23-Not what they expected

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A/N Here it is and let me know what you thought in the comments! Thank you!

Orson and Corey ended up staying that night before in a hotel room. Orson knew they were being watched but he too was watching Officer Heart and the boys. He knew how to stay away from them. He hoped that he killed Aman after giving him that beating last night. That's all he really ever wanted was to kill Aman. Then he might even be okay with going to prison, as long as he got revenge. He had to pull Corey out of bed that morning, the boy was drowsy. He threw up all over the floor once he got out of bed which was much to Orson's dislike. Orson had a good mind to leave the country, this time go across the ocean. He made Corey take a cool shower to hopefully sober him up but the boy only complained. Orson knew not to beat him anymore, the bruises were getting obvious and people would suspect things.

"Corey, pack your things we're leaving."

Corey was coming out of the bathroom in nothing more than boxer shorts with a towel wrapped around his shoulders. He used to be so private about those sorts of things and it was clear all the drinking was getting to his head. "Are we leaving?" He asked Orson.

"I did what I had to do with Aman."

Corey took the towel and dried his face with it. "But he might not be dead and if he's not he can always come back for us. I know Aman, he's a fighter." Said Corey and he did have a good point.

"Corey, Corey, Corey. We can't take any chances, Officer Heart probably already knowns where we are."

"I don't like any of this, it makes me nervous." Said Corey, he was trembling now.

"Get over yourself Corey Aaron, you're a coward." Just then Orson's cell rang. "Pack your things, you either come with me or be thrown out on the streets. Because if it wasn't for me boy you wouldn't have a warm meal." Orson went into the bathroom to receive the phone call so he could be in privacy. "Hello?"

"This is Thian. Do you have a minute?"

"Thian what's your idea because you better have a good one. If not my boy and I are leaving this place, I think I may have killed Aman."

There was breathing on the other line. "I have a much better idea. I'm coming to Cleveland, Officer Thindall wants me to see how Officer Heart is getting along out here. Listen I know who we can find that will really put Aman and his new group in place."

"Aman's dead!" Said Orson, he wasn't buying this Thian boy.

"His boys or Officer Heart aren't! Listen, there's a guy by the name of Ray Cassidy and he's really the one Aman wants. When he and I were in the gang we tried hunting the guy down for months on end. But I have a pretty good idea of where he might be. I'm leaving this afternoon, will you be waiting?"

Orson thought that sounded like a good idea that is if he and Corey could hide out that long. "You're very mature Thian and little Corey here told me not to bother you. But It thinks you have a pretty good plan."

"Don't mind Corey the kids like a scared mutt. And at first he was probably right, I didn't want to be bothered but I've had a change of mind." Said Thian.

"Who is this Ray Cassidy?" Asked Orson.

"I'll explain it to you." Replied Thian.


Brighton wrote her note to Dylan, it took some time since she had to translate the whole thing. It was finished now and she wanted to get it to him. So she left that morning and since it was a Sunday she had no work. She left her apartment and drove to the boy's house. She knew things would be interesting there, they all seemed to have a crush on her. Except for Javier, he never even batted an eye at her let alone even said hello. She didn't know how she'd break the news to Brooks either, the kid had a crush on her and she liked him. But she could never be with a boy so young. Once she got to the house that cold morning she stopped in the driveway. She let out a sigh in a way of bracing herself. How was she so popular amongst a group of boys that all lived together? She got out prepared for what might happen behind that door then came up the walkway. She then rang the doorbell and waited anxiously for an answer. The door began opening and to her surprise, it wasn't one of the boys! In fact, it was that Isla, the one that crashed she and Agustin's date! Isla looked surprised herself but quickly smiled and pulled open the screen door.

"Hey, can I help you?" Isla asked.

Brighton narrowed her eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm Valeria's babysitter." Said Isla.

Brighton looked confused. "Whos' she?" She asked.

"Aman's little girl."

Brighton wasn't sure she heard that right. "What?"

"Aman has a baby, didn't you know? You seemed pretty close to him the night of the party."

Brighton didn't know about that, in fact, why was she even upset? He was a jerk, but the problem being she still had a small feeling for him. She had so many guys to chose from and although she liked Dylan the best she still wasn't sure. "I actually didn't know he had a child and I assume this child has a mother?"

"Her mother left. Are you here to see Agustin? Because he told me things between you two were over."

There was clear tension between the girls, without even knowing her Brighton hated her guts, she could tell Isla only felt the same. "So, you and Agustin must be close if he told you that. What a jerk and I pity you for seeing him."

