5-Stranger corners

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A/N Please comment! I'd love hearing from you. :D 

Brooks was finished with that morning's testing, it wasn't the first time he's had ultrasounds and stress tests done. But, he did know that the stress test made him a lot more tired than usual and something was diffidently wrong. He nearly passed out during it and he couldn't go any further than a few minutes. He was only 16 and the last thing he wanted to do was give up. Since he was a baby he never gave up, he didn't stop fighting when he died at birth, he didn't give up on living the life of any other 16 years old. That's why he was here with the boys he called friends, he needed to do something big with his life and he wasn't going to die now! Officer Heart came in that morning and Brooks parents left them alone. 

"Well, well, look who's sick again." He chuckled coming over to give Brooks a hug. 

"Hey, officer Heart." Brooks tried to smile. 

"Is all I get is hey Officer Heart? Last time I got Officer Heart! And a big smile. You were the one that made me give blood and it's not like I don't appreciate helping people, I just don't like to have a needle sticking out of my arm." 

Brooks chuckled. When he had his time with Officer Heart at the end of 2015, he had to go in for his blood testing like each week, he forced Officer Heart to give some blood himself so they could both suffer the needle. 

"Sorry, I just hate all this white." Said Brooks. 

"I know you do but you're a fighter." 

"I am?" Brooks asked.

"Sure, but I understand your very sick young man, so you're free to drop your contract with me." 

The boys only had till 2018 to better themselves for new responsibilities. 

"But I don't want to drop my contract! Oh please don't make me do that, please!" 

Officer Heart patted Brooks' arm, he spoke fluent Spanish which came in handy with Brooks and Dylan who couldn't speak a lot of English. "Let's see what the doctor has to say."

Just then there was a knock on the door and Officer Heart said, "I'll be going now, hang in there young man."

Brooks sat up a bit expecting a Nurse to come in, the door opened and with that, his heart stopped. A beautiful young girl came in holding a tray of food. 

"Good morning." She smiled placing the tray in front of him. 

Brooks couldn't quit staring at her. She had long dark hair and such deep eyes, she was a picture of beauty to him. 

"Breakfast in bed." He smiled. "Fit for a King."

She couldn't help but giggle at him, he was so charming and even though she seemed a bit older it didn't change a thing. 

"You're the patient." She said.

"Who are you?" Brooks asked eyeing her name tag which read Brighton.

"I'm just the girl that brings the patient's their meals, I work in the kitchen. Eat up, it's my favorite breakfast dish here." 


Meanwhile, Aman was getting tired of laying in bed. He felt a bit better that morning and knew he had to make things right with Brooks at least. Just as he was about to through his covers aside and jump out of bed, his cell phone lit up signaling him he got a text. He groaned and reached for his phone on the bedside table, the light of the screen made him a bit dizzy and sick to his stomach

M-Aman, I have the baby. Her Mama left.

Aman's heart began to hit his chest as he read his Mamas text. That was his child, he couldn't just leave her with his Mama!

A-Mama, I'll come for her!

M-No Aman, you have a job in Ohio, you don't have the time to take care of a baby.

A-She's my baby! I have time, if you don't let me come there then you bring her here. I don't want to talk about it anymore.

Aman hoped his mama would bring the child to him, he was in no condition to travel. Besides his mama didn't know he's been hurt, she didn't even know about Orson Luz! Aman put his phone down ignoring the constant rings of newly delivered texts and got dressed. He snuck out of the house without the other three boys knowing and took the car to the hospital. Right away he decided this was a bad idea, he was feeling dizzy just as he was pulling out of the driveway. Also, he had to talk to Officer Heart about having a baby move in! 


back at the hospital, the Doctor was talking to Brooks parents.

"Mr. and Mrs. Reyes, your son is very unwell."

Delfia grasped her husband's hand, she knew that but she didn't expect worse news. 

"I see that he was born with congenital heart disease after looking over his medical records. I also want to do some white blood cell testing, I take it he has been low in the past."

"Dr. Macardie, what's wrong with our son now?" Elon asked, the already knew about the other things the wanted to know about the new results. 

"Your son has heart failure, his cholesterol is high for his age and that's very concerning, to be frank. I'm also worried about his inability to digesting good foods. I read that he was in and out of the ER a bit more than a year ago for vomiting and stomach pains. Does he still get that frequently?" Asked the Doctor.

"Yes, he was on a feeding tube through some of his childhood years. It's gotten better, though." Explained Delfia. 

