7-Everyone wants to be heard

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A/N I hope everyone enjoys this! Comment and share your thoughts! Thank you!

:D Officer Heart had no idea of what was going on with the boys. He expected the boys to honest and responsible like they said they would in their contract. Of course, he expected them to mess up they were only young and human for that. He received a notice from Agustin about Allowing a homeless man to stay the night and added that to their list of good deeds. But he has realized the lack in notices as if the boys haven't been doing as many good deeds. He would have to ask them about it on his next visit if things didn't improve. He didn't ask them this time, doing an experiment they didn't know about. He wanted to test their maturity to see rather or not they would be honest with him and come out with the truth on their own accords.


Things turned out differently for Aman then he expected. He ended up getting a full night's rest when he thought he'd be up with nerves all night. He felt a bit dizzy as he got out of bed, glancing over at Dylan who was fast asleep on Javier's bed. The boys switched rooms since Javier couldn't stand being with Aman any longer. Aman stood at the top of the steps for a few moments trying to hear if Orson was awake yet. He had to find out why Orson was here, he knew he was bound to ruin everything for the boys. There was no sign of him so Aman went to the bathroom to clean up for the day. As soon as he was finished he made his way back to his bedroom before another dizzy spell hit him.

"Up early." Chuckled Dylan once Aman came into the room. Dylan looked a bit more tired than usual, he's been up most the night with Aman's restless sleeping habits as of late.

"I have to try to go to work or I'll lose my job." Said Aman, it was clear he wasn't doing well. He was stumbling a bit and his gait was far from steady.

"Aman, why won't you just see a D.r? What's going on with you man? Does it have something to do with the old gang? He asked.

"No, trust me, I know what I'm doing." Said Aman, he was searching his dresser drawers for a shirt to put on.


Dylan studied Aman's strong build. He was dark skinned with matching eyes. Even behind his rebel heart, he couldn't hide the softness in his deep brown eyes, it was as if they told a story of another side of him. One he kept very hidden from the boys. He had dark curls which he usually pulled back. He had a few tattoo's as well. Dylan always looked up to Aman, he wasn't sure why himself since the other boys put him down. Dylan knew Aman made some wrong choices because he's done it himself in the past. But there was something about that guy that Dylan couldn't help looking up to.

"Fine, I'll trust you but I don't know if I think it's a good idea. I'm going to see what Agustin made for breakfast."

Dylan found Agustin in the kitchen. It was obvious he's gone a bit wild with the baking. There was puffs of flour left in the air and bowls all over the counters. A warm smell poured out of the oven giving the old house a homey feel.

"Good morning Dylan." Said Agustin with a smile. It was rather strange, he hasn't been himself for some time but as of late he's been cherry again.

"It smells good in here. Is our guest up yet?" Dylan asked as he took a seat at the table crowded with baking utensils.

"I think he's still asleep. You look tired, is everything okay?" Agustin was always concerned for others.

"I'm just tired, Aman kept me awake last night." Replied Dylan.

"Now what did he do?" Asked Agustin, he put another dirty bowl into the sink.

"Nothing, he was just mumbling in his fevers all night." Told Dylan.

"It's his own problem he doesn't see a D.r. Brooks is probably coming home today, I made him some brownies he's been asking." Said Agustin with a proud smile.

Dylan felt bad for Brooks, after all, he loved him like a brother. But everything was always Brooks! All the girls went wild for him, they couldn't go out to have fun without there being complications with Brooks. Dylan felt sorry for feeling this way, but he wasn't sure how to get rid of the feeling.

"Breakfast should be done in a few seconds, I made blueberry muffins," Agustin said.


At the hospital, Brooks and his parents have been waiting some time for the D.r to get back. Brooks could feel the sore spot under the gauze on his arm where the needle had been earlier. They were waiting on test results for his white blood cell count. He hoped it would be better, he wanted to go back to school and lead the life of a "normal" 16-year-old boy. As he sat in his anticipations D.r Mccardie got there. He looked serious as if the news was bad.

"Good morning M.r and Mrs. Reyes." Then he turned to Brooks with a smile as if he had to fake it in order not to worry him. "And how are we this morning?"

Brooks bit his lower lip, he wasn't doing much better but he couldn't bare being honest. He wanted out of this place.