Isla raised her eyebrows. "We aren't anything right now. Agustin forgot he invited me to the party and he tried going back to you that night! But then he saw you all over Aman and decided to drop the whole thing. Agustin is no jerk and if you're here to see Aman I pity you!" said Isla.

"I'm not here to see Aman, I'm here to see Dylan." Told Brighton.

"The boys aren't home."

"Where are they?" Asked Brighton.

"I don't know but they had some things to do," Isla explained.

Brighton wasn't sure if she trusted the note to Isla, but she wanted Dylan to see it as soon as possible. "Can you give this to Dylan once he gets back?" She held out the envelope.

"Sure." Isla took it after giving Brighton a stare down. Brighton did feel a bit bad for the way she treated Agustin, he wasn't lying to her. But she stood a very little chance with him now since Isla was there.

"Thank you." She said once Isla took the note, then she left feeling once again confused.


Thian was just leaving the station for the airport when Officer Thindall stopped him. "Are you all ready to go Thian?"

"Yeah." Thian hardly felt nervous, he knew he could get by Officer Thindall, he's done so many other things in the past like this.

"I wish you luck Thian, you're a good learner and I'm proud of you."

Thian smiled. "Thank you. I respect you myself. I better go now though."

"Take it easy Thian." Officer Thindall embraced him and off Thian went.


Brooks waited for his parents to get there that afternoon. He was watching Dylan who was reading a note in the living room. "Who's that from? Is it Brighton?" He asked.

"Brooks it's known of your business." Smiled Dylan, he was blushing a bit which meant it was about a girl.

"Nothing is ever my business! It's not fair!" Said Brooks then the doorbell rang turning his attention.

"Better go Brooks." Said Dylan. Brooks rolled his eyes but got up anyways.

Dylan looked down at the note rereading it. He felt since Brooks was gone he could concentrate on it more.

Dear Dylan, I was very touched by your note. I ever expected a guy to be so honest with me. I knew that any guy would go out with would have done all the things you mentioned. I just thought he'd keep it private and we would have never discussed that sort of thing. I've had my fair share of dates, as you know about some of them already. I never did have a deep relationship with any of them, but you are not the first guy I've been out with. I admire you, Dylan, you are honorable and I'm proud of you. I hope that we can go on many more dates and learn to understand each other further. Thank you for your honesty, you're the type of guy my Mom always said she wanted to see me with. Maybe someday you can meet her. Lots of love, Brighton.

Dylan couldn't quiet reading the note, he reread it as many times as he could.


The boys gave Brooks privacy with his parents in the kitchen. To tell the truth Brooks was feeling horrible but he didn't want his parents to know that. Then for sure, they wouldn't let him stay. He was sweating at the moment, something that has been happening all day. He went from hot to cold all day, he even took two showers. A cold one in hopes to cool off and a hot one in hopes to warm up. But nothing seemed to work and his Mama would find out, he could never keep secrets from her.

"Brooks, how are you my bebe?" His Mama came over to give him a hug.

"Hey, Mama."

"Oh Brooks you feel warm, is everything okay?" She asked.

"I'm okay Mama, really." He pulled away from her chest to meet his Papa's eyes.

"There's no sense in trying to hide it from you Mama, you can't get anything passed her. Come here, Brooks." His Papa looked happy which was a good thing, Brooks hasn't seen his parents happy in a while. He fell into his Papa's chest feeling very weak.

"I just had a heart attack," Chuckled Brooks. "What do you expect?"

"Come on, we have to go talk in the kitchen." Said Elon.

They gathered around the kitchen table, Brooks was on the opposite side so that he was facing his parents. "So what's going on?" He asked. His parents exchanged glances.

"Brooks we found some houses, we want you to drop your contract."

Brooks stood up stumbling a bit as he did. "That's not fair! You and Mama were so into this at first!"

"Brooks sit down, you're stressing yourself out." Elon got up to help Brooks back to his seat. Brooks did as he said feeling much like a baby. "Brooks your Mama and I want you to do what you're doing here. It hurts us that you have to give it up,"

"I don't have to give it up Papa!" Brooks pleaded. "I can do it, I'll look out for myself and the other boys are good about it. Agustin is worse than you sometimes Mama!"

"Oh Brooks it breaks my heart," Began Delfia, she took Brooks trembling hand in her own. "Bebe, your papa and I have watched you suffer before you were even born. When you were having seizures in the womb and the Doctors said you might not live. It hurts us to see you like this, we want you to be happy."

Brooks felt a tear fall down his right cheek. "Mama let me stay, it's only till the first of next year!"

