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A\N Please comment and let me know what you think! I hope you enjoy it. Thank you. :D 

It was lonely, the air so clear if felt thick. It was a terrible place, a place of death and a place of life. Everything was white, everything was clean, too clean so that it felt as if you couldn't breathe. Brooks lay in that hospital bed looking alerted and awake. He didn't seem very sick that day he's been much worse, yet this was the time, in particular, the doctor's decided he was very sick. Brooks read from his book as he waited for Agustin to get there. Dylan had to leave to switch places with him so Aman wouldn't be alone. Brooks just waited and read, he found the book exciting and although he was now 16, it was every boy dream adventure and he still had a bit of that boyish imagination.

"Flying Cyrus had a mission to complete, he needed what Leatherman called a new inner essence. He told him to search for it and that no doctor or any other mortal could find it. He needed to find it himself."


Back at the house, Dylan had switched places with Agustin who was now on his way to the Hospital. By then Javier was off of work so decided to make dinner. They were all panicked about Brooks, he was only 16 and already very ill. 

"Is he going to be alright?" Aman asked Dylan who paced the bedroom.

"They want to keep him in the hospital overnight on till they can do more testing tomorrow. Since his white blood cell count is low it could only make things worse." Explained Dylan feeling guilty for being jealous earlier. Brooks might have the looks but, he was very sick and Dylan has always been healthy. 

Just then Javier came bursting into the room looking panicked. "Tomorrows the day!" He cried.

"Don't shout," Groaned Aman placing a hand over his head. 

"What day Javier? You can't just come in here shouting something without explaining yourself." Snapped Dylan already feeling nervous. 

"Officer Heart is coming! We have it marked on the calendar!" 

Dylan could feel his face go pale and Aman was sitting up by now. 

"You guys have to cover for me! Tell him I just have the" Aman stopped to lay back down looking too weak to be sitting for so long. "Flu." He finished. 

"We can't do that he'll never fall for it!" Shouted Javier. "And the house is a mess you guys don't even care!"

Aman sighed. "You and Agustin go be the good boys, but I need to lie!" 

"Yeah right and get into worse trouble. I have a feeling this is why you're here because you lie. I really don't like you, Aman! I'm moving to the attic!" Shouted Javier causing Aman to wince again.

"I claimed the attic first!" Aman mouthed back.

"Oh, you won't need the attic because you will be in jail once Officer Heart finds out!" Javier put his hands on his hips.

"Tell Officer Heart and you'll get it, Javier!" Aman attempted getting out of bed and nearly fell over when Dylan stopped him.

"Alright, boys knock it off! There are far more important things going on, we need to be reasonable and think of a plan." Said Dylan helping Aman lay back down. 

"I won't think of any plan, dinners ready, help yourselves." And Javier left slamming the door on purposes for Aman who just swore at him.


Agustin got to the hospital as soon as possible. He knew Brooks needed him he's been away from his parents for the first time in his life and was quite clingy.

"Hey," He whispered. Brooks sat staring at the platter of food in front of him. 

"Agustin!" Smiled Brooks.

"You should eat up Brooks, aren't you hungry?" 

Brooks shook his head. "I'm not hungry." 

"I'm sure you are for a cupcake, though." Agustin lifted up the small box with the chocolate cupcake in it, he bought it on his way to the hospital. 

"Thanks, Agustin, but maybe later."


That night was cold as usual and Dylan had noticed the car that's been parked outside the house for a half hour. Aman's room was facing the front yard, and Dylan who rather plays video games was stuck just staring out of it. 


Javier, on the other hand, was in the attic staring at the stone, it was silent on till his stomach started growling. He didn't eat anything but another bag of chips that day, he wanted to work as hard as possible and didn't have the time for food. 

"I'll do this right," He whispered. "I'm the only one that cares." He tried his best to ignore the growing pain in his stomach, he needed to get the house clean for tomorrow. 

That night Agustin stayed with Brooks at the hospital. It wasn't till one A.M when Javier finally finished cleaning and went up to bed. He refused to share a room with Aman so he and Dylan switched beds for the night. Everything was quiet, that car had finally left and the boys were asleep. 