"I'm fine." He lied.

D.r Mccardie turned to his parents. "Brooks white blood cell count is very low, I'm afraid I have, to be frank. If Brooks catches any infections it could be fatal. It's flu season which only adds more potential of him catching anything."

Brooks saw his parents exchanged worried glances and he felt his own chest tighten.

No, this can't happen. He thought.

D.r Mccardie turned to him. "Brooks you can not leave the house without wearing a mask and that is D.r's orders. And I expect everyone in your house to be careful of spreading germs this is very serious. Your heart is very weak Brooks and I know that as a 16-year-old you don't want to hear these things. I'm sorry to be the one to spread the bad news, but Brooks you can't lift anything heavy. That can cause a lot of strain in the heart which can be fatal. Also if your digestion does not improve I'm afraid a feeding tube will have to be inserted. Healthy foods contribute to a healthy heart. Again I'm very sorry Brooks, I wish the news was better."

Brooks wasn't sure what to think, he blocked out his parent's conversations with the D.r and drowned himself in worries and fears.


Aman, on the other hand, was anticipating going downstairs. At the same time, he just wanted to confront Orson Luz when really he was too afraid! Fear, it was the last thing he liked to admit to feeling. But it was true he was afraid of Orson Luz and he knew he couldn't change that. He went back into the bathroom to stare at himself in the mirror. He knew it was the time he reasoned with himself, he had to get brave! He's done so many other things in his life, why couldn't he stand up to Orson luz? He's robbed stores with his old gang, why on earth was he so afraid? But there he was standing in front of the mirror looking the same as he did the last time.

"Come on Aman, are you some kind of coward?" He told himself.

He began feeling dizzy again when and grasped the counter top. He shut his eyes when his vision became blurred and his legs began to give way.


Javier was just waking up, rare for him to do so this late. He was headed to the bathroom when he heard a bang. He hurried over to the bathroom to see what happened when he flung the door open to find Aman lying on the floor!

"Oh my! Agustin, Dylan!" He cried.

Soon enough the others were up there all crowded around Aman as best as they could in the small bathroom.

"Leave me alone." Mumbled Aman, he wasn't passed out as Javier had thought, just a bit shook up due to his stumble.

"You're bleeding!" Said Agustin pulling the towel off the hook and bringing it to the gash on Aman's head.

"Careful." Aman winced at the pain.


Dylan could see that the gash was deep and he knew there was only one other alternative.

"We have to cut his hair in order to clean the wound better. How did you hit it?" He asked.

"On the counter." Replied Aman shutting his eyes.

"What if he has another concussion!" Panicked Agustin.

"Then we will have to see."

It was clear Aman didn't notice Orson Luz there. He looked shocked when he spoke, his eyes flew open to meet the older man's face.

"How can we tell?" Asked Javier.

"In time, if his vomiting increases, worse headaches. You boys seem to know what you're doing and I don't want to trouble you any further. I think I will be on my way now." Said Orson.

"Oh but don't go yet." Pleaded Agustin.

"No, I better go, maybe find somewhere to stay in the next state. I can't thank you, boys, enough." Orson gave them a smile then turned to leave.


Aman felt his heart race, Orson was leaving before he could do a thing! He was bound to leave with some kind of information!

I'm a coward. He thought to himself.


Orson left as quickly as he could, he needed one last piece of information. He already saw how the boys were living, how things worked between them, but he needed one more thing. He went into Aman's room and searched everything trying not to mess things up as best as possible. Then he found Aman's contract with Office Heat under some clothes in the third drawer. He pulled it out and thrust it into his pocket then left.


"Finished." Dylan felt proud of the haircut he gave Aman although Aman seemed rather upset.

"I have to go to work." He said as he attempted getting up off the stool he was seated on in the bathroom.

"You have to be out of your mind Aman!" Said Agustin. "There is no way you can work in your condition."

Aman rolled his eyes. "And how do you think you are going to stop me?" He asked.

"Aman you can't go, come on its common sense!" Javier chimed in.

"Yeah, tell him Javi, he's so stubborn." Agustin crossed his arms.

"Actually I don't want to be fired so I'll see you guys later." And with that Javier left.

"Dylan, don't you have anything to say?" Asked Agustin looking a bit red in the face.