"If I don't see a quick change in apatite and a healthy outcome in digestion, I'm afraid he will need to be put back on a feeding tube. He's looking skinny and that's not good but, in order to keep his cholesterol low we need to maintain a healthy strict diet."

"How long does he need to stay here?" Asked Delfia feeling concerned.

"At least till we find out where his white blood cell count is." Said Dr. Macardie. 


Officer Heart got back to the house after visiting Brooks, he had a few more things to say to the boys. 

"Javier I think that you need to focus on school."

Javier nodded his head nervously. 

"That means you need to cut back on work, and your parents are paying for your school so that's not included in the budget. I proper education is valid Javier." Said Officer Heart.

"Your right, I'll focus on school more." Javier agreed.

"Good boy, now I think we have everything settled." Said Officer Heart. 


Aman got to the hospital in one piece thankfully. It wasn't just once he missed a red light on accident causing others on the road to honk at him. Before getting out of the car he stopped to catch his breath and let the dizzy spell pass.

This was the biggest hospital he's ever seen! The front was all glass due to the many windows it had and there was a large pool of water. He used to go to small run down hospitals as a child for the flu or a stomach ache. He's never seen a hospital this big not even in other parts of the USA! On the inside it felt even more intimidating, there were all kinds of people with an unknown story of their own. He could see the pain on some of their faces. There were all kinds of people from all over the world speaking in different languages. He Finley found his way to Brooks room with some help feeling all the more nervous.  

Brooks parents were glad Aman came, they didn't know the severity of his bad example so they left the two boys alone. 

Aman lingered in the doorway as Brooks just gazed up at him with his deep green eyes. He looked sick today, sicker then Aman remembered. The boy had a hollow face with defined cheekbones but, it was never a sickly look except for today. His dark hair lay over the left side of his forehead covering his eye. 

"Can I come in?" Aman asked in a whisper ashamed to use his voice.

"Ok." Replied Brooks.

Aman was glad to take the chair beside Brooks bed, the bright lights and strong smells of the hospital were upsetting his stomach and giving him a headache. This wasn't his first time getting a concussion but, it was his first time not taking care of it. He hoped Brooks would forgive him because he blamed himself for all of this.


Back at home, the other boys were in an uproar. Officer Heart has left, and Aman was known where to be found neither was the car. 

"Guys, calm down! I have to make dinner!" Told Agustin sounding more like himself for the first time in the last few days. 

"But who knows where he is!" Cried, Dylan.

"Yeah, we should have just told Officer Heart the truth." Added Javier.

"He's a big boy, let him be." Agustin truly didn't care about Aman at the moment his mind was on Brooks, he left to sit on the porch to think. He wanted to be with his friend who was in the hospital, he didn't want him to leave the contract. He prayed to God for Brooks when the sound of a car slowing down in front of the house stopped him. 

He looked over as a chevy pulled up near the front lawn across the street. Agustin watched thinking someone would come out when that wasn't the case at all. The car just sat there as if the person inside needed help. So Agustin got up and walked down to the car hoping he could be this person's source of help. He waved a hand as he approached so that the person inside would open the window.

"Is everything alright?" Agustin asked. 

The man had gray hair and a bit of scruff on his chin, his clothes looked worn as did his faint smile. 

"What a kind young man, could you help me?" He asked. 

"I'll try, what seems to be the problem?" Asked Agustin.

"I need a place to go, young man, it's just me and my car, perhaps you have some money I could borrow? I swear on my mother's life I'll pay you back."

Agustin thought for a moment, Officer Heart told them to lend a helping hand for those in need and being the caring person he was, he had a better solution.

"I'm afraid the budgets tight for me and boys right now. Why don't you come inside, I can fix you a meal and we can think of something. You can't spend another night in the cold." Smile Agustin.


"Kind boy. The names Orson Lux by the way." He told Agustin, getting exactly what he wanted. This way he could be in the boys living room instead of watching from the streets.


Aman, on the other hand, knew he better make his apology quick, Officer Heart would be back at the hospital and he needed to get home. 

"I'm sorry your sick," He began.

Brooks just eyed him fiddling with one of the electrodes on his chest from the heart monitor.

"Brooks, I'm sorry about the other night and I hope you'll forgive me." 

"I don't know Aman." Replied Brooks looking a bit angry.

"Think about it, my Papa always said the least a man can do is apologize, and I'm with you on this man. See ya later." Then Aman left feeling sorry.


Officer Heart got back to the hospital before leaving for good.

"Brooks you can keep you contract if you follow the Doctors orders."

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