6-How could they!

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Hey! I hope everyone enjoys this. :D

"That's the guy that's been watching us." Said Dylan. 

"He has no place to go, can't we just let him stay one night?" Agustin pleaded.

"If he sleeps with Aman, I'm moving in with you guys." Said Javier.

"Fine, then it's settled." Agustin walked back into the kitchen where Orson was seated at the table.

"You can stay the night if you don't mind sharing your space." Said Agustin.

"The living room will be good for me, thank you, kind men." He smiled.


Aman was leaving the hospital in a scurry, he tried to ignore the dizziness in his head when slam! He bumped right into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" He said without even looking up.

"No problem!" Replied the voice of a female.

Aman looked up and the two met eyes, she was gorgeous!

"You look unwell, why don't you take a seat." She helped him over to a chair in the hallway near one of the rooms.

"Thank you." He replied.

"Can I get you anything?" She asked.

"No, thanks again Brighton."

She blushed a bit at his forwardness.

"Hey, it's what name tags are for." He shrugged.

"Well, watch yourself around here, I better go get this food to its hungry person." She winked.

Aman watched her disappear down the hall and straight into Brooks room. "That little devil," He whispered. "He even has her fooled with his looks."


Agustin cooked a good meal for everyone.

"So, where are you boys from?" Orson asked trying to spoon up some information.

"I'm from Ecuador, I miss my home." Said Agustin being quite the Mamas boy at times.

"I'm from Puerto Rico, what about yourself?" Asked Dylan. Javier kicked him from under the table for even answering the question, he obviously didn't trust this guy.

"I'm from New York city, I lived in LA for a bit too."

"What happened?" Asked Agustin.

"It all crashed, my business. Now I'm here because it's cheaper to live, just me and my car." Orson was telling the truth except for the part about coming here because it was cheaper to live. He came here to find Aman.

"Is that why you just hang out here?" Asked Dylan.

"What do you mean young man?" Orson asked.

"Well, I've seen you hanging out in the streets," Dylan replied.

"Oh," Chuckled Orson. "I had no place to go, Dylan, I found this neighborhood to be a safe place." He lied.


Brooks was reading when Brighton came in with the tray of food. His parents were out for dinner and he didn't mind being alone to catch up on reading.

Flying Cyrus was still searching for his essence, he didn't know how he'd ever find it! So Flying Cyrus gathered his group together called The Team Hero's. Ali, Dane, Cole, Casey, and himself.

Brooks thought for a moment, it reminded him of he and the boys and their mission. Just then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" He called.

"Your foods ready." Hummed Brighton as she came in.

Brooks still didn't feel hungry but he'd eat it if Brighton was the one bringing it.

"Thank you." He smiled placing the book on the bedside table.

"Hungry now?" She asked.

"No, but thank you... Bri-g-h-t-on."

Brighton began laughing at his thick accent.

"No it's Brighton, the i-g-h says I, and the o-n sounds like in."

Brooks raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, Brighton?" He asked.

"Very nice!" Then she got a faraway expression on her face. "My brother could never say it when he was little. Well, I hope you enjoy the food see you tomorrow."

"Tomorrow's too far away!" Pleaded Brooks with a wink. Brighton blushed.

"Tomorrow it has to be." She smiled.


Aman made it back to his car before another dizzy spell hit him. He was tempted to call one of the boys to come get him but, he knew that would end in an argument. He got in the car and waited a few minutes on till he felt it was safe to drive. It wasn't easy but, he made it back safely. He dragged his tired body out of the car and up the driveway when he noticed another car parked in front. He knew it couldn't be Officer Heart, his car was much nicer than that. He shrugged it off anyhow and went to the door eager to lie down.

"I'm back!" He called when he came inside.

"Who's that?" Orson asked as if he didn't know.

"Aman's back." Javier rolled his eyes.

"I'll go talk to him." Agustin got up from where he was seated on the sofa and met Aman in the kitchen.

"There you are. You can't just leave without telling anyone."

Aman raised his eyebrows. "Who says? And who's car is that outside?"

"He needs a place to stay and he seems nice enough to trust." Explained Agustin.

"You're so vulnerable man, you can't just trust some random dude!" Aman had know idea what he was about to see, it would change his whole cocky attitude to fear and humility!

