet.

 "I need to talk to all of you." All the boys looked nervous as they sat lined up on the sofa. Javier didn't even look up and Officer Heart knew he had to be gentle with him. "There's been a lot of lies, I have to say I'm disappointed. "Now, when I put you boys together we made a deal, I'm afraid this has put a damper on things. We have just started and you boys are lying. Now I have to earn back all your trust and that is never easy. Why didn't you boys come to me?"

"It was all my fault, I made them promise. I tried running away, I snuck in beer after letting the guys think I was through. Let me go, it's what I deserve." All the boys looked surprised when Aman spoke like that but Officer Heart expected it. He knew Aman in another light.

"Aman if it was all your fault we would have gone to Officer Heart a long time ago." Said Agustin, there was the sign of tears in his voice. He looked up at Officer Heart. "I called in sick for work one time just so I could stay with Aman and that was a lie."

Officer Heart knew that Agustin was very childish at times, he wanted to help him come out of that.

"We all lied Agustin, we all deserve to just go home." Added Dylan, he didn't look up himself like Javier.

"Stop blaming yourselves boys, it wasn't just one of you Dylan is right. You all have a fault in this." Officer Heart saw that the boys suddenly looked more nervous, he wanted to encourage them but he had to be truthful with them. That way they would learn lessons which were very important.

"So is this the end?" Agustin asked he bit his lip obviously trying to hold back the tears coming out of his eyes.

"Don't be so quick to say that Agustin, the only way we can get anywhere in life is if we learn from our mistakes. That's the first thing I want to see from you boys, I want to see how this will mature you boys if I can gain back your trust. You're all old enough including Brooks to make your own choices, there isn't anyone here, in particular, I'm blaming, I,"

"It's my fault!" Javier blurted, he stood from his spot on the sofa. "This is all my fault, I lied to you Officer Heart, I lied to the boys and texted you behind their back! I skipped school the other day I deserve to go home! Just let me go home Officer Heart and forbid the other boys to even talk to me ever again!"

"Javier Barrera that's enough!" Officer Heart brought the room in complete silence, Javier was clearly crying, he looked pale and flushed at the same time as if he was embarrassed on top of his fear. The fear Officer Heart knew the other boys didn't know about, one he thought they should know if they ever wanted to have a bond. Secrets should be over then again he didn't know who to trust after all their lies, perhaps the truth would cause conflict. He stood from his chair and approached Javier placing his hands on the boys' shoulders. "It's not your fault Javier and I would have liked to have gotten the truth sooner, but I expected you to speak up first and thank you." Officer Heart turned to the other boys. "I'm not here to make you boys feel horrible about yourselves I hope you see the reality in lying. Now it's late, Aman and I have had a long day, can I trust that you boys won't beat up on each other after I leave?" All the boys shook their heads agreeing to what Officer Heart had said. "Good, then I expect you all to get some sleep because I will be back tomorrow."

"Brooks papa wants to talk with you tomorrow." Said Agustin.

"Thank you, Agustin, I will remember that."

The boys went to bed silently, no one speaking a word to one another.


Brooks must have slept that whole night because when he woke up he didn't remember a thing. He just remembered Officer Heart carrying him to bed very briefly then drifting off to a hard sleep. He noticed that Agustin and Dylan weren't in their beds then he noticed the delicious smell seeping through the floor from the kitchen. His stomach growled. Why do I have to have an appetite now? Of all mornings the beacon smelled even better! Maybe that's because he hasn't had a real meal in what felt like forever. The smell of the hospital was still on his clothes since he didn't have a chance to change them the night before. He was sure that was the worst smell in the world, it was so clean it was disgusting and it always brought him back to long weeks spent in hospital beds. So he went into the drawers of the dresser and found one of Agustin's sweaters and a pair of Joggers and changed into that. He then headed downstairs slowly, something he wished he didn't have to do but in order to avoid symptoms he had to. Agustin was in the kitchen preparing breakfast and looking a bit depressed, but when he saw Brooks he smiled.

"Hey Brooks, up earlier than I expected."

"I can't stand another minute in bed. Are you guys okay?" Brooks has noticed the strange behavior in the boys since he got home and had a feeling they were hiding something from him.

Agustin got a serious look on his face. "Don't worry Brooks, things have been kind of hard we have all been worried about you."

Brooks went over to the stove top and reached for a piece of the sizzling bacon in the firing pan.

"Brooks Reyes how dare you!" Agustin pushed Brooks had away, he looked a bit more upset than Brooks expected. "Sit down and I'll get the formula for your feeding."

Brooks sat down at the table feeling a bit sorry when Valeria's screams broke through the old house. Just then Dylan came down with Javier at his tail. "Hey, Brooks!" Said Dylan, he too looked a bit upset that morning. Javier, on the other hand, seemed very depressed, he took a seat without saying a word.

"You guys are going to force my parents into letting me stay, right?" Brooks asked as Agustin brought the bag he filled up with formula over to him.

"We can't do that, be real." Snapped Javier.

Brooks lifted his shirt a bit so that Agustin could hook the tube up. "Why not? If I leave this whole thing should just be over!"

"This whole thing should be over," Dylan mumbled. Javier hit his leg from under the table and Brooks caught that.

"What's wrong with you guys? What are you hiding?" Brooks asked the other three exchanged worried glances.

"Don't worry Brooks, now why don't you sit on the sofa so you're comfortable." Said Agustin after hooking up the tube. The formula was flowing by now and Brooks could feel it settling in.