But Aman was having a dream, a dream that led him to the past, the past he wanted to forget. The streets were dark and silent, the Summer air thick and moist. Aman was about to become a father for the first time, he regretted his choices but, he knew he needed to care for the child know matter what. He's made a lot of bad choices in life, always getting into trouble in high school. But it was that night in particular when his first child was about to be born. He was desperate for money! He met a guy earlier that day selling things on the streets, Aman got to talking to him when they made a deal to meet that night. Now Aman was having a night mere perhaps it was his fever which made things worse, but this was horrible. The streets were dark and quiet giving everything a lonely feeling. He waited in that alleyway anticipating the whole thing somehow it didn't feel right. Then came a voice.


Aman turned around to be face to face with Orson Luz. "Mr. Luz," Aman shot him a smile.

"So, let's get down to business. I have money for you."

Aman raised his eyebrows. "Now? You mean I don't have to work?" He asked.

"No, when do you go back to your home in Ohio?" He asked Aman.

"After my child is born, my boss gave me this time off but I'm sure I can find some work so I can pay you back." Explained Aman.

"Well, don't worry, if I loan you the money for your child you have on till the beginning of 2017 to pay me back." Said Orson.

"That's kind of soon but, I have nothing for the baby, thank you." And Aman did use that money for the baby he wasn't lying. But there was no  way he could pay Orson back so soon and now he was in trouble

In his dream he saw that parking garage, he felt the punches and being in his drunken state thought he might die. He woke up in a cold sweat that night with worse pain in his head. He let out a breath and lay back down, he needed to make that money or he would end up in trouble. 


The next day was still cold with just a bit of sun peeking out behind the clouds. Agustin woke up that morning to see Brooks bed empty, his heart began to race when he remembered they were coming early to do more testing, he lay back down on the recliner and let out a breath. Brooks was so young only 16 and he was dying. Agustin knew he should have more hope than that but your heart is everything, it's pumping is what keeps you alive and it's in Gods hands. Just then there was a knock on the door and Agustin called,

"Come in!" 

The door opened and in came Brooks parents, they tried getting here as soon as possible after Agustin had told them the news. 

"Agustin!" Said Delfia, Brooks mama in a whisper she didn't want to wake the other patients. She loved Agustin for being such a good friend to Brooks, she hated being so far from her son and was glad he had someone to look after him.

"Hello, Mrs. Reyes." He said excepting her embrace. 

"Where is he?" She asked looking around at Brooks empty bed. 

"They took him this morning for some more testing. How are you both doing?" Asked Agustin. 

"How can we be doing with our son so sick, we are very worried for him and thank you, young man, for being here." Said Elon, Brooks papa. He gave Agustin's shoulder a pat.

"No, I'm glad I can be here Brooks is my friend." Agustin held the tears back, he knew he needed to be strong for the parents of a dying teenager. He knew they needed strength to move on and that God alone would be the only one that could give them that.

"I'll be back later, I have to get back to the house the boys need me." Said Agustin remembering Javier's text from the night before.


Javier in the mean time was panicking, he made sure there wasn't an ounce of dust anywhere in the house. By the time it was noon Agustin, Dylan, and Javier was waiting for the doorbell to ring. Their hearts hit their chests their knees felt strangely weak. Then the doorbell rang causing them all to jump off the sofa.

"I'll get it!" Javier volunteered. He entered the entry hall and unlocked the door willing to lie that morning, he just couldn't let Officer Heart find out anything. 

"Well, Javier!" Officer Heart smiled opening his arms to the boy. He spent a week with each boy individually at the end of 2015, before they moved in together so he could scope out their personality's and see where they came from and what sorts of lives they lived. 

"Officer Heart, I'm so glad your here." Smiled Javier feeling nervous. 

"And so am I, I can't wait to see what kind of progress you boys have made." 

Javier tensed up a bit. "Oh well come on in." He said widening the door.

"It looks clean, that's good for starters because I know boys can get messy I was once one myself, I was rather good looking too." He winked.

"Your not that old Officer Heart!" Laughed Javier leading him into the living room. 

Dylan and Agustin stood up and he gave them each a hug. 

"It's good to see you boys again I have a lot to talk about. Where's Aman?" He said looking around the room.

"Sick with the flu, not well enough to come downstairs." Explained Dylan. 

"Oh, that's too bad. Well, sit down boys I have some things to talk about."

The boys all sat down on the sofa and Officer Heart sat on the chair across from them.

"I'm letting Brooks go, his parents are keeping him at the Hospital, but he's done."

"Forever?" Asked Agustin.

"Unless he gets better. But, I want you boys to move on keep being honest and good to one another. I'm going to spend some time with Brooks, I'll see you all later." 

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