"Well, I think I have better judgment than you. Where you been anyway?" Agustin asked.

"Apologizing to Brooks." Told Aman. He took one of the cookies off the pan that were cooling on the oven.

"Proud of you!" Smiled Agustin trying to annoy Aman, he always tried to hide it whenever he did something good. Like a few months ago he bought Javier a new shirt for ripping the first one but, he could hardly admit that was the reason.

"Well, come meet our guest," Agustin said gesturing to the living room.

"Comin right along." Aman chuckled forgetting his dizziness for the time being. Things seemed to be going normally for him when he stepped into the living room.

At first, he didn't notice, he just saw Dylan and Javier sitting on the sofa. It was when Agustin gestured to the armchair across from the sofa. Suddenly everything became a blur, the eyes of Orson Luz looking right at Aman. He had a fake smile written across his face as if this didn't mean a thing. But Aman could feel his own face go pale, dizziness took over his body causing him to stumble a bit hitting Agustin's chest.

"Watch yourself." Warned Agustin as he grasped Aman's arms to keep him upright.

Dylan came over and helped Agustin walk Aman over to the sofa.

"He's been unwell," Dylan said to Orson over his shoulder.

"I can see that he looks rather pale," Orson said knowingly obviously trying to annoy Aman further. 

Aman took a seat on the sofa beside Javier for a moment to catch his bearings, then as his vision cleared he met Orson's eyes, the two of them just staring each other down. The other boys looked confused, they imagined Aman was just having another bad attitude and finding something new to hate on.

"And who might you be?" Asked Orson pretending he didn't know.

The last thing Aman needed was for the boys to find out then he'd be finished.

"Aman." He played along, the two of them having a silent understanding they'd keep their past a secret. The only problem being was why on earth did Orson come here? Probably to ruin everything for Aman perhaps kill him this time! Aman was growing more and more light headed when he couldn't fake it anymore. He shut his eyes and lay his head on the back of the sofa letting his heart hit his chest hard. How on earth could the boys do this? How could they do this!


Javier, on the other hand, couldn't take Aman any longer, the way he lay there as if he was helpless. He had no pity on him at all the whole thing was quite sickening, he quietly left the room and went upstairs into the attic. He stared at the still stone, he wanted to do all of this perfect, he could feel a massive amount of guilt rise in his heart. They all lied that day and the other boys didn't seem to be bothered. But what was the real reason behind the stone? Officer Heart never told them what it really was for.


Brooks, on the other hand, was reading his troubles away when his parents got back. Only one of them could stay with him so his Papa took a hotel allowing his Mama to be there.

"What are you reading bebe?" She asked stroking the bangs away from his eye.

"It's just a book." He said quickly hiding it under the covers.

"Are you okay? Did you eat anything?" She asked him.

"I'm not hungry Mama." His voice trailed off as if he had more to say. "Mama, will I die young?" He asked.

Delfia looked at him. "Don't think that Brooks, your young and strong, you're a fighter." She told him.

Brooks just shut his eyes to those words hoping she was right. He kept on thinking of Flying Cyrus and the book how he never gave up on anything, that was his goal.


Aman went to bed that night feeling too tired to sort things out, he must have been sick if he was able to catch any kind of rest knowing Orson Luz was there. Anytime he was near Orson his soul seemed to fill with fear and Aman hated that feeling of being vulnerable. That's when he remembered something far more important. His baby girl was back home without a Mama or a Papa! His heart began to race as he thought of that, he wanted her to have a better life then he's given himself. But with Orson around, he couldn't possibly have her stay here. Wait, he was going to force Orson out of this place, he would know longer act like a frightened child! He took out his phone wincing with its bright lights and texted Todd Heart.

A-My baby's Mama left, can she come live with me here?

He didn't expect such a quick response.

T-Aman, I hope you're well!

A-I'm better thank you.

T-Can you hold your responsibilities with a baby around?

Aman thought for a moment, he wasn't even holding them now! But he could see those big brown eyes of his baby girl staring up at him as if she was begging her Daddy for a better life.

A-Yes Office Heart.

T-I trust you Aman, do what's best for you.

The words of Officer Heart made him feel guilty but, at the moment he hardly cared. How could hid friends invite Orson Luz in? How could they!

Please share your thoughts. Thank you :D 

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