"I'm fine here like the rest of you, I don't need any special treatment, okay?" Brooks hated this, he wanted to be like all the other boys, they were healthy and strong. He didn't want to be sick anymore.


Aman had just calmed Valeria down when he knew he couldn't hide from the other boys anymore. "Think we should go down there Princess? Guess what, when you grow up you aren't going to know a thing about this. Come on Princess, let's go down there and show them I'm not a coward." He gave her a kiss then headed downstairs. He felt much like a coward at the moment, his family has been texting him and he didn't know how to reply. They were worried and confused, he explained in a group message that he never injured or stole from anyone, but his younger brother didn't seem to buy it. He was angry and wouldn't even answer Aman. Aman pushed the horrible thoughts out of his head and ended up in the kitchen. All the boys were staring at him, except for Brooks. He was smiling at him as if he was excited to see him!

"Aman and Valeria!" He exclaimed.

Aman couldn't let Brooks find out about this, he felt like letting him down was worse than the other boys knowing which embarrassed him enough. He put on a smile which he was sure wasn't real and went over to sit by Brooks. "Hey kid, I thought you left us." He chuckled. Then he noticed the tube sticking out from under Brooks shirt. "Does that stuff taste good?" He winked. He was feeling very tired, he knew he hasn't taken care of the concussion which only made it worse. Brooks just shrugged as if he didn't feel like fooling around. "Well, your stomach seems to think so," Aman added glancing at the other three who acted as if they didn't know him.

"Want anything to eat?" Agustin asked it was clear he was just trying to be generous.

"Sure, thank you." Replied Aman.

"Aman, can't you talk my parents into letting me stay? The other boys won't and I can't leave!"

"Brooks, you might just have to hang in there, for now, I know that's not easy but you are sick." Just then the doorbell rang and Agustin left to answer it without a word. Aman could feel his heart hitting his chest, that was bound to be Officer Heart. He was right, Agustin came back in looking nervous with Officer Heart behind him.

"Good morning boys, Brooks how are you doing?"

"Hey Officer Heart!" Smiled Brooks.

"Boys I need to talk to all of you." Javier stood up and gave his chair to Officer Heart. "Thank you, Javier." Officer Heart cleared his throat and began. "Boys I think Brooks needs to know what happened."

Aman shot up. "Why?" He asked not really meaning to it just spilled out of his mouth.

"Because we are all going, to be honest with one another, would you like me to say it, Aman?"

"No, I'll say it." Aman turned to Brooks. "I was arrested in Mexico City, I went to LA to find Orson Luz and followed him. "

Brooks looked floored. "What? Why on earth did they arrest you?!""Lies, Orson made it sound like I injured him when he was the one that hurt me. He said I stole his money when I was going to pay him back. I ruined this whole thing." Aman couldn't look up, he was still painfully ashamed.

"Boys I'm not letting you go but there a warning. If I see any more lies or anything else that should be considered against the contract, I consider letting you go or there will be punishment. No playing with the budget, no hating on one another. No alcohol or drugs. Do you boys agree in trying this again?"

"Oh yes!" Said Agustin.

"I'd like to try it again." Added Dylan.

"Me too, but what about Orson Luz?" Asked Aman.

"We will find a way to stop him before this becomes a court case. Javier, do you want to stay? If you don't feel comfortable you can go home. The choice is yours now that you're 18."

Javier hesitated. "I don't know." He spoke to the floor.

"Think about it because I would love to have you on the team." Said Officer Heart. "Well, then boys we are still doing this. Brooks, I need to talk to you privately."


Brooks felt nervous when he heard that, Officer Heart must have found out! "Okay." He replied. He and Officer Heart went into the living room after Brooks finished with the feeding. They sat across from one another, Brooks on the sofa and Officer Heart in the arm chair.

"Brooks I met with your parents earlier this morning, they want you to leave your contract."

"No! They don't understand! I can't do that, what will I do with my life?"

"Calm down Brooks, I think your parents know what's best."

"No, they don't because they would let me stay if the did." Said Brooks trying to bite back tears.

"I can't go against your parents, you have to drop your contract okay?"

There was a silence, Brooks knew he might as well come out with it. "I took the book." He said.

"What?" Questioned Officer Heart.

"I took the book called the Team Hero's the day I before we moved in. I'll give it back." Brooks didn't look up at Officer Heart, he just stared at his hands feeling ashamed and as if life should just be over.

Officer Heart hesitated, it was as if he knew he would lose his temper if he answered. "Why did you do that young man?"

"I don't know, I thought it seemed interesting!" Told Brooks.

"Why didn't you just ask me for it?"

"I don't know, please forgive me." Brooks didn't even know why he took it but he could tell it was of importance and by the way Officer Heart was looking at him it must have been true.

"Have the other boys seen it?" Officer Heart asked.

"Only Agustin but he didn't see much."

"Don't say a word about it to them, you have a lot going on Brooks or else I would be letting you have it. For now, I want it back and I hope that you understand how immature it was for you to take that. I have to go now."

Brooks watched him leave, he didn't even say goodbye, he was clearly angry with him! Brooks went to his room and lay on his bed. He let himself cry like he hasn't done in a while. This was one of the worst days of his life!


That evening in Guatemala Corey was too drunk to comprehend anything that was going on. But he could feel it, the many slaps Orson Luz was giving him, and he could hear it, the horrible names he was being called.

"You're always drunk! And when I take it you hyperventilate! Aman's out of Prison? Do you Hear me? If that Officer Heart finds out the truth I'm finished!"

A/N Well, it's getting closer to the end. I finished this book in April but am only posting weekly of possible. What did you think? :D 

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