3-Steps Inside A Book

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A/N Please comment and let me know what you think! I would love your opinion! Thank you. :D

Agustin and Javier didn't know what Aman meant but, none the less they did as he said and brought him back home. He was in pain the whole ride there giving Agustin a scare as he drove. Javier sat in the back seat with him trying to comfort him but, finding it impossible.

Back at the house Dylan was watching from his bedroom window as slow cars passed by in the night. What was going to happen? Todd Heart was bound to kick Aman out and Dylan didn't want that. He's grown close to Aman despite his wild side, it would be like loosing a brother after all the boys have been through. Brooks groaned and stirred a bit in his sleep, the alcohol wasn't good on his already weak body only causing him to be more sensitive to it.

Just then the front door was heard flying open and Dylan could make out Javier and Agustin's frantic tones. Dylan turned off the lamp in the bedroom and meet the boys in the kitchen down stairs. The sight wasn't at all what he expected, Aman was hunched over leaning heavily into Agustin and Javier.

"What happend?" Asked Dylan feeling his heart hit his chest.

"Looks like someone beat him up, he needs a doctor" Explained Javier.

"N-no, don't get me a doctor, trust me this whole thing will be ruined." The boys didn't know what Aman meant but trusted his word and helped him upstairs.

"Dylan, get some rags and some pain killers!" Agustin called over his shoulder.

They lay Aman down on the bed and carefully took off his shirt.

"What hurts?" Asked Agustin.

"My head." Aman replied, shutting his eyes at the pain and grasping Agustin's arm. He was just a boy really and at that moment he felt much like Brooks. He needed some comfort and wasn't ashamed to show it.

"Don't move and we will clean that gash." Javier reassured as he studied the bloody gash at the back of Aman's head.

Dylan came back with some cool cloths and pain killers.

"We have to clean the wound and hope for the best." Said Javier taking one of the cloths and pressing it to the back of Aman's head. He let out a cry trying to push Javier's hand away.

"Stay still man, we don't want it getting worse." Warned Dylan running a hand through Aman's wet curls.

"Agustin?" echoed a voice from the hall way.

"Oh no!" Panicked Agustin.

"Go stall him, I don't want him finding out." Groaned Aman feeling guilty for what he's done. Agustin left the room and Aman asked, "Is the kid okay?"

"Yeah, just focus on staying awake." Said Javier as he continued to clean the gash as Aman winced.

Agustin found Brooks still looking a bit pal in the hallway. He was shivering in nothing more then joggers and socks.

"Go back to sleep boo and put on one of my sweaters." Agustin tilted Brooks chin a bit. 

"But what's going on? Is Aman back?" Brooks wrapped his arms around Agustin's waist and nestled into his chest.

"Aman is fine and you had a long day. Tomorrow you see the doctor, so off to bed with you." Agustin knew Brooks wouldn't go without him. "Fine," He sighed. "I'll stay with you till you fall asleep." He hoped the other boys could handle Aman.

In one of the warm rooms of the Holiday Inn situated in the city was Orson Luz. He wanted to get Aman back for never fulfilling his promise and he had just the way to do it. He ventured out into the cold night and headed to the house the boys were living in. How did he know where to find them? That they would have to find out.

Brooks nestled into Agustin's chest as the two boys gathered on one of the beds in the other room, Brooks was breathing heavy as if he was having a hard time. The room was cold making things worse for the sick boy that needed a comfortable place. It was comfortable in that small house but, Brooks needed more space to breath. He couldn't always deal with the noise the other boys sometimes carelessly made.

"I miss my Mama and my Papa." Said Brooks feeling comfort from Agustin's beating heart beneath his head. "My Mama use to read to me from the Bible each night, I could never get tired of her voice."

Agustin patted the boys shoulder. "I can read you a book, have one for me?" He asked. Brooks loved story's and would sit for hours listening to Agustin read.

Brooks smiled a bit sitting up slowly. "I have one, it's on top in the front drawer." He told Agustin. Agustin fetched the book then rejoined Brooks on the bed.

"I've never seen this one." Agustin commented while opening the thick book up. "Where did you get it boo?"

Brooks just shrugged as if he didn't know, Agustin shook his head and began reading.

"Once upon a time there was a power unknown to the world, a group that know one knew existed. Some say they aren't even from this world, others say they aren't even mortal but, the truth is know one actually knows."