"Well, I wish you two would stop fighting all the time, other than that I have nothing to say. I have work, see ya." And Dylan left as well.

He was feeling a bit upset, he wasn't exactly sure why but something was bothering him. He's repented from a former life of lies and alcohol and he seemed to be reliving it even though he wasn't exactly. He left the house eagerly that morning and headed to work crossing his arms at the chill. Oh, how he wished the weather would warm up and that there would be more sun.

Why am I so upset. What do I want? He thought to himself as he walked the busy old streets. He stopped at a crosswalk when he noticed a girl standing there. He thought he might never have luck with girls although he's had prom dates and things in the past. But they always ended up breaking his heart and he decided he'd never go for just any girl because she was friendly and pretty. But for some strange reason, this girl was staring at him, he felt like Brooks for a moment.

"It's cold out." She said when he caught her eyes.

Dylan only nodded his head afraid of messing up again like he has in the past, besides his English wasn't very good.

"I work at the hospital and it's not much better in there. I see so many different things, it's actually horrible a lot of the time." She explained for whatever reason, but to tell the truth, Dylan liked her way of engaging him in conversation.

"Nurse?" He asked in his thick accent.

"No, I bring people their meals, I enjoy it, though." She smiled.

Dylan looked at the crosswalk as it still wasn't signaling them to walk.

"My friend is in hospital." Said Dylan, he wasn't sure why he just told a total stranger that. Perhaps it was because he was more worried for Brooks then he expected and didn't know who to go to.

"I'm sorry to hear that, is he alright?" She asked having a no idea this was about Brooks.

Dylan just shrugged, besides he didn't really know what she had asked. Just then the signal changed and the two went their separate ways.

"Have good day!" Smiled Dylan.

"You have a good day yourself and I wish your friend the best!" Called Brighton.


"Agustin just leave me alone!" Shouted Aman.

"But Aman, you can't go to work like this! You'll end up losing your job anyways you can hardly stand!" Agustin was growing angry.

"Why do you feel like you have to babysit all of us? I know you might be the oldest but you're the silliest! Just chill man okay? We don't need you to look out for us, maybe Brooks does but that's because he's a kid! I'm going to work man, don't go messing around in my business."

Agustin felt a bit hurt, he meant well, his Mama always taught him to look out for others before himself. He watched Aman stumble out of the room mentally telling himself to just leave him be. He had work himself and wanted to be home in time for Brooks. He left the brownies to cool in the oven and then headed off to the city.


Aman, on the other hand, thought about leaving again, Orson Luz knew where he was, he was feeling too dizzy to go on so he decided to ditch work and buy himself some beers using money from the budget. He stopped at a convenient store, bought the drinks and sat outside to sip on them. Maybe this way he would be too drunk to deal with whatever Orson Luz was up to, perhaps he could get rid of the pain in his head that was beginning to nauseate him.


Dylan was on break at work that afternoon, he sat at one of the tables to people watch and have his lunch, one of the sandwiches Agustin made. He felt a bit left out back home with the boys. He knew that was babyish. He felt rather lonely although he had four guys who he thought of as friends awaiting him at home. But is all they've been doing is fighting and that was the last thing Dylan wanted for them to do. He watched all the unfamiliar faces when he spots someone. It was her! The girl at the crosswalk! This had to mean something, why else would he see the same girl two times just hours apart from each other? But this was what got him into trouble last time, he just went for any girl that seemed decent. She was so nice and he felt like she was different. As he watched her take a table all alone their eyes met. Dylan gave her a smile and she looked rather surprised to see him there. He had to at least say hello, so he stood up and walked over to her table across the room.

"Someone seems to be following me." She winked. He smiled at him.

"You work here!?" She asked.

"Yeah," He told her.

An awkward silence arose, Dylan wanted to sit with her but thought that might be a bit too forward.

"Where are you from?" Asked Brighton looking a bit embarrassed.

"Puerto Rico, I'm just here," He trailed off not sure of how to say it in English.

"Temporarily?" She asked while cocking her head.

He nodded his head. "Dylan."

"I'm Brighton." She replied.

"Want to a go," He gestured toward the door in a way of saying want to go out sometime. 

Brighton smiled. "Sure, thank you."