"Brooks," Began Elon. "That's a long time away and anything can happen in that time frame! I hate to be so frank but you're very sick and we all know that. You can't just be running around with the boys they are all healthy they don't truly understand you. I know Agustin takes care of you I saw it myself, but it's not the same."

Brooks couldn't stop himself from crying, that was the only thing he felt he had. He didn't fit in with other kids his age, they didn't wear masks, they didn't have feeding tubes. The boys there excepted him for who he was. He thought he could never make a mark anywhere else if he even did there! If his parents only knew what was really going on with Orson Luz, how it was more than just running around with the boys. He wanted to tell them but he couldn't, that would ruin everything. He put his face in his hands and let himself cry, he knew the boys probably heard but he didn't care.

"Bebe, don't cry." He felt his Mama wrap loving arms around him, holding him to her chest. He rested on her breast feeling comfort in her arms, but he didn't want to leave although he loved his family. "He's so warm." She said to Elon.

Brooks heard him stand from his chair. Then he felt his Papa's strong hand on his forehead. "He's running a fever."

OH great, of course, I am when they're here! He thought knowing this would further convince them in taking him away. "I'm fine, really." He protested gently pushing his Papa's hand away. He's been coddled his whole life and must of the time he was so sick he liked it! But ever since he's been living with the boys he's changed. Maybe at first, he was homesick but now he wanted to prove himself strong! He wanted to prove that to the whole world!

"Get rest bebe, do you want Mama to stay with you?" She asked him.

"No Mama, I probably just need to sleep a bit, I'll be fine." Brooks parents left after a few more minutes, the fever had nothing to do with his heart attack. He got fevers every now and then but it was more concerning because of his low white blood cell count. But usually, it was just his body changing temperatures and wasn't really a fever. Brooks stayed at the table after they left, he really wished he still had that book, there was something so interesting about it to him. He was so upset over everything he didn't even see Javier coming in.


Brooks looked up. "Hey."

"Hey." Javier sat down at the table. "Are you okay?" He asked.

Brooks wiped his eyes hoping things didn't look too obvious. "Did you hear me crying?"

Javier smiled. "Don't worry Brooks, I cry too sometimes."

Brooks couldn't help smiling, it's been awhile since Javier has talked to him. "I know, I just don't want to leave my contract."

"I don't want you to leave either, your one of my best friends! I'm really sorry about last night, I've just been upset." Said Javier, he looked embarrassed himself by the way he cast his eyes to the table.

"You feel bad about your friend. What did happen?" Asked Brooks.

"I don't know but I sent him an Email, I haven't heard back yet." Told Javier.

"I'm really sorry Jav, it must be hard."

Javier just shook his head as if he was afraid to cry. "I trusted him, but it's over now. Want to see what's on T.V?" Javier asked.

"Sure!" Replied Brooks.


Nicholas has been sleeping all day and finally, their parents arrived. Aman couldn't sleep, he was overtired but every time he closed his eyes his mind went wild! He didn't even notice his parents coming in. Nicholas has been moved out of the ICU earlier that day and now had a hospital room. Aman then heard a soft voice, the one of his Mama.

"Aman, bebe."

He looked up her eyes had that same worried look. The one he saw the day she was hurt right in front of him. The one he's seen so many times. "Mama? Papa?"

She wrapped her arms around him and held a kiss out on his head. How were they so forgiving? After all, he's put them through and they still loved him? Aman was beginning to cry, his whole body trembling. "Calm down bebe." She whispered.

"Come on popi is here." His Papa winked with a smile and came to hug him.

"I'm so sorry." Aman had so much more to say then that he just couldn't find the words. His parents went over to Nicholas bed, his Mama took his hand.

Nicholas stirred a bit, then his eyes opened. "Mama, Papa?" He called.

"We're here Niki." Said their Papa.

"I'm going to be alright, you don't have to worry." Said, Nicholas.

Aman loved how his brother was always so concerned for everyone. Aman thought now was a good time to do some explaining. He took a deep breath and began. "I have some things I'd like to say to everyone."

"Where listing Aman." Said his Papa.


That evening Officer Heart met with the boys. Aman was home since his parents were staying with his brother. "Boys I have a plan." He began. "We have to come up with money to give to Orson Luz, we have to think of a way to make him leave for good."Aman?" He asked. "Why did your brother have that wristband with your name?"

"I gave it to him before I left for the gang, we were pretty close as kids, it means a lot to him." Told Aman.

Officer Heart could tell Aman was repenting. It was all getting clearer.


On the other hand, Thian had just arrived in Cleveland, he was tired from traveling so took a room at the Holiday Inn in the city. Tomorrow he would speak with Orson Luz.

A/N What did you think?

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