Morning came around to soon for the boys. Brooks slept peacefully while the others tended to Aman. Through out the night he was vomiting, crying in pain and mumbling things in delirium. The boys knew he needed a doctor, he was obviously suffering from a concussion set aside form all the bruises across his chest and stomach.

"He needs to see a doctor He's very sick!" Said Javier being the sensible one.

"But he told us not to! We have to trust him!" Said Agustin.

"I thought you were mad at him, now your on his side? I don't care if he threatens our lives he's sick! I have work, see you guys later." And Javier left.

"This is crazy, I lied to my boss saying I was sick so I can stay with Aman. He doesn't realize what he's done!" Agustin complained pacing the kitchen.

"Agustin, take it easy you haven't been yourself lately, you are always the one making everyone laugh, what's up man?" Asked Dylan feeling concerned for his friend.

Agustin shook his head. "Just take Brooks to his appointment I don't want to talk about it." Then he left to go sit with Aman.

The boys each had turns with taking Brooks to his weakly infusions at the hospital or any other kind of appointments, today was Dylan's day. Brooks came down the steps looking a bit better today, he was holding a book in his right hand and wearing a grin on his face.

"Lets go Brooks." Said Dylan feeling annoyed.

"Can we have brownies tonight?" Is how Brooks replied following Dylan out to the garage. "Hey, and what happend to Aman last night?"

Dylan shot him a look then hoped into the car. "Nothing," He lied realizing Brooks wasn't a child and would catch on.

"I didn't see him this morning and I hope I never do again." Said Brooks, Dylan didn't reply.

They drove through the city and Brooks eyes were glued to a group of teenage girls stopped at the cross walk, were the boys were waiting for the light to turn green. He gave them a wink and they all began to giggle whispering to one another. Dylan sighed on the inside, he hated how Brooks just had to give one look and the girls would worship him! He was a "pretty boy" as  Aman says and Dylan knew he could never be like that.

"Hello girls!" He called in his thick accent through the closed window loud enough for them to hear. They all began waving at him and jumping up and down as if he was a celebrity. "Did I say that right?" He asked Dlyan knowing his English was rusty.

Dylan only raised his eye brows and happily sped away as the light turned green.

Back at the house Agustin was watching Aman who tossed and turned in his pained sleep. Agustin knew he wasn't doing the right thing, his conscience was playing war. One side told him to call 911, the other side just wait and hope for the best. As Agustin went wild for a suggestion Aman's eyes opened, a small groan escaped his lips as if the natural light streaming in through the window hurt his head.

"Dizzy," He said caring less about what he's done at the moment and hoping for some relief. 

Agustin took the cup from the bedside table and helped Aman bring it to his lips. He drank the cold water as some of it dripped down his chin. He finished and lay back down crying out hopelessly.

"Why can't you see a doctor?" Asked Agustin.

Aman shot him a look then closed his eyes again. "Don't want to talk about it Agustin. Do we have any pain killers?"

"You already had some." Said Agustin realizing how bad Aman really was. He obviously didn't even remember taking them a couple hours ago.

He fell back asleep within seconds and Agustin just watched him mumble helplessly in his fevered dreams.

Once the Dylan and Brooks got to the Hospital, "Dylan?" Brooks asked.


"Have you noticed that old car following us?"

Dylan shook his head as he opened the doors leading into the big hospital. It was all white inside and it told a sad story. All the different sick people passed by, each having a pain of their own know one could understand.

"He's in the parking lot now but he hasn't left his car."  Explained Brooks.

Dylan didn't reply, he kept texting someone. It was Agustin but, Brooks didn't know that the boys were worried about something. He could tell something was up but didn't understand the extent of it. He just sat in the waiting room reading his book finding it all very enthralling.

Flying Cyrus the boy that helped everyone's dreams come true, it sounded nice to Brooks. He felt like non of his dreams were coming true. He was finely called back and given his infusion after a weakly Xray. The doctor wanted to speak with Dylan in private trusting that he was sort of like a guardian and explained a few very important things.

"Your friend Brooks is very ill," Began Dr. Macardie

Dylan swallowed hard. "We know that but there hasn't been any changes, have there?" He asked.

"I think I will just say this frankly, the test results show that Brooks may have congestive  heart failure."

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