Dylan secretly blessed that day, it seemed about time he had another date. Perhaps this was a done on a whim but he couldn't take being alone any longer.

When Dylan got back that night he found the house perfectly clean, he knew it had to have been Agustin and Javier's doing.

"There you are!" Smile Agustin once Dylan walked in through the front door. "Brooks is getting here in five minutes. We can all have dinner together."

Dylan just gave a quick smile and headed down the hallway smelling the aromas coming from the kitchen as he passed it.

"Be down here when he comes!" Agustin called after him.

Dylan went upstairs to clean up a bit then found Javier and Agustin waiting at the kitchen table.

"I have a date this weekend." He smiled.

"Whooaa, you work quick, getting lessons from Brooks?" Teased Javier.

"Brooks isn't the only one that can get the girls you know." Dylan took his seat at the table. "Wheres Aman?" He asked taking a look around.

"Who knows, I'm assuming still at work." Said Agustin.

"I got Brooks a coming home present, he's pretty brave for coming back here and not staying with his parents." Javier picked up the book beside his chair. "It's a new book." He seemed proud by his choice for a gift.

"My gift to him is dinner and brownies." Added Agustin, Dylan was suddenly feeling guilty he didn't get anything for Brooks. It hardly seemed necessary since he was in the hospital for a short amount of time.

Just then there was a knock on the door and Agustin and Javier jumped up to go see. Dylan heard them talking to Brooks parents at the door and a few minutes later Agustin, Javier, and Brooks came into the kitchen. What Dylan saw wasn't at all what he expected. Brooks was leaning into Agustin for support and wearing a mask! Dylan felt his heart pounding, he was sicker than he thought!

"Take it off now." Chuckled Agustin pulling the mask away from Brooks' mouth.

'Hey, Dylan!" Brooks exclaimed looking around the house as if he hasn't been there in years!

"Hey Brooks, long time no see!" He winked standing up to embrace the boy.

"Not that long guys, you don't have to spoil me." Said Brooks making his way slowly to the table.

"I got you a present!" Said Javier with excitement. He went over to his spot at the table and pulled up the bag which the book was in.

"Thanks, Javier!" Exclaimed Brooks taking the bag and opening it up to see what's inside. He pulled out the book and immediately his face lit up. "Thanks, Javier!"

"And I made you dinner and it's your favorite, chicken, and rice." Smiled Agustin placing a plate in front of Brooks.

Brooks winced at the site of food. "Thank you, Agustin."

"And you will eat all of it too! The D.r told me you haven't been eating." Said Agustin.

"Wheres Aman?" Brooks asked taking a look around.

"Probably work." Repled Agustin serving the other boys their food.


Meanwhile, Orson Luz was in back in LA, the place he's been living before he came to Ohio. The city was busy as usual. Orson cursed as he made his way to the Eastwood apartment building. He didn't have time for all the hustle and bustle the city had to offer 24 7. He took a plane as soon as he could that morning in hopes of reaching LA as soon as possible. He had to get to the third floor but there were so many people using the elevators he couldn't even get on one. Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, there was a free spot and he was headed up to the third floor. Once he got up there he followed the hall to the very last room on that story. He was carrying one bag full of his belongings and Aman's contract in the right pocket of his ripped jacket. He patted his pocket to make sure it was still there then sighed with relief and a bit of tiredness. He lifted a fist and knocked impatiently now, it's taken all day to just get to this very door. He heard some stumbling around on the other side than the sound of the lock being fiddled with. Then the door opened.

"Where on earth have you been?" Asked the boy at the door.

"Corey, this sort of thing isn't easy. Now let me in."

Corey widened the door and Orson stepped into the two bedroom apartment.

"Corey, I have the contract and I have a great plan of how we can destroy things for Aman and his new little group." Smiled Orson.


The boys were eating their dinner, Brooks mostly picking at his, when Agustin's cell phone rang.

"Wonder who that can be." He said while reaching into his pocket to pull out his cell. "Hello?"

There was heavy breathing on the other line.

"Hello?" Repeated Agustin feeling his chest tighten.

"Come pick me up." Said the familiar voice of Aman only this time his speech sounded slurred.

"Aman? What happened?!" He panicked.

"Don't know, in front of the store down the street."

Thank you for reading and please tell me what you thought about this chapter. Thank you. :